- Agenda
A meeting of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) will be held on Wednesday 19 February 2025 at 2:05pm in Committee Room 2, University Office and via Microsoft Teams.
Mr Liam Dyker, Administrative Officer
Clerk to the Quality Assurance Committee
(Email: liam.dyker2@abdn.ac.uk )
1. Approval of the Minute of the QAC Meeting Held on 11 December 2024 (QAC/190225/001) 2. Matters Arising and Action Log (QAC/190225/002) Members of the Committee are invited to note the Action Log. 3. Articulation Pathways 2025/26 (QAC/190225/016) Members of the Committee are invited to approve the Articulation Pathways for 2025/26. 4. Computer-Based and Online Assessments TFG (i) Assessment Taxonomy (QAC/190225/003) Members of the Committee are invited to discuss the Assessment Taxonomy. (ii) Online Assessment Guidance (QAC/190225/004) Members of the Committee are invited to discuss the Online Assessment Guidance. 5. Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment: Presentation (Oral Item) Members of the Committee will receive a presentation regarding the ongoing work in relation to TESTA. 6. Omnibus Resolution 2025/26 (QAC/190225/005) Members of the Committee are invited to discuss and approve the Omnibus Resolution 2025/26. 7. Student Casework Data 2023/24 Members of the Committee are invited to discuss the student casework data for 2023/24 in respect of (i) appeals and complaints; and (ii) academic discipline. (i) Appeals and Complaints (QAC/190225/006) (ii) Academic Discipline (QAC/190225/007) 8. Updates on Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework Members of the Committee will hear an oral update in respect of the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (i) Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER) (Oral Update) (ii) Scotland’s Tertiary Enhancement Programme (STEP) (Oral Update) 9. Undergraduate Annual Monitoring Members of the Committee are invited to discuss the responses to the Annual Programme Reviews, and to highlight any areas of good practice or areas of enhancement for further discussion or wider dissemination. Members of the Committee are invited to reflect on their own experiences with their oversight and home Schools. (i) Biological Sciences (QAC/190225/008a) (ii) Business (QAC/190225/008b) (iii) Divinity, History, Philosophy and Art History (QAC/190225/008c) (iv) Education (QAC/190225/008d) (v) Engineering (QAC/190225/008e) (vi) Geosciences (QAC/190225/008f) (vii) Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture (QAC/190225/008g) (viii) Law (QAC/190225/008h) (ix) Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition (QAC/190225/008i) (x) Natural and Computing Sciences (QAC/190225/008j) (xi) Psychology (QAC/190225/008k) (xii) Social Science (QAC/190225/008l) 10. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday 5 March 2025 at 2:05pm in Committee Room 2, University Office or via Microsoft Teams. 11. Items for Routine Approval - see below 12. Items for Information - see below Any member of the Committee wishing an item for routine approval or for information to be brought forward for discussion may ask at the meeting for that to be done. Any such item will be taken after item 1.
Declaration of interests: Any member and individual in attendance (including Officers) who has a clear interest in a matter on the agenda should declare that interest at the relevant meeting, whether or not that interest is already recorded in the Registry of Member's interests.
11.1 UK Quality Code Mapping Members of the Committee are invited to approve, by routine approval, the various sections of the UK Quality Code Mapping (i) Section 1: Admissions, Widening Access and Recruitment (QAC/190225/009) (ii) Section 5: Enabling Student Achievement (QAC/190225/010) (iii) Section 11: Student Engagement (QAC/190225/011) 11.2 Term Dates for Academic Year 2026/27 (QAC/190225/012) Members of the Committee are invited to approve, by routine approval, the term dates for academic year 2026/27. 11.3 Term Dates for BA in Childhood Practice 2025/26 Members of the Committee are invited to approve, by routine approval, the term dates for the BA in Childhood Practice for 2025/26, which have been amended since previous approval, as follows: Term 1 Opens
Monday 25 August 2025
Term 1 Closes
Friday 19 December 2025
Term 2 Opens
Monday 26 January 2026
Term 2 Closes
Friday 29 May 2026
11.4 Deadlines for the Return of Results 2025/26 (QAC/190225/013) Members of the Committee are invited to approve, by routine approval, the deadlines for the return of results in academic year 2025/26. 11.5 Summer Graduations 2025 (QAC/190225/014) Members of the Committee are invited to approve, by routine approval, the arrangements for Summer Graduations 2025. FOR INFORMATION
12.1 Report from Academic Policy and Regulations Group (APRG) (QAC/190225/015) Members of the Committee are invited to note the report from the Academic Policy and Regulations Group (APRG). 12.2 Matters Approved by Convenor’s Action (i) Term Dates for MSc Global Business Communication (Qatar) The Committee is invited to note that the term dates for the MSc Global Business Communication (Qatar) were approved by Convenor’s Action. The approved plan is to move the delivery week of Intercultural Communication from 9 February to 6 April. - Previous Agendas
Previous Agendas
- Current Digest
Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) Digest
This digest provides a short summary of the outcome of the meeting of the Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) held on 11 December 2024. Staff can access the full agendas and papers on the University website.
Undergraduate Entry Requirements
The QAC approved changes to the University’s entry requirements, in accordance with the Schedule of Delegated Authority, on behalf of Senate.
School of Education Internal Teaching Review Report
The QAC approved the School of Education Internal Teaching Review Report.
Postgraduate Research Matters
The QAC considered matters pertaining to postgraduate research. In doing so, the QAC (i) approved the Postgraduate Research (PGR) Readmissions Procedure, and (ii) approved Postgraduate Research Progression.
MyAberdeen Grades Journey: Transparency and Enhancing the Return of Grades to SRS
The QAC discussed a paper pertaining to the Grades Journey within MyAberdeen, and approved sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4. The QAC agreed that further discussion was required in relation to 4.3.
Professional Declaration for MSc Physician’s Associate Studies
The QAC approved the proposals for a Professional Declaration for the MSc in Physician’s Associate Studies at graduation.
External Quality Review
(i) Update on Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER)
(ii) Update on Scotland’s Tertiary Enhancement Programme (STEP)
(iii) Self-Evaluation and Action Plan
The QAC heard an update in respect of (i) TQER and (ii) STEP, and further noted (iii) the Self-Evaluation and Action Plan submission to SFC. The Committee noted that the TQER for the University of Aberdeen will take place in February 2026.
Education Policy and Regulations Review Schedule
The Committee heard an update on the Education Policy and Regulations Review Schedule following its consideration at Senate in December.
UK Quality Code Mapping
The Committee approved, by routine approval, the amendments to the UK Quality Code Mapping in respect of:
- Section 4: Course Design and Development;
- Section 8: Monitoring and Evaluation;
- Section 9: Partnerships: Partnerships; and
- Section 10: Research Degrees.
Students’ Progress Committees Remit & Composition
The Committee approved, by routine approval, the amendments to the Remits and Compositions for (i) Students’ Progress Committee and (ii) Students’ Progress Committee (Healthcare Programmes).
Updates to Course Feedback and Review Forms in respect of MySkills
The Committee approved, by routine approval, the amendments to the (i) Course Feedback and Reflection Form (CFRF) and (ii) Annual Course Review Form (ACR).
Updates from Reporting Committees & Groups
The Committee received updates from (i) the Academic Policy & Regulations Group; and (ii) the Students’ Progress Committee.
Matters Approved by Convenor’s Action: Term Dates for BSc Medical Sciences Honours Projects
The Committee noted a change to the term dates for the BSc Medical Sciences honours projects, which will commence a week earlier than Term 2 is scheduled to begin, opening instead on 13 January 2025, which was approved by the Dean for Quality Assurance and Enhancement on behalf of QAC.
Partnerships and Collaborative Provision
The Committee noted the matters pertaining to partnerships and collaborative provision in respect of (i) the Partnerships and Collaborative Register, and (ii) that the partnership with the University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) has now concluded following UHI obtaining degree awarding powers.
Any questions regarding the Quality Assurance Committee digest should be sent to academicservices@abdn.ac.uk.
- Previous Digest
- Remit
(To be reviewed annually at last meeting of committee cycle with proposed changes to be considered by Senate)
To be responsible to the Senatus Academicus for the strategic oversight of:
- the quality assurance of undergraduate, postgraduate taught and taught elements of postgraduate research provision;
- the development of policies and practices for the assurance of the quality of the University's education provisions, particularly in relation to the design, implementation, evaluation and review of mechanisms for the quality assurance and quality enhancement of education provision;
- the safeguarding of academic standards.
The Quality Assurance Committee shall:
- In consultation with School Education Committees, and the Graduate School (PGR) as appropriate, review proposals for (a) the introduction of new courses and programmes of study (b) amendments to existing courses and programmes, and (c) the withdrawal of existing courses and programmes, and make appropriate recommendations;
- Approve changes to the Regulations for Certificates and Diplomas and to General and Supplementary Regulations for Degrees in advance of their incorporation into a formal draft Resolution for consideration by Senate;
- Oversee the quality assurance of taught courses and programmes through scrutiny of reports from the Annual Course Review (ACR) Exercise, Annual Programme Review (APR) Exercise, External Examiner Reports, Internal Teaching Review Reports and Reports from Professional, Statutory & Regulatory Bodies, as applicable; and address any policy issues that arise, as appropriate;
- Be responsible for co-ordinating a regular programme of Internal Teaching Reviews for monitoring and reviewing courses and programmes of study and consider and recommend to Senate revisions to the procedures for Internal Teaching Review, as necessary;
- Be responsible, on behalf of Senate, for the oversight of the University's engagement with the work of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), including Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR);
- Informed by the work of the Academic Policy and Regulations Group, have oversight of the development, implementation and regular review of University policy relating to educational provision in regard to undergraduate, postgraduate taught and taught elements of postgraduate research provision ensuring their alignment to the QAA Quality Code, the wider Academic Infrastructure, legal compliance (e.g. equality, diversity and inclusion) and other relevant external reference points, seeking input from the University Education Committee, as appropriate, prior to recommending new policies or revisions to Senate for approval;
- Ensure that collaborative partnership agreements meet University quality assurance requirements and monitor the quality of provision provided by collaborative partners through the scrutiny of annual reports and recommend to Senate revisions to the procedures for the approval and oversight of collaborative provision, as necessary;
- In partnership with Aberdeen University Students' Association, ensure effective student engagement and representation of student voices in the University's quality framework;
- Monitor the quality of work-based learning provision and study abroad opportunities;
- Appoint from its membership, four members to serve on Senate, ex officio, as required;
- Oversee issues relating to student progress, including the establishment of Student Progress Committees and Fitness to Practise Committees, as appropriate, and make recommendations to the Senate for the discontinuation of attendance, as appropriate;
- Ensure regular review of academic appeals, complaints and academic discipline to identify any trends or issues which require to be addressed;
- Review annual reports from the Students' Progress Committee;
- Act on behalf of Senate, after consultation with Heads of School to: a. approve dates of terms; b. approve deadline for refusal of class certificates; c. approve deadlines for return of examination results; d. approve arrangements for graduation ceremonies; e. approve changes to minimum entry requirements.
- Work closely with the University Education Committee and its sub-committees in regard to any matters for which there are quality assurance implications;
- Undertake such other functions as may be referred to the Committee by Senate.
Members' Responsibilities:
Each member will ensure that they consult with their own School, through their School Education Committee and other forums, on relevant matters, and provide feedback into QAC which represents the views of their School. Each School member of the Quality Assurance Committee shall have delegated authority to have oversight, on behalf of the Quality Assurance Committee, for their area of responsibility.
- Composition & Membership
Chair: Professor Steven Tucker
Clerk: Liam Dyker
Email: liam.dyker2@abdn.ac.uk
QAC Responsibilities
- Attendance
Attendance Records
Previous Attendance Records
- Minutes
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- Further Resources