- Agenda
A meeting of the University Education Committee will be held on Wednesday 26 February 2025 at 1:05pm, by way of Microsoft Teams.
Ms Isabella Fausti, Administrative Officer
1. Approval of the Minute of the Meeting Held on 14 January 2025 (UEC/260225/001) 2. Matters Arising/Actions (UEC/260225/002, UEC/260225/003, and UEC/260225/004) 3. MyAberdeen Courses’ Rollover 2025-26 and Institutional Course Template (UEC/260225/005) Members of the UEC are invited to discuss and approve the proposals for the MyAberdeen Rollover and Institutional Course Template. 4. Computer-Based and Online Assessments TFG (i) Assessment Taxonomy (UEC/260225/006) Members of the Committee are invited to discuss the Assessment Taxonomy. (ii) Online Assessment Guidance (UEC/260225/007) Members of the Committee are invited to discuss the Online Assessment Guidance. 5. PGT Portfolio Review update (UEC/260225/008) Members of the Committee will hear an update in respect of the PGT Portfolio Review. 6. Process Review update (Oral Item) Members of the Committee will hear an oral update in respect of the Process Review 7. Student Casework Data 2023/24 (i) Appeals and Complaints (UEC/260225/009) (ii) Academic Discipline (UEC/260225/010) Members of the UEC are invited to discuss the student casework data for 2023/24 in respect of (i) appeals and complaints; and (ii) academic discipline. 8. Student Withdrawals Report (UEC/260225/011) Members of the Committee are invited to discuss the Student Withdrawals Report. 9. Dates of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday 5 November 2024 at 1:05pm, in the Court Room, University Office or by Microsoft Teams 10. Items for Information – see below Any member of the Committee wishing an item for routine approval or for information to be brought forward for discussion may ask at the meeting for that to be done. Any such item will be taken after item 1.
Declaration of interests: Any member and individual in attendance (including Officers) who has a clear interest in a matter on the agenda should declare that interest at the relevant meeting, whether or not that interest is already recorded in the Registry of Member's interests.
10. FOR INFORMATION 10.1 Updates from the Employability and Entrepreneurship Committee (EEC): (i) Minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2025 (UEC/260225/012) (ii) Upscaling Work Based Learning Policy Development Work Stream (UEC/260225/013) Members of the Committee are invited to note the updates from the EEC. 10.2 Updates from the Student Support and Experience Committee (SSEC): (i) Minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2025 (UEC/260225/014) (ii) Update on Report and Request Tool (UEC/260225/015) (iii) Summary of Video Captions Support (UEC/260225/016) (iv) Aberdeen Student Experience Survey (UEC/260225/017) Members of the Committee are invited to note the updates from the SSEC. 10.3 Omnibus Resolution 2025/26 (UEC/260225/018) Members of the Committee are invited to note the Omnibus Resolution 2025/26. - Previous Agendas
2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023
2021-2022 2020-2021 Previous Agendas for the former University Committee on Teaching and Learning
2019 - 2021 2021
- 12 November 2020
- 14 October 2020
- 7 October 2020
- 5 August 2020
- 22 June 2020
- 21 May 2020
- 28 April 2020
- 26 February 2020
- 15 January 2020
2017 - 2019 2019
- Minutes
Draft Minutes 2023/24 2022/23 2021/22
- Digest
UEC Digest
This digest provides a short summary of the outcome of the meeting of the University Education Committee held on 5 March 2024. Staff can access the full agendas and papers on the University website.
Risk Register
The Committee discussed the Risk Register, in particular the risks associated with the Education portfolio.
Update On the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Institutional Liaison Meeting (ILM)
The Committee received an oral update on the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Institutional Liaison Meeting (ILM), held on 29 February 2024.
Student Surveys Update
The Committee received an update on 'survey season' and, in particular, on work ongoing in regard to the Aberdeen Student Experience Survey (ASES) and the National Student Survey (NSS).
Support for Study Policy
The Committee discussed proposed amendments to the Support for Study policy, on the recommendation of the Student Support and Experience Committee (SSEC).
Student Withdrawals Report 2022/23
The Committee received and discussed the paper providing data on withdrawal rates for on- campus degree students during the 2022/23 academic year.
Graduate Attributes and Skills
The Committee received an update in regard to Graduate Attributes and Skills and work underway to setup a working group to support work ongoing in this regard.
Induction, Transition and Employability Week (ITEW)
The Committee received an update on the Induction Transition and Employability Week (ITEW).
Work-Based Learning Courses and Ideas
The Committee received a presentation on Work-based Learning (WBL) Courses.
Updated Delivery of Education Principles
The Committee received a paper providing updated on the Delivery of Education Principles.
Update On Work on Generative AI In Education
The Committee received an update on work on Generative AI in Education.
Academic Integrity Resources
The Committee received an update on Academic Integrity Resources.
Online Education Forum
The Committee received an update on the Online Education Forum.
Retention Policy for Videos in Panopto
The Committee received a paper outlining current practice for managing video content (including audio) within Panopto and discussed the recommendation to implement a Panopto Video Retention Policy for academic year 2024-25. Members of the Committee agreed to support the recommendation.
Minutes From the UEC Sub-Committees Meetings
The Committee noted the minutes of the most recent meetings of the Employability and Entrepreneurship Committee (EEC) and the S tudent Support and Experience Committee (SSEC) .
Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) Results
The Committee noted the Postgraduate Research Experience (PRES) results .
Video on Academic Integrity
The Committee noted a video (link - to follow) prepared in regard to academic integrity.
Any questions regarding the University Education Committee digest should be sent to academicservices@abdn.ac.uk .
- Previous Digests
2023-24 2022-23
2021-22 - Remit
(To be reviewed annually at last meeting of committee cycle and proposed changes considered by Senate for approval)
To be responsible to the Senatus Academicus for the strategic oversight of:
- education matters relating to undergraduate, postgraduate taught and taught elements of postgraduate research;
- the wider student experience relating to matters impacting on student success;
- the development of approaches to educational innovation.
The UEC shall:
- be responsible for the oversight, development and monitoring of the University's strategic approach to educational provision, its associated operational plan and risk register, and the alignment of these with School plans and with Aberdeen 2040 and its associated operational plans;
- comment on draft education policy where input sought by the Quality Assurance Committee and drive forward its implementation working in partnership with School Education Committees;
- highlight to the Quality Assurance Committee where policy related issues are identified requiring consideration;
- be responsible for the innovation and ongoing enhancement of the quality of educational provision and for ensuring the effective dissemination of good practice including oversight of the University's engagement with the QAA Enhancement Themes;
- Through its committees, be responsible for the development of actions at institutional level, and in Schools, based on analysis of national and internal data (e.g. National Student Survey, non-continuation, Graduate Outcomes, degree classifications and awarding gaps);
- Ensure that Education and the wider student experience is delivered inclusively;
- Through the Centre for Academic Development (CAD), develop, review and promote professional staff development opportunities in regard to the delivery of education, including assessment and feedback;
- Through the Centre for Academic Development, inform the support required by Schools for the development of educational innovations;
- consider recommendations from the Employability and Entrepreneurship Committee (EEC) in regard to the quality of provision of careers education, employability and the co-curriculum;
- consider recommendations from the Student Support & Experience Committee (SSEC) in regard to the quality of the delivery of effective, appropriate and consistent student support and the wider student experience;
- be responsible for the oversight of teaching-related credit-bearing activity related to student mobility;
- engage in horizon scanning to anticipate and prepare for new opportunities and likely future developments in education and the wider student experience.
Members' Responsibilities:
Each member of the committee will contribute to discussions and feedback on these to their respective areas for comment and further input. School leads ensure that they use their School Education Committees and other School forums to inform feedback into UEC and to raise matters relevant to UEC or for referral onto QAC as appropriate.
- Composition & Membership
Chair: Professor Jo-Anne Murray
Clerk: Emma Tough
Email: e.tough@abdn.ac.uk
Composition Chair: Vice-Principal (Education)
- Student President of the Students' Association (or nominee)
- Vice-President for Education of the Students' Association
- School Directors of Education
- Dean for Student Support and Experience
- Dean for Educational Innovation
- Dean for Employability and Entrepreneurship
- Dean for Quality Assurance and Enhancement
- Dean for Postgraduate Research School
- Director of Studies (Qatar)
- Dean for International Student Pathways
- Dean for Widening Access, Articulation and Outreach
- Dean for Portfolio and Programme Promotion Development
- Two representatives nominated by Senate (2-year terms)
- QAA Enhancement Theme Lead
- Academic Representative of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee
In attendance:
- Director of People
- Head of Quality
- Head of Online Education
- Academic Registrar
- Head of the Centre for Academic Development (CAD)
- Head of the Careers and Employability Service
- Head of Student Support
- Head of the Language Centre
- Director of Digital and Information Services (or nominee)
- University Librarian
- Student Mobility Representative
- School Administration Manager
- Students' Association Staff Member
Quorum: 50%
Membership Role
Chair (Vice-Principal, Education)
Jo-Anne Murray
Student President of the Students' Association (or nominee):
Karim Hurtig
Vice-President for Education of the Students' Association:
Miles Rothoerl
School Directors of Education:
School of Biological Sciences
Michelle Pinard
Business School
David McCausland
School of Divinity, History, Philosophy and Art History
Ken Jeffrey
School of Education
Leigh Bjorkvoll
School of Engineering
Euan Bain
School of Geosciences
Josh Wright
School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture
Shona Potts
School of Law
Anne-Michelle Slater
School of Psychology
Helen Knight and Jacqui Hutchison
School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
Colin Lumsden
School of Natural and Computing Sciences
Nigel Beacham
School of Social Science
Stuart Durkin
Representative nominated by the Senate:
Amudha Poobalan
Representative nominated by the Senate:
Afzal Waheed Dean for Student Support:and Experience
Jason Bohan
Dean for Educational Innovation:
Kirsty Kiezebrink
Dean for Employability and Entrepreneurship:
John Barrow
Dean for Quality Assurance and Enhancement:
Steve Tucker
Dean of Postgraduate Research School:
Stuart Piertney
Director of Studies (Qatar):
Lyn Batchelor
Dean for International Student Pathways:
Harminder Battu
Dean for Widening Access, Articulation and Outreach:
Alison Jenkinson
Dean for Portfolio Development and Programme Promotion:
John Mynott
QAA Enhancement Theme Lead:
Academic Representative of the EDI Committee:
Asha Venkatesh
In attendance:
Director of Academic Services and Online Education / People (or nominee)
Debbie Dyker
Head of Online Education Rob Cummins Head of the Centre for Academic Development (CAD):
Patricia Spence
Head of the Careers and Employability Service
Tracey Innes
Head of Student Support
Nick Edwards
Head of the Language Centre
Julie Bray
Ian Robotham Ian Robotham
University Librarian:
Simon Bains
School Administration Manager:
Rhona Moore
Student Mobility Representative
Louisa Stratton
Students' Association Staff Member
Graeme Kirkpatrick/Scott Carle (shared role)
Emma Tough
- Attendance
Attendance Records
2023/24 2022/23 2021/22
Previous Attendance Records