The variety of types of research pursued in the NLG group is shown in the details of our major projects of recent years, accessible by the links below.
Current Projects
- Digital Conservation
- WikiRivers
- MinkApp
- Affecting People
- BabyTalk-Family
- Digital Economy Hub
- Empirical Effects of Vague Language
- How Was School Today?
- Semantic Grid for Rural Policy Development and Appraisal (PolicyGrid)
- Common Ground and Granularity of Referring Expressions
- What If?
- RefNet
People | What the work is about | Bibliography
This funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under its "platform grant" scheme provides general support for the activities of the NLG group, focussing on three strands in particular:
- experimental studies of how readers are affected by language
- modelling of language users, particularly with regard to "affective" aspects
- examination of how best to construct more general NLG systems, in terms of internal structures and processes
The grant has supported a number of workshops, collaboration with research work elsewhere, further development of the SimpleNLG software, and several "mini-projects" in the area of NLG.
- James Christie
- Matt Green
- Graeme Ritchie
What the work is about
Limitations of Traditional NLG
In the real world, texts vary enormously both in their communicative purpose, and in the abilities and preferences of the people who read them. Much previous research in NLG has assumed that the purpose of generated texts is simply to communicate factual information to a user [17]. There has been little attention to other aims, such as persuading people [16], teaching people [9,25], helping people make decisions [18], [6], and entertaining people [19]. While texts with these other aims usually do communicate information, they do so in order to affect the reader at a deeper level, and this has an impact on how the information should be communicated (the central task of NLG). Even where the main goal is to inform, the other ways in which the language affects the reader may have an important effect on the achievement of that goal.
Traditional NLG tackles a single type of generic goal (factual information) for a general user (or one of a small number of user types). The focus needs to be broadened to a variety of types of goals for specific users. Although NLG research has begun to explore the issues of reader variability (eg [23], [1]), including user modelling (see [24] for a good review), this is at an early stage, and tends to concentrate on broad decisions about content rather than fine-grained linguistic form, the focus of our proposed work.
Our own projects have begun to address these issues. User groups have included children with linguistic difficulties (STANDUP), adults with limited literacy (SkillSum), general members of the public (STOP, ILEX [12]), and professional doctors and engineers (SumTime, [6]), sometimes with individual customisation (STOP, SkillSum). The texts have been informative (SumTime), persuasive (STOP, SkillSum), humorous (STANDUP), and entertaining (NECA).
Strategic Vision
NLG has enormous potential to achieve benefits in the real world, especially given the growing importance of eCommerce, eHealth and eGovernment, but current NLG applications exist only in niche areas. We believe that there are two main reasons for this:
- Firstly, many real applications challenge the assumptions of traditional NLG highlighted above (single, generic goal; general user). We would like to push forward the scientific understanding of how the attributes of an individual reader (and the reading process for them) influence the effect that particular linguistic choices have on them. This will then result in an ability to build systems which, from a model of the reader, can intelligently select linguistic forms in order to achieve increasingly ambitious effects. Hence our goal is to learn better how to affect people with natural language.
- Secondly, NLG can be somewhat inward-looking. As our current projects (PolicyGrid, BabyTalk) show, NLG adds value to other computational solutions and often cannot be viewed as a stand-alone technology. We would like to lead in the emergence of NLG from its small corner, as it contributes to wider research initiatives and is increasingly exploited commercially. This requires us to make use of the methodologies and knowledge of other disciplines, within and outside Computer Science, to a much greater extent than hitherto. Hence there is a need for strategic alliances with a variety of researchers and disciplines.
To address the problems highlighted above, we see the following scientific themes as especially relevant:
- Psychology and Reader Experiments.We need to understand the relevance to NLG of attention, perception and memory. Particularly relevant are results about human reading [15] and how humans align their language use in order to effectively reach their hearers [2]. Although we are already at the forefront of measuring the effects of NLG texts on real users (e.g. testing reading time, or task completion) collaboration with psychologists will enable us to broaden and deepen this strand, looking at more fine-grained measures of reader behaviour (eg using eye-tracking) and assessments of a wider range of effects (such as emotional impact). In general, NLG can offer to psychologists the opportunity to further formalise and test their theories in more realistic settings. In return, results from psychology can inform our user and context models, as well as providing evidence about the effects of language alternatives in controlled settings.
- User Modelling and Affective computing. Affective computing is computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions or other non-strictly rational aspects of humans [13]. So far, however, work in "affective NLG" has aimed mainly to produce text that portrays the emotions of the writer, rather than considering how linguistic factors can affect the emotions of the reader. Work in affective computing may provide useful ways of formalising theories of emotion [10], modelling affective state and measuring effects on this state. In general, affective results may be easiest to monitor and achieve in multimodal communication systems, and this may require us to work with areas such as machine vision.
- NLG Architectures. The above issues (non-informative texts, reader variation), expose deficiencies in current NLG practices. Complex effects often involve a number of very different aspects of the text (e.g. sentence structuring, choice of vocabulary), interacting in non-trivial ways, and independent of the core factual content. Also, many effects arise from purely surface phenomena (eg text length, choice of words, word co-occurrences), and yet pipeline NLG architectures [17] discover surface effects only after all central decisions have been made. Abstract stylistic goals may have to be balanced against basic communicative tasks [21]; the COGENT project addresses some of these issues. There are a number of approaches to these problems: intelligent backtracking [4], 'overgeneration' architectures [5], and stochastic search [7], but such methods go beyond most current NLG architectures [8], and are still relatively untested on realistic examples.
This research can be expected to have large benefits for both science and technology. From a scientific perspective, it will lead to theoretical results about some very poorly understood aspects of language. From an engineering point of view, it will establish practical methodologies for NLG development and evaluation. From a technological perspective, our work could lead to systems that help people in numerous ways, e.g. encouraging people to change their behaviour (cf. STOP, SkillSum), teaching children and other learners (cf. STANDUP), assisting specialists to understand complex data (cf. SumTime, BabyTalk). NLG research is on the cusp of a movement from simple informative software to more general, powerful and varied communication systems. Key to this development is a better understanding of how to affect people with natural language.
- Cawsey, A., Jones, R.B., and Pearson, J., "The Evaluation of a Personalised Information System for Patients with Cancer". User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, vol 10, no 1, 2000.
- Garrod, S. and Pickering, M., "Why is conversation so easy?". Trends Cogn Sciences8(1), pp 8-11, 2004.
- Hovy, E.H., "Pragmatics and Natural Language Generation". Artificial Intelligence43(2) pp153-198, 1990.
- Kamal, H. and Mellish, C., "An ATMS Approach to Systemic Sentence Generation". Procs of the Third International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG-04), New Forest, UK, pp 80-89, 2004.
- Langkilde, I. and Knight, K., "Generation that Exploits Corpus-based Statistical Knowledge". Procs of COLING/ACL, 1998.
- Law, A., Freer, Y., Hunter, J., Logie, R., McIntosh, N. and Quinn, J., "A Comparison of Graphical and Textual Presentations of Time Series Data to Support Medical Decision Making in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit". Jnl of Clinical Monitoring and Computing, to appear (2005).
- Manurung, H., Ritchie, G., and Thompson, H., "A flexible integrated architecture for generating poetic texts". Procs of the Fourth Symposium on Natural Language Processing (SNLP 2000), Chiang Mai, Thailand, May 2000.
- Mellish, C. and Evans, R., "Implementation Architectures for Natural Language Generation". Natural Language Engineering, 10(3/4): pp 261-282, 2004.
- Moore, J., Porayska-Pomsta, K., Varges, S. and Zinn, C., "Generating Tutorial Feedback with Affect". Procs of the Seventeenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium Conference (FLAIRS), AAAI Press, 2004.
- Oatley, K. and Jenkins, J., Understanding Emotions, Blackwell, 1996.
- Oberlander, J. and Gill, A., "Individual differences and implicit language: Personality, parts-of-speech and pervasiveness." In Procs of the 26th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pp1035-1040. Chicago, August 5-7, 2004.
- O'Donnell, M., Knott, A., Mellish, C. and Oberlander, J., "ILEX: The Architecture of a Dynamic Hypertext Generation System". Natural Language Engineering, 7: pp 225-250, 2001.
- Picard, R. W., Affective Computing. MIT Press, 1997.
- Piwek, P., "An Annotated Bibliography of Affective Natural Language Generation". Version 1.3 available from
- Rayner, K. and Pollatsek, A., The Psychology of Reading, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1995.
- Reed, C. and Norman, T.J. (eds), Argumentation Machines: New Frontiers in Argumentation and Computation. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2004.
- Reiter, E. and Dale, R., Building Natural Language Generation Systems. Cambridge: CUP, 2000.
- Reiter, E., Sripada, S., Hunter, J., Yu J., Davy I., "Choosing Words in Computer-Generated Weather Forecasts". Artificial Intelligence167(1-2): pp 137-169, 2005.
- Ritchie, G., "Current directions in computational humour". Artificial Intelligence Review16(2): pp 119-135, 2001.
- de Rosis, F. and Grasso, F., "Affective Natural Language Generation". In A. Paiva (ed.), Affective Interactions, Springer LNAI 1814, 2000.
- van Deemter, K., "Is Optimality-Theoretic Semantics Relevant for NLP?". Jnl of Semantics21(3), 2004.
- Walker, Marilyn A., Cahn, Janet E. and Whittaker, Stephen J., "Improvising linguistic style: social and affective bases for agent personality". Pp. 96 - 105 in Proc. 1st International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Marina del Rey, USA, 1997.
- Walker, M., Whittaker, S., Stent, A., Maloor, P., Moore, J., Johnston, M., Vasireddy, G. "Generation and Evaluation of User Tailored Responses in Multimodal Dialogue". Cognitive Science, 28(5), pp 811-840, 2003.
- Zukerman, I. and Litman, D. "Natural Language Processing and User Modeling: Synergies and Limitations". User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 11(1-2), pp 129 - 158, 2001.
- Zinn, C., Moore, J. and Core, M., "Multimodal Intelligent Information Presentation". O. Stock and M. Zancanaro (eds.), Text, Speech and Language Technology, Vol. 27, pages 227-254, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005 (in press).
When a newborn baby is admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), parents are frequently overwhelmed by the experience. The neonatal environment in which their baby is looked after can cause feelings of worry, confusion, and helplessness. Parents would often like more information about what is happening to their baby: Like the baby's current weight, oxygen levels, milk feeding quantities, and so on. This coupled with understanding enables parents to adapt and cope with the situation. This sort of information is important because it helps parents to take on their parental role, as well as get involved with the care of their child.
To help supply parents with this sort of information, we are developing a computer system - known as BabyTalk-Family - that can automatically generate easy to understand reports on the medical condition of babies in neonatal care. These reports are updated every 24 hours and made available online to the infant's parents, providing a simple summary of their child's progress.
We are currently working with parents and clinical staff to help improve this system. The system will be trialled in a neonatal unit, in collaboration with the Simpson Centre for Reproductive Health neonatal unit at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary hospital.
Contact: Ehud Reiter
- BabyTalk-Family 2009 Research Study: Press Release
- BBC News Online — Parents of premature or ill babies needed for study
- STV News — Online updates scheme for neonatal babies
- The Scotsman — Baby Talk offers help to parents
- The Press and Journal — New system to ease neonatal stress
University of Aberdeen
- Oluwaseun Iluore
- Saad Mahamood
- Ehud Reiter
NHS Lothian
The University of Aberdeen has a long-standing tradition of cross-disciplinary research across national and international rural arenas. In the past 10 years, research income in the rural domain totalled 12 million (8.5m active).
This platform of rural research is matched by an equally vibrant and successful programme of ICT research.
Major on-going activities include the International Technology Alliance in Network & Information Sciences (2006-2016), the PolicyGrid eSocial Science Research Node (2006-2012), the Platform Grant - Affecting People with Natural Language (2007-2011) and EC Broadband for All (2004-2009).
Research is based around four interconnecting themes: Accessibility & Mobilities, Healthcare, Enterprise & Culture, and Natural Resource Conservation.
dot.rural applies digital technologies, including intelligent agents, narual language generation, knowledge graph, semantic web and linked data, in the above four themes.
Project Homepage: Digital Economy Hub: Rural Digital Economy
Contact: Pete Edwards
We have been carrying out experiments with human subjects investigating the processing of vague quantifiers in referring expressions, eg, 'few', 'many'.
Participants are presented with stimuli on screen in the form of squares containing arrays of dots, and are instructed to select one of the squares with reference to how many dots it contains. The experiments show that, under some circumstances, people make their selection faster when the referring expression uses a vague quantifier than when it uses a crisp alternative. The experiments also show that, under some circumstances, this response time advantage can be achieved by using crisp verbal quantifiers like `fewest', `most', ie, that the response time advantage might not be due to vagueness per se, but to the verbal format.
The results have implications for NLG systems that must choose between different forms of linguistic referring expressions for conveying numerical information to human readers.
This work is supported by the EPSRC Platform Grant
Supporting Narrative for Non-Speaking Children
Being able to tell stories about ourselves is a central part of the human experience and of social interaction. Most people do this naturally, for example while chatting with family members over the dinner table. But telling stories about oneself can be a real struggle for people with complex communication needs (CCN); they find it very difficult to create and articulate such stories. People with CCN (ie individuals with severe physical and communication impairments and possibly varying degrees of intellectual disability, eg due to cerebral palsy) rely on computer-generated synthetic speech. Speech generating devices are currently limited to short, pre-stored utterances or tedious preparation of text files which are output, word for word, via a speech synthesiser. Restrictions in speed and vocabulary can be a frustrating experience and are an impediment to spontaneous social conversation.
This project is a follow on to the feasibility study "How was School Today...?" where we wanted to see if we can help children with CCN create stories about what they did in a day by developing a computer tool which produces a draft story based on knowledge of the user's planned daily activities (eg from a diary) and automatically-acquired sensor data; and also an editing and narration tool which lets the user edit the story into something which is his/hers and not just a computer output.
Project Homepage: "How was School Today...?"
Contact: Ehud Reiter
PolicyGrid is a research Node of the National Centre for e-Social Science (NCeSS). NCeSS is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) to investigate how innovative and powerful computer-based infrastructure and tools developed over the past five years under the UK e-Science programme can benefit the social science research community. PolicyGrid involves a collaboration between computer scientists and social scientists at the University of Aberdeen, the Macaulay Institute (Aberdeen) and elsewhere in the UK.
The project aims to support policy-related research activities within social science by developing appropriate Grid middleware tools which meet the requirements of social science practitioners. The vision of the Semantic Grid is central to the PolicyGrid research agenda.
The first stage of PolicyGrid developed novel interfaces using NLG to allow researchers to interact with a digital repository. The project is now extending this work to produce a general “NLG service” working on semantic web data whose behaviour can be influenced by “policies” incorporating user preferences and imposed constraints from the environment and context of use.
Contact: Pete Edwards
Dr Kees van Deemter is collaborating with Dr Raquel Fernandez (Amsterdam) and Dale Barr (Glasgow), with funding from the EURO-XPRAG: ESF Research Networking Programme.
We have a richness of data about numerous aspects of our activities, yet these data are only any use when we know what they are, agree upon what they are and how they relate to each other. Semantic descriptions of data, the means by which we can achieve these aims, are widely used to help exploit data in industry, academia and at home. One way of providing such meaning or semantics for data is through "ontologies", yet these ontologies can be hard to build, especially for the very people that are expert in the fields whose knowledge is being captured but who are not experienced in the specialised "modelling" field.In the "what if...?" project we look at the problems of creating ontologies using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). With OWL logical forms, computers can deduce knowledge that is only implied within the statements made by the modeller. So any statement made by a modeller can have a dramatic effect on what is implied. These implications can be both "good" and "bad" in terms of the aims of the modeller. Consequently, a modeller is always asking themselves "what if...?" questions as they model a field of interest. Such a question might be "what happens if I say that a planet must be orbiting a star?" or "what happens if I add in this date/time ontology?".
The aim of the "what if...?" project is to build a dialogue system allowing a person building an ontology to ask such questions and get meaningful answers. This requires getting the computer to determine what the consequences of a change in the ontology would be and getting it to present these consequences in a meaningful way. To do a good job, the system will have to understand something about what the person is trying to do and what sorts of results will be most interesting to them. For this, we need to understand more about how ontologists model a domain and interact with tools; be able to model the dialogues between a human and the authoring system; achieve responsive automated reasoning that can provide the dialogue system with the information it needs to create that dialogue.
Contact: Jeff Z. Pan
The WhatIf project is supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council from 2012 to 2015 through grants EP/J014354/1 and EP/J014176/1.
Key Research AreasThere are three main research areas:
- Understanding the process of ontology authoring
- Natural dialogue systems and controlled natural languages
- Incremental ontology reasoning
- Reasoning enabled test-driven ontology authoring
Who We Are
University of Aberdeen
- Chris Mellish
- Jeff Z. Pan
- Artemis Parvizi
- Yuan Ren
- Kees van Deemter
University of Manchester
- Caroline Jay
- Robert Stevens
- Markel Vigo
- Richard Power, Open University
- Mike Uschold, Semantic Arts Inc.
- Peter Winstanley, Scottish Government
Documents, Presentations & Publications
Documents will be posted here in due course.
RefNet is an EPSRC research network advancing collaboration between research communities that have tended to work separately, namely computer scientists, linguists and psychologists. The phenomeon on which the network focusses is reference.
Reference is the process of making sure that a user/receiver can identify an entity - for example a person, thing, place, or an event. Reference can be considered the "anchor" of communication. As such it is crucial for communication between people, and for many practical applications: from robotics and gaming to embodied agents, satellite navigation, and multimodal interfaces. Through the study of reference, RefNet will build a base of interdisciplinary skills and resources for research on communication.
Project Homepage: RefNet
Contact: Kees van Deemter
RefNet's objectives are:
- To promote high-quality interdisciplinary research, and research resources relating to reference, particularly involving computational linguistics and psycholinguistics.
- To find ways to improve practical applications in which reference plays a role.
- To build skills for the interdisciplinary study of language and communication.
To do this, RefNet organizes activities whose goals are networking, skywriting, consultation, training, and showcasing of research.
Previous Projects
- Atlas
- BabyTalk
- Presenting Ontologies in Natural Language
- SCUBATEXT: Generating Textual Reports of Scuba Dive Computer Data
- SkillSum
- SumTime - Generating Summaries of Time Series Data
- TUNA - Towards a UNified Algorithm for the Generation of Referring Expressions
Textual Descriptions Access to Geo-referenced Statistical Data
A lot of data available to public is geo-referenced. For example, census data is often aggregated over different levels of geographic regions such as counties and wards. Currently such data is presented to the public using thematic maps such as the ones published by National Statistics showing data from the Census 2001.
Although such visual presentations of geo-referenced data work great for sighted users they are inaccessible to visually impaired users. Particularly, visually impaired users find it hard to perceive important trends and patterns in the underlying data which sighted users so effortlessly manage using the visual maps. There are a number of emerging technologies to improve accessibility of map data to visually impaired users such as haptic maps and sonic maps .
In this project we apply Natural Language Generation (NLG) technology to automatically produce textual summaries of map data highlighting 'important' content extracted from the underlying spatial data. We hope that visually impaired users can use existing screen readers to listen to these textual summaries before exploring the data sets in detail using other access methods. We believe that textual summaries of spatial data could be useful to sighted users as well because multi-modal presentations (visual maps + textual summaries) often work better.
- To develop NLG techniques for generating textual summaries of spatial data.
- To evaluate the utility of the textual summaries with visually impaired users in collaboration with Grampian Society for the Blind .
- To evaluate the utility of the combination of textual summaries and visual maps in collaboration with HCI Lab, University of Maryland .
- Yaji Sripada
- Kavita Thomas
- Kavita E Thomas and Somayajulu Sripada (2010) Atlas.txt:Exploring Lingustic Grounding Techniques for Communicating Spatial Information to Blind Users, Universal Access in the Information Society. [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1007/s10209-010-0217-5 pdf
- Kavita E Thomas and Somayajulu Sripada (2008) What's in a message? Interpreting Geo-referenced Data for the Visually-impaired Proceedings of the Int. conference on NLG. pdf
- Kavita E Thomas, Livia Sumegi, Leo Ferres and Somayajulu Sripada (2008) Enabling Access to Geo-referenced Information: Atlas.txt, Proceedings of the Cross-disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility. pdf
- Kavita E Thomas and Somayajulu Sripada (2007) Atlas.txt:Linking Geo-referenced Data to Text for NLG, Proceedings of the ENLG07 Workshop. pdf
This project is part of our ongoing work on developing technology for automatically producing textual summaries of numerical data . Our work on summarising time series data as part of the SumTime project has lead to the development of SumTime-Mousam, an NLG system that was deployed in the industry to generate marine (for the offshore oil industry) weather forecasts from numerical weather prediction (NWP) data. As part of RoadSafe, we are currently extending this technology to generate weather forecasts for winter road maintenance applications. We are also working on summarising scuba dive computer data in the ScubaText project and clinical data from neonatal intensive care units in the BabyTalk project.
Grampian Society for the Blind
Grampian Society for the Blind is a charity providing advice and support to people with visual impairments in the North-East (of Scotland). In the current project we work closely with their members for understanding their requirements and also for evaluating our technology.
BabyTalk is investigating ways of summarising and presenting patient information to medical professionals and family members. Our focus is on data in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
This involves the use of Intelligent Signal Processing to analyse and interpret the available information about the patient, and Natural Language Generation techniques to generate coherent, readable summaries of this information in English.
Our ultimate aim is to use this technology to provide decision support to medical professionals, who base treatment on large amounts of information. Summaries will also help to keep family members informed about the condition of their baby.
The NEONATE project has three major objectives:
- to investigate on a systematic basis, a comprehensive range of actions taken in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
- to identify the terms used to describe patient state by staff at different levels and types of expertise
- to use the results of these investigations to implement and evaluate computerised aids designed to support clinical decision making
Making more data available to decision makers does not necessarily of itself lead to improved care. This has been demonstrated in the neonatal intensive care unit where providing nurses and junior doctors with detailed trends of physiological information does not lead to improved patient outcomes. Our earlier studies (COGNATE project) have shown that a major reason for this finding is that the staff caring for the infants observe them closely and frequently to obtain more information than just the data shown on the monitors.
Chris Mellish and Xiantang Sun, supported by EPSRC grant GR/S62932.
- 2004 Project poster
- 2005 Project poster
- Mellish, C. and Sun, X., "Natural Language Directed Inference in the Presentation of Ontologies", Procs of the 10th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Aberdeen, 2005. PDF version
- Mellish, C. and Sun, X., "The Semantic Web as a Linguistic Resource: Opportunities for Natural Language Generation". Presented at the Twenty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, 2005. Also in Knowledge Based Systems Vol 19, pp298-303, 2006. PDF version
- Pan, J. and Mellish, C., "Supporting Semi-Automatic Semantic Annotation of Multimedia Resources". Presented at the special session on "Semantics in Multimedia Analysis and Natural Language Processing" at the 3rd IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations (AIAI), Athens, 2006 PDF version
- Mellish, C. and Pan, J., "Finding Subsumers for Natural Language Presentation". Presented at the DL2006 International Workshop on Description Logics, Windermere, England, 2006. PDF version
- Sun, X. and Mellish, C., "Domain Independent Sentence Generation from RDF Representations for the Semantic Web". Presented at the ECAI06 Combined Workshop on Language-Enabled Educational Technology and Development and Evaluation of Robust Spoken Dialogue Systems, Riva del Garda, Italy, 2006. PDF version
- Sun, X. and Mellish, C., "An Experiment on `free' Generation from Single RDF Triples". Presented at the European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2007. PDF version
- Mellish, C. and Pan, J., "Natural Language Directed Inference from Ontologies". Artificial Intelligence 172(10): 1285-1315 (2008). PDF version
- Prolog code for generating subsumers of ontology concepts for natural language presentation
Related papers:
- Hielkema, F., Edwards, P. and Mellish, C., "Flexible Natural Language Access to Community-Driven Metadata". Submitted for publication, 2007. PDF version
RoadSafe was a collaborative project between the Computing Science Department at the University of Aberdeen and Aerospace & Marine International. The RoadSafe project aimed to build upon the expertise Aerospace & Marine International has in weather forecasting and the expertise the Computing Science Department at the University of Aberdeen has in building real world Natural Language Generation Systems.
The RoadSafe project:
- used Knowledge Aquisition techniques to understand how humans write textual instructions for road maintenance vehicle routing
- produced a system capable of automatically evaluating a region's geographical data combined with the weather forecast for 10'000s of points in that region to provide textual routing and de-icer spread rate instructions
- utilised Aerospace & Marine International's expert forecasters in order to post-edit generated advisory texts and therefore improve the performance of the system
The main objective of the project was to use the advisory texts produced by RoadSafe as a guide to local councils for grit and salting applications during the winter.
- Ehud Reiter
- Yaji Sripada
- Ross Turner
External Collaborator
- Ian Davy, Aerospace & Marine International
- Turner R., Sripada S., Reiter E. Generating Approximate Geographic Descriptions . To appear in proceedings of ENLG-2009, Athens, Greece, 30-31 March 2009
- Turner R., Sripada S., Reiter E. and Davy I. (2008). Using Spatial Reference Frames to Generate Grounded Textual Summaries of Georeferenced Data In Proceedings of INLG08, Salt Fork, Ohio, USA, 12-14th June 2008
- Turner R., Sripada S., Reiter E. and Davy I. (2008). Building a Parallel Spatio-Temporal Data-Text Corpus for Summary Generation . To Appear in Proceedings of the LREC2008 Workshop on Methodologies and Resources for Processing Spatial Language, Marrakech, Morocco, 31 May 2008
- Turner R., Sripada S., Reiter E. and Davy I. (2007). Selecting the Content of Textual Descriptions of Geographically Located Events in Spatio-Temporal Weather Data . In Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XV,pages 75-88
- Turner R., Sripada S., Reiter E. and Davy I. (2006). Generating Spatio-Temporal Descriptions in Pollen Forecasts . Proceedings of EACL06 Companion Volume.
SCUBA divers carry out decompression stops while ascending to the surface to allow their bodies to naturally get rid of the unwanted nitrogen. Divers can also be decompressed in decompression chambers to remove excess Nitrogen. Over the years dive tables have been used to provide guideline information about required decompression times during the ascent of a dive and also about required rest times between two successive dives. When used faithfully these tables help in planning safe dives to avoid 'the bends'.
One of the modern items of diving gear is a dive computer. A dive computer is a sports gadget that is worn on the divers' wrist (looks more like a wrist watch than a computer) to continually monitor their dives. A dive computer continuously records data such as depth and ambient temperature about the dive. It can also generate a dive table on the fly and compare the recorded data against the table data to inform divers about required decompression stops. They therefore ensure that divers are continually informed to perform safe dives.
Dive computers record dive logs which contain time series of dive depth and tissue saturation. These data sets can be useful to:
- clinicians - to diagnose decompression illness
- diving Instructors - to evaluate learners' dives and to provide feedback
- dive supervisors - to monitor dives
In this project we develop techniques to produce textual (English) reports of dive data recorded by dive computers. The computer generated report will contain the following information
- Issues across multiple dive profiles such as:
- rapid ascent incidents
- necessary and unnecessary stops
- Unsafe dive profiles with special patterns such as square and reverse profiles:
- square
- saw-tooth
- reverse
SkillSum developed an automatic assessment and reporting tool for adult basic skills (literacy and numeracy). The tool was a web-based system that allowed new entrant students at a college to take a basic skills assessment as part of their normal enrolment process.
When the test was completed, the tool produced a report for the user describing his or her skill level and whether this was adequate for the course about to be taken, and suggesting actions he or she could take to improve basic skills.
- to develop a computer system for generating tailored letters to help people stop smoking
- to research knowledge acquisition (KA) techniques to acquire text-planning and sentence-planning rules from domain experts
- to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the computer generated letters in a general practice setting
- to evaluate the cost effectiveness of this brief smoking cessation intervention
The results of our clinical trial suggested that while sending smokers a letter could help a small but useful number of people quit, the tailored letters were no more effective in this regard than the non-tailored letters. The tailored letters may have been slightly more effective with heavy smokers and others who found it especially difficult to quit, but the evidence for this is not conclusive.
Project Summary
Currently there are many visualisation tools for time-series data, but techniques for producing textual descriptions of time-series data are much less developed. Some systems have been developed in the natural-language generation (NLG) community for tasks such as producing weather reports from weather simulations, or summaries of stock market fluctuations, but such systems have not used advanced time-series analysis techniques.
Our goal is to develop better technology for producing summaries of time-series data by integrating leading-edge time-series and NLG technology.
SumTime Parrallel Corpus
SumTime-Meteo : A parallel corpus of weather data and their corresponding human written forecast texts
SumTime-Mousam Demo - Generates only Wind Descriptions
Final Report (IGR) to EPSRC about SumTime
Project Team
- WNI Oceanroutes
- Intelligent Applications
- Neonate Project
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Towards a UNified Algorithm for the Generation of Referring Expressions
TUNA was a research project funded by the UK's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). It involves a collaboration between the Department of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen, the Open University , and the University of Tilburg . The project started in October 2003, and ended in Feburary 2007.Natural Language Generation programs generate text from an underlying Knowledge Base. It can be difficult to find a mapping from the information in the Knowledge Base to the words in a sentence. Difficulties arise, for example, when the Knowledge Base uses `names' (ie, databases keys) that a hearer/reader does not understand. This can happen, for instance, if the Knowledge Base contains an artificial name like `#Jones083', because `Jones' alone is not uniquely distinguishing; it is also true if the Knowledge Base deals with entities for which no names at all are in common usage (eg, a specific tree or a chair). In all such cases, the program has to "invent" a description that enables the reader to identify the referent. In the case of Mr. Jones, for example, the program could give his name and address; in the case of a tree, some longer description may be necessary (eg, `the green oak on the corner of ... and ...'. The technical term for this set of problems is Generation of Referring Expressions (GRE). GRE is a key aspect of almost any Natural Language Generation system.
Existing GRE algorithms tend to focus on one particular class of referring expressions, for example conjunctions of atomic or relational properties (eg, `the black dog', `the book on the table'). Our research is aimed at designing and implementing a new algorithm for the generation of referring expressions that generates appropriate descriptions in a far greater variety of situations than any of its predecessors. The algorithm will be more complete than its predecessors because it is able to construct a greater variety of descriptions (involving negations, disjunctions, relations, vagueness, etc.). The descriptions generated should also be more appropriate (ie, more natural in the eyes of a human hearer/reader), because the algorithm will be based on empirical studies involving corpora and controlled experiments. Among other things, these empirical studies will address the question under what circumstances the descriptions should be logically under- or over specific; they will also allow us to prune the search space (ie, the space of all descriptions) which would otherwise threaten to make the problem intractable. The project combines (psycho) linguistic, computational and logical challenges and should be of interest to people whose intellectual home is in either of these areas.
Project Members
- Kees van Deemter (PI, University of Aberdeen)
- Richard Power (Co-Investigator, Open University)
- Emiel Krahmer (Visiting Fellow, University of Tilburg)
- Ielka van der Sluis (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow)
- Albert Gatt (Research student)
- Sebastian Varges (Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, 2003-2005)
Background Reading
Papers that describe some of the technical background to the project (in pdf format):
- K. van Deemter (2002) Generating Referring Expressions: Boolean Extensions of the Incremental Algorithm . Computational Linguistics 28(1): 37-52.
- E. Krahmer, S. van Erk, A. Verleg (2003) Graph-based Generation of Referring Expressions . Computational Linguistics, 29(1): 53-72.
TUNA Publications
- For our project plans, see the TUNA project proposal (May, 2002)
- The TUNA final project report (May 2007).
Journal papers
- Gatt, A., and Van Deemter, K. Lexical choice and conceptual perspective in the generation of plural referring expressions . Journal of Logic Language and Information (JoLLI).
- Paraboni, I., Van Deemter, K., and Masthoff, J. (2007). Generating Referring Expressions: Making Referents Easy to Identity . Computational Linguistics, 33(2).
- van Deemter, K. (2006). Generating Referring Expressions that involve gradable properties. Computational Linguistics , 32(2).
- van der Sluis, I., and Krahmer, E. (2007). Generating Multimodal References . Discourse Processes [Special issue on Dialogue Modelling: Computational and Empirical Approaches]
Book chapters
- van Deemter, K., and Krahmer, E. (2007). Graphs and Booleans . H. Bunt and R. Muskens (eds.), Computing Meaning III. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Conference papers
- Croitoru, M., and van Deemter, K. (2007a). A conceptual-graph approach to the generation of referring expressions . Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
- Croitoru, M., and van Deemter, K. (2007b). An inferential approach to the generation of referring expressions . Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS-07
- Gatt, A. and van Deemter, K. (2007). Incremental generation of plural descriptions: Similarity and partitioning . Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP-07
- van der Sluis, I., Gatt, A., and van Deemter, K. (2007). Evaluating Algorithms for the Generation of Referring Expressions: Going Beyond Toy Domains . Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP-07
[Note: This paper was accepted for publication after May 2007]
- Gatt, A. (2006a). Structuring knowledge for reference generation: A clustering algorithm . Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, EACL-06
- Gatt, A. (2006b). Generating collective spatial references . Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, CogSci-06.
- Gatt, A., and van Deemter, K. (2006). Conceptual coherence in the generation of referring expressions . Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Main Poster Session), COLING-ACL-06.
[Slightly revised version also in Proceedings of the Workshop on Modelling Coherence for Generation and Dialogue Systems, associated with ESSLLI-2006, Malaga, Spain.] - Khan, I.J., Ritchie, G., and van Deemter, K. (2006). The Clarity-Brevity Trade-off in Generating Referring Expressions . Proceedings of the 4th International Natural Language Generation Conference, INLG-06
- Paraboni, I., and van Deemter, K. (2006). Referring via document parts . Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLING-06.
- Paraboni, I., Masthoff, J., and van Deemter, K. (2006a). Overspecified Reference in Hierarchical Domains: Measuring the Benefits for Readers . Proceedings of the 4th International Natural Language Generation Conference, INLG-06
- van Deemter, K., van der Sluis, I., and Gatt, A. (2006). Building a semantically transparent corpus for the generation of referring expressions . Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Natural Language Generation, INLG-04 (Special session on Data Sharing and Evaluation)
- van Deemter, K. (2004). Finetuning an NLG system through experiments with human subjects: the case of vague descriptions . Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Language Generation, INLG-04.
- van der Sluis, I., and Krahmer, E. (2004a). The Influence of Target Size and Distance on the Production of Speech and Gesture in Multimodal Referring Expressions . Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), October 4-8, Jeju Island, Korea.
- van der Sluis, I., and Krahmer, E. (2004b). Evaluating Multimodal NLG using Production Experiments . Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Lisbon, Portugal..
- Varges, S. (2004). Overgenerating Referring Expressions Involving Relations . Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG-04), Brockenhurst, UK.
Workshop papers
- Gatt, A., van der Sluis, I., and van Deemter, K. (2007a). Corpus-based evaluation of referring expressions generation . Position paper at the Workshop on Shared Tasks and Comparative Evaluation, Arlington, Va.
- Gatt, A., van der Sluis, I., and van Deemter, K. (2007b). Evaluating algorithms for the generation of referring expressions using a balanced corpus . Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, ENLG-07.
- Paraboni, I., van Deemter, K., and Masthoff, J. (2006b). Gerando Expressoes de Referencia com a `Quantidade Certa' de Informacao . Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Information and Human Language Technology, TIL-06, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.
- Gatt, A., and van Deemter, K. (2005). Semantic similarity and the generation of referring expressions: A first report . Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-6), Tilburg.
- van der Sluis, I., and Krahmer, E. (2005). Towards the Generation of Overspecified Multimodal Referring Expressions . Proceedings of the Symposium on Dialogue Modelling and Generation, Amsterdam.
- Varges, S. (2005a). Spatial Descriptions as Referring Expressions in the MapTask Domain . Proceedings of 10th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Aberdeen, Scotland.
- Varges, S. (2005b). Chart Generation Using Production Systems . Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Aberdeen, Scotland.
- Varges, S. and van Deemter, K. (2005). Generating referring expressions containing quantifiers . Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Computational Semantics (IWCS-6), Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Annotated Bibliography
The bibliography is split into categories for convenience. Works may be relevant to more than one category. Each category contains links to relevant references listed in other categories. Links to papers are given where available. Some papers have an associated description.
Algorithms and meta-algorithms for GRE
Bateman, J.A. (1999). Using aggregation for selecting content when generating referring expressions . Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-99. Extends a lattice-based approach to aggregation to the case of referring expressions generation. Lattices are used to represent common properties between entities (nodes in the lattice). This results in a static representation of domain knowledge which can be processed efficiently to select identifying properties of a target referent and approximate minimal descriptions.
Dale, R. (1989). Cooking up referring expressions . Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-89. Describes the GRE algorithm implemented in the EPICURE system, which generates recipes. Input to the algorithm is a structured representation, an instance of the basic ontological category physobj containing information about the properties, quantity and state of the object, and whether it is mass or count. The algorithm proceeds to search for a distinguishing description by selecting properties on the basis of their discriminatory power, calculated in terms of the number of distractors they exclude. Based on a greedy heuristic, the algorithm seeks to satisfy the 'full brevity' interpretation of the Gricean maxim of quantity; the shortest possible distinguishing description is generated. See Oberlander and Dale (1991) for an extension of the algorithm to events.
Dale, R., and Reiter, E. (1995). Computational interpretation of the Gricean maxims in the generation of referring expressions . Cognitive Science, 19(2): 233-263. Describes previous approaches to GRE: the Full Brevity algorithm, based on the greedy heuristic, and Local Brevity. Argues for a weak interpretation of the Gricean maxim of quantity, based on psycholinguistic evidence. Demonstrates the intractability of the 'full brevity' approach to descriptions: finding a brief description is equivalent to minimal set cover, i.e. is NP-Hard. Proposes the Incremental Algorithm which performs hillclimbing along a predetermined preference ordering of descriptors, without backtracking, resulting in descriptions which contain some redundant descriptors. Redundancy is justified on the basis of psycholinguistic evidence. Complexity is linear in the number of descriptors. See Dale and Reiter (1996) for a more detailed outline of the theoretical stance on the Gricean maxims. See Jordan and Walker (2000) for an empirical evaluation of the Incremental Model relative to other theories of reference.
Horacek, H. (1997). An algorithm for generating referential descriptions with flexible interfaces . Proceedings of the 35th Annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-97.
Krahmer, E., van Erk, S., and Verleg, A. (2001). A meta-algorithm for the generation of referring expressions . Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation.
Krahmer, E., van Erk, S., and Verleg, A. (2002). Graph-based generation of referring expressions . Computational Linguistics, 28(1). Reinterprets the GRE content selection task as a subgraph isomorphism problem, formalising the domain as a labelled directed graph D, with vertices representing entities and arcs representing properties. Atomic properties and 2-place relations are uniformly represented as disjoint subsets of the set of labels. Avoids the problem of infinite recursion in the generation of relational descriptions reported by Dale and Haddock (1991) . Finding a distinguishing description for an intended referent e is a process of constructing a subgraph G of D which corresponds to e and to no other entity. A description of a branch-and-bound algorithm is given to resolve this problem: To identify a referent e, the algorithm starts with the subgraph containing only the vertex e and recursively expands the graph by adding edges from D which are adjacent to the subgraph G. It is shown that the graph-theoretic framework can accommodate other approaches, such as Dale and Reiter's Incremental Algorithm. Contains proposals to incorporate salience weightings and cost-functions to guide subgraph expansion.
Mouret, P., and Rolbert, M. (1998). Dealing with distinguishing descriptions in a guided composition system . Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING/ACL-98. Approaches the GRE problem from the point of view of guided composition in user interfaces, where the user is informed at every step what the options are for completing the current utterance. In this paradigm, the GRE problem is not only to identify a description as distinguishing, but also to identify possible completions of an incomplete description. The paper offers a formalisation of Dale's (1989) notion of distinguishing descriptions, and extends it to cover cases of ~inclusion, where one description subsumes another either because of hyperonymy (the dog vs. the animal) or because of given information about the intended referent in prior discourse (the child who robbed -> the robber)
Reiter, E. (1990a). The computational complexity of avoiding false implicatures . Proceedings of the 28th Annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-90. Proves the intractability of the Full Brevity algorithm of (Dale, 1989) (equivalent to a Minimal Set Cover problem). Proposes a version of brevity called Local Brevity, incorporating a weaker version of the Gricean maxim of Quantity. Algorithm proceeds by checking that a component of a description cannot be replaced locally by a briefer new component without loss of discriminatory power. Complexity is polynomial. See also: Reiter, 1990b .
Reiter, E., and Dale, R. (1992). A fast algorithm for the generation of referring expressions. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, COLING-92. An earlier version of the Incremental Algorithm of Dale and Reiter (1995) .
Stone, M., and Webber, B. (1998). Textual economy through close coupling of syntax and semantics . Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation. Describes the approach to generating object descriptions in the SPUD system, which combines semantics/pragmatics and their associated syntactic structure in an incremental approach to description building using an ontologically promiscuous knowledge representation and a Lexicalised Tree Adjoining Grammar. At a particular state, the representation of a sentence consists of (a) an instantiated tree; (b) the semantic requirements associated with the tree, and (c) its semantic contributions.
van Deemter, K., and Krahmer, E. (2006). Graphs and Booleans: On the generation of referring expressions . H.Bunt, and R.Muskens (Eds.), Computing Meaning (Vol. III). Dordrecht: Kluwer. Extends the graph-based formulation of Krahmer et al. (2003) to include Boolean operations such as complementation (negation), reference to sets, and set union (disjunction). For the latter, a graph partition algorithm is proposed, which seeks to construct descriptions in Disjunctive Normal Form, rewritten as partitions. Partitions are constructed at increasing levels (starting from level 1), until a distinguishing description is found.
Pragmatics of reference, dialogue and description planning
Appelt, D. (1985a). Some pragmatic issues in the planning of definite and indefinite noun phrases . Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-85.
Appelt, D. (1985b).Planning English referring expressions . Artificial Intelligence, 26: 1-33. [Reprinted in: B. J. Grosz, K. Sparck Jones, and B. L. Webber (Eds.). (1986). Readings in Natural Language Processing. Los Altos, Ca.: Morgan Kaufmann]. A classic paper describing the NP generation component of the KAMP system. The generation process is modelled as an interactive process between a speaker (modelled the system) and a hearer. Inference about speaker and hearer goals, based on Speech Act theory, guide the generation process. The section on generation of definite, referential NPs contains one of the earliest insights into the computational complexity of generating provably minimal descriptions. Appelt proposes a naive incremental model which is, historically, a precursor to Dale and Reiter (1995) .
Appelt, D. (1987a). Reference and pragmatic identification . Proceedings of Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing, TINLAP-87.
Appelt, D. (1987b). Towards a plan-based theory of referring actions. In: G. Kempen (Ed.), Natural Language Generation: New Results in Artificial Intelligence, Psychology and Linguistics. Dordrecht: Nijhoff and NATO Scientific Affairs Division.
Dale, R., and Reiter, E. (1996). The role of the Gricean maxims in the generation of referring expressions . Proceedings of the AAAI-96 Spring Symposium on Computational Models of Conversational Implicature. A theoretical outline of the role of the Gricean maxims in GRE, with reference to the Dale and Reiter (1995) Incremental Algorithm. The argument is that, rather than directives on human communication, the Gricean maxims are post hoc descriptions of aspects of rational communicative behaviour. Hence, rather than directly modelling the maxims as constraints, GRE algorithms should satisfy their observations if they are sufficiently goal-directed.
Heeman, P.A., and Hirst, G. (1995). Collaborating on referring expressions . Computational Linguistics, 21(3).
Kronfeld, A. (1986). Donnellan's distinction and a computational model of reference . Proceedings of the >24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-86.
Kronfeld, A. (1987). Goals of referring acts . Proceedings of Theoretical Issues in Natural Language Processing, TINLAP-87.
Kronfeld, A. (1989). Conversationally relevant descriptions . Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-89 Argues for a distinction between the functional relevance of references, whereby they distinguish their referents, and their conversational relevance, which is related to whether their content is relevant to the current discourse. One of the earliest insights into the problems of relevance and perspective in reference.
Kronfeld, A. (1990). Reference and Computation: An Essay in Applied Philosophy of Language. Cambridge: CUP.
O'Donnell, M., Cheng, H., and Hitzeman, J. (1998). Integrating referring and informing in NP planning . Proceedings of the COLING-ACL workshop on the Computational Treatment of Nominals, ACL-98. Describes the GRE component of the ILEX system. Extends the standard model of GRE as 'generation of identifying descriptions' to NPs which contain attributes that are informative, but are not necessary for identification. The model is based on systemic-functional grammar. During the formation of a referring NP, the informing task influences decisions on which attributes to include in the description, choice of head noun, as well as the form that the final NP is realised as (deictic, definite etc).
Paris, C.L., and McKeown, K.R. (1987). Discourse strategies for describing complex physical objects. In: G. Kempen (Ed.), Natural Language Generation: New Results in Artificial Intelligence, Psychology and Linguistics. Dordrecht: Nijhoff and NATO Scientific Affairs Division.
Reiter, E. (1990b). Generating descriptions that exploit a user's domain knowledge. In: R. Dale, C. Mellish, and M. Zock (Eds.), Current Research in Natural Language Generation. New York & London: Academic Press
Empirical Approaches and Evaluation
Gupta, S., and Stent, A. J. (2005). Automatic evaluation of referring expression generation using corpora . Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Using Corpora in NLG, Birmingham, UK. Evaluates a number of algorithms for GRE, including Dale and Reiter's (1995) Incremental algorithm and Siddharthan and Copestake's (2004) GRE algorithm. Algorithms were also augmented with a function for realising modifiers pre- and post-nominally. Evaluation was automatic, and carried out on the COCONUT and MAPTASK corpora. The output of the algorithms was compared to a baseline, which always selected type information and then arbitrarily added modifiers until the description was distinguishing. The baseline performed best on MAPTASK, but the Dale/Reiter and Siddharthan/Copestake algorithms performed better on the COCONUT data, in which domain objects tend to be more complex, requiring attribute selection.
Jordan, P., and Walker, M. (2000). Learning attribute selections for non-pronominal expressions . Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-00.
Jordan, P., and Walker, M. (2005). Learning content selection rules for generating object descriptions in dialogue . Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 24: 157--194. Evaluates three competing models of GRE: Dale and Reiter's (1995) incremental model; Brennan and Clark's (1996) conceptual pacts model, and an alternative Intentional Influences model proposed by Jordan (2000), which proposes that attribute selection in a referring expression is a function of current communicative intentions and task constraints. The models were evaluated by training a machine learner on descriptions from the COCONUT corpus, annotated with the relevant information. Comparison of the machine learner's output with descriptions in the corpus was analysed. When comparing the models, Intentnaional Influences provides the best fit to the data (42.4%), although a combination of all 3 models performs best (60%).
Relations, Spatial/Scene Descriptions, Reference to Events
Arbib, M.A., Conklin, E.J., and Hill, C. (1986). From Schema Theory to Language. Oxford: OUP.
Presents an integrated psycholinguistic, neuro-cognitive and computational approach to language, based on a schema-theoretic model of cooperative computation that seeks to integrate information from different modalities, including vision. Part II contains a description of a scene description generation system built by Conklin, with some discussion of the way salience dynamics were incorporated in the content-selection process for object description.
Conklin, E.J., and McDonald, D.D. (1982). Salience: The key to the selection problem in natural language generation . Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL-82.
Dale, R., and Haddock, N. (1991). Generating referring expressions containing relations . Proceedings of the 5th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL, EACL-91. A constraint-based approach to generating distinguishing descriptions containing relations. Algorithm takes three data structures as input: (a) a referent stack with the intended referents; (b) a property set for the intended referent; (c) a constraint network containing properties for the description and the set of domain variables constituting the distractor set. Algorithm proceeds by recursively updating the constraint network until a distinguishing description is found. The search procedure is depth-first. Problems occur when the algorithm keeps trying to recursively identify the referent and the relatum, generating descriptions such as the cup on the floor which is holding the cup which is... Proposed solution: a heuristic that prevents objects from being mentioned more than once in a description.
Horacek, H. (1995). More on generating referring expressions. Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation.
Horacek, H. (1996). A new algorithm for generating referential descriptions. Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ECAI-96. Attempts to bridge the proposals of Dale and Reiter (1995) and Dale and Haddock (1991) into a unified algorithm that combines depth-first and breadth-first search, overcoming some of the limitations in the previous proposals by including (a) Categorial expectations, i.e. the contextually motivated expectation of the category of the intended referent (which is used to rule out distractors); (b) proposing a unified treatment for atomic and relational descriptors; (c) imposing a parameter max on the depth of search (avoiding the infinite recursion found by Dale and Haddock) and a predicate salient for particularly salient descriptors that warrant inclusion even if they have no discriminatory power; (d) combining depth-first and breadth-first search via iterative deepening, favouring flat over embedded descriptions. Algorithm is composed of two sub-routines: describe-by-relation and describe-by-attribute, both of which maintain a constraint network. Input is a communicative goal to identify an intended referent. Successfully generates descriptions such as (1) the table on which there are two bottles without going into infinite looping. Does not incorporate an account of negation and disjunction.
Neumann, B., and Novak, H-J. (1983). Event models for recognition and natural language description of events in real-world image sequences. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-83. Neumann, B. (1984). Natural language description of time-varying scenes. FBI-HH-B-105/84, Fachbereich Informatik, Universitat Hamburg.
Novak, H-J. (1987).Strategies for generating coherent descriptions of object movements in street scenes. In: Kempen, G. (Ed.), Natural Language Generation: New Results in Artificial Intelligence, Psychology and Linguistics. Dordrecht: Nijhoff & NATO Scientific Affairs Division. Describes the NAOS system, which generates descriptions of visual street scenes containing objects and events, after event recognition occurs through micro-analysis of the visual scene. Generation system makes use of an event hierarchy, temporal distinctions between event types (durative/non-durative/inchoative), and case frames a` la Fillmore (1968). The GRE module REF is based on an open-world database. Two strategies for GRE are proposed: (a) The system generates referring expressions of an object based on its properties, taking into account whether an object of the same type has already been introduced (which triggers the use of 'other'-anaphora). (b) Objects that have the same properties are distinguished by ordinal numerals (the first X, the second X...).
Novak, H-J. (1988). Generating referring phrases in a dynamic environment . In: M. Zock, and G. Sabah (Eds.), Advances in Natural Language Generation, Vol. II. USA: Pinter
Oberlander, J., and Dale, R. (1991). Generating expressions referring to eventualities. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Extends the GRE algorithm proposed in Dale (1989) to cover reference to events, taking into account the event/process distinction. While the ontology in Dale (1989) distinguishes mass and count, this algorithm extends the ontology using the analogy between mass/count and event/process proposed by Bach (1986).
Walltz, D. (1981).Generating and understanding scene descriptions. In A. Joshi, B. Webber, and I. Sag (Eds.), Elements of Discourse Understanding. Cambridge: CUP.
Relevant links in other sections:
Salience and context-sensitive GRE
Krahmer, E., and Theune, M. (2002).Efficient generation of descriptions in context. In: K. van Deemter, and R. Kibble (Eds.), Information Sharing. Stanford: CSLI.
An extension of Dale and Reiter's (1995) Incremental Algorithm to take context into account in the generation of reduced anaphoric descriptions and pronouns. The modified Incremental Algorithm uses a salience metric to identify which entities are salient in a given discourse segment, treating only these as the distractors of the intended referent in context. The salience metric is based on a combination of Centring Theory and the Prague theory of discourse focus. The paper also contains an experimental evaluation of the hypotheses that the algorithm seeks to model.
Pattabhiraman, T., and Cercone, N. (1990). Selection: Salience, relevance and the coupling between domain-level tasks and text planning . Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Natural Language Generation.
Stevenson, R. (2002). The role of salience in the production of referring expressions: A psycholinguistic perspective. In: K. van Deemter, and R. Kibble (Eds.), Information Sharing. Stanford: CSLI.
TUNA corpus
About the corpus
The TUNA Reference Corpus is a semantically and pragmatically transparent corpus of identifying references to objects in visual domains. It was constructed via an online experiment, and has since been used in a number of evaluation studies on Referring Expressions Generation, as well as in two Shared Tasks: the Attribute Selection for Referring Expressions Generation task (2007), and the Referring Expression Generation task (2008).
Obtaining the TUNA Corpus
A version of the corpus was released for public distribution in October 2009. It forms part of the ELRA Language Resources Catalogue , and can be obtained by contacting ELRA directly. Alternatively, you can download the latest distribution from here.
Annotation and documentation
The following documents describe the annotation procedure and XML format of the corpus:
- Van der Sluis, I., A. Gatt and K. van Deemter (2006). Manual for the TUNA Corpus: Referring expressions in two domains. Technical Report AUCS/TR0705, University of Aberdeen.
- Gatt, A., van der Sluis, I., and van Deemter, K. (2008). XML Format Guidelines for the TUNA Corpus . Technical Report, University of Aberdeen.
Publications related to the corpus
These papers describe evaluation studies involving the TUNA Corpus, as well as giving further details on the design of the experiment and annotation.
- van Deemter, K., van der Sluis, I. & Gatt, A. (2006). Building a semantically transparent corpus for the generation of referring expressions . Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (Special Session on Data Sharing and Evaluation), INLG-06.
- Gatt, A., van der Sluis, I. & van Deemter, K. (2007). Assessing algorithms for the generation of referring expressions, using a semantically and pragmatically transparent corpus .
- van der Sluis, I., Gatt, A. & van Deemter, K. (2007). Evaluating algorithms for the generation of referring expressions: Going beyond toy domains .
- Gatt, A. and van Deemter, K. (2007). Incremental generation of plural descriptions: Similarity and partitioning .
- Gatt, A.,van der Sluis, I., and van Deemter, K. (2007). Corpus-based evaluation of referring expressions generation . Workshop on Shared Tasks and Evaluation in NLG, Arlington, Virginia.