The ArabTrans Project produces a wide range of outputs, including project Deliverables, Policy Briefs, Reports of interest to stakeholders, and further academic outputs building on project research. All outputs are listed here by country and by theme. Project Deliverables are also listed independently.
Documents that are fully accessible and useable with a screen reader are linked. If you would like access to a document not available online, please email
This page provides links to all the project outputs which are available for downloading listed by country.
Algeria | Egypt | Iraq | Jordan | Libya | Morocco | Tunisia
- Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Have Expectations Been Met: The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings In 2014' (Vienna, 10 July 2016)
- Diez-Nicolas, Juan (2016) 'The Perceptions of Security in the Arab Countries ' (Poznan, 23-28 July 2016)
- Sarnelli, Viola (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Resilience or Transformation'? Journal of Global Faultlines 3(1), 70-76
- Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Missed Opportunities Democracy in EU Policy and MENA Perceptions After the Arab Uprisings ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016)
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings '
- Teti, Andrea (2016) "The EU's Policy Response to the UprisingsWP11_Working_Paper_2_-_Teti_EU_Policy_Response_to_Uprisings_20160728_AT.pdf ," ArabTrans Working Paper n. 2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response ,' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 3
- Abbott, Pamela (2016) Have Expectations Been Met?
The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings of Political Reform and Econcomic Development in 2014 ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016) - Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Have Expectations Been Met: The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings In 2014' (Vienna, 10 July 2016)
- Diez-Nicolas, Juan (2016) 'The Perceptions of Security in the Arab Countries ' (Poznan, 23-28 July 2016)
- Hynek, Sarah (2016) ' Human Rights in Egypt: five years after the revolution' Journal of Global Faultlines, March 2016 ' 3 (1), 65-69, March 2016
- Han, Saerom (2016) 'The Effect of Anti-Terrorism and Social Movements in Egypt 'Journal of Global Faultlines' , 3 (1), 77-82, 28 March 2016
- Teti, Andrea (2016) Cited in Floris, Fabrizio “Poi è toccata a Giulio,” Nigrizia, May 13th, 2016;
- Teti, Andrea (2016) ' Missed Opportunities Democracy in EU Policy and MENA Perceptions After the Arab Uprisings ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016)
- Teti, Andrea cited in “Mukhtafun/Desaparecidos: Una vecchia storia in un contesto nuovo,” Turin International Book Fair, Turin, Italy, May 12th, 2016;
- Teti, Andrea; Guest on “Sul Viso Di Giulio Ho Visto Il Male Del Mondo” La Città, March 3rd 2016.
- Teti, Andrea; Guest on Radio 3 Mondo World News Review Special Issue on Egypt, May 12th, 2016;
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response '
- Teti, Andrea (2016) The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings ," ArabTrans Working Paper n. 2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response ,' & ArabTrans Working Paper n. 3
- Abbott, Pamela (2016) Have Expectations Been Met?
The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings of Political Reform and Econcomic Development in 2014 ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016) - Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Have Expectations Been Met: The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings In 2014' (Vienna, 10 July 2016)
- Diez-Nicolas, Juan (2016) 'The Perceptions of Security in the Arab Countries ' (Poznan, 23-28 July 2016)
- Edinburgh Conference 2016 Poster: Iraq - available on request
- Teti, Andrea (2016) ' Missed Opportunities Democracy in EU Policy and MENA Perceptions After the Arab Uprisings ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016)
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'The Relative Importance of Region and Religion in Explaining Differences in Political, Economic and Social Attitudes in Iraq in 2014: Findings from the Arab Transformations Public Opinion Survey'
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'Religion and Region in Iraq' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 1
- Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Iraq in the Middle East 25 Years after Desert Storm: society, culture and regional politics' Deakin University and Iraqi Australian University Graduates Forum (March 11th, 2016)
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'Religion and Region in Iraq ' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 1
- Teti, Andrea (2016) "The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings, " ArabTrans Working Paper n. 2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response ,' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 3
- Abbott, Pamela (2016) Have Expectations Been Met?
The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings of Political Reform and Econcomic Development in 2014 ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016) - Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Have Expectations Been Met: The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings In 2014' (Vienna, 10 July 2016)
- Diez-Nicolas, Juan (2016) 'The Perceptions of Security in the Arab Countries ' (Poznan, 23-28 July 2016)
- Edinburgh Conference 2016 Poster: Jordan - available on request
- Sarnelli, Viola (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: resilience or transformation?', Journal of Global Faultlines ', 3(1), 70-76
- Teti, Andrea (2016) ' Missed Opportunities Democracy in EU Policy and MENA Perceptions After the Arab Uprisings ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016))
- Teti, Andrea (2016) "The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings, " ArabTrans Working Paper n. 2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response ,' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 3
- Abbott, Pamela (2016) Have Expectations Been Met?
The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings of Political Reform and Econcomic Development in 2014 ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016) - Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Have Expectations Been Met: The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings In 2014' (Vienna, 10 July 2016)
- Diez-Nicolas, Juan (2016) 'The Perceptions of Security in the Arab Countries ' (Poznan, 23-28 July 2016)
- Edinburgh Conference 2016 Poster: Libya - available on request
- Teti, Andrea (2016) ' Missed Opportunities Democracy in EU Policy and MENA Perceptions After the Arab Uprisings ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016)
- Teti, Andrea (2015) 'The Challenge of Stability In Libya' (December 11 2015, Rome; In Coperation with the ArabTranformations Consortium) Video
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response
- Teti, Andrea (2016) "The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings, " ArabTrans Working Paper n. 2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response ,' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 3
- Xypolia, Ilia (2016) 'The Rocky Road ahead to Peace: The Arab Uprisings and the Conflict in Libya ' Journal of Global Faultlines, 3(1), 50-55.
- Abbott, Pamela (2016) Have Expectations Been Met?
The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings of Political Reform and Econcomic Development in 2014 ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016) - Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Have Expectations Been Met: The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings in 2014' (Vienna, 10 July 2016)
- Diez-Nicolas, Juan (2016) 'The Perceptions of Security in the Arab Countries ' (Poznan, 23-28 July 2016)
- Edinburgh Conference 2016 Poster: Libya.pdf - available on request
- Teti, Andrea (2016) ' Missed Opportunities Democracy in EU Policy and MENA Perceptions After the Arab Uprisings ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016)
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response
- Teti, Andrea (2016) "The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings, " ArabTrans Working Paper n. 2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response ,' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 3
- Abbott, Pamela (2016) Have Expectations Been Met?
The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings of Political Reform and Econcomic Development in 2014 ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016) - Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Have Expectations Been Met: The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings In 2014' (Vienna, 10 July 2016)
- Diez-Nicolas, Juan (2016) 'The Perceptions of Security in the Arab Countries ' (Poznan, 23-28 July 2016).
- Edinburgh Conference 2016 Poster: Tunsia - available on request
- Teti, Andrea (2016) ' Missed Opportunities Democracy in EU Policy and MENA Perceptions After the Arab Uprisings ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016)
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response '
- Teti, Andrea (2016) The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings," ArabTrans Working Paper n.2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response ,' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 3
In order to better explain the findings of its research, the Arab Transformations Project has organised its data around a number of themes.
EU - Mena Relations | Security | Quality of Life | Gender | Youth and Social Media | Corruption | Migration | Politics and Religion | Trust | Drivers of the Uprisings
Through its research, the Arab Transformations Project identifies a disconnect between the EU intentions in the MENA region, and local perceptions of the failure of its influence and impact. The EU aims to attain inclusive growth and shared prosperity, inclusive political systems and democracy as well as greater security and stability. However, research shows that it has failed to respond to popular demands and has instead retained policies which produce greater economic polarisation, ongoing political marginalisation and de facto support for authoritarian regimes. These policies leave untouched the structural causes of insecurity and instability in MENA countries. The effects of these failures have been a deeper undermining of the EU's reputation as well as continued insecurity, instability and increasing pressures on migration.
- Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Missed Opportunities Democracy in EU Policy and MENA Perceptions After the Arab Uprisings ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016)
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response '
- Lomazzi, Vera (2016) 'Middle East Refugee Response and Gender Equality Challenges ,'
Journal of Global Faultlines, 3(1), 56-64. - Teti, Andrea (2016) The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings
- Teti, Andrea (2015) 'The Challenge of Stability In Libya' (December 11 2015, Rome; In Coperation with the ArabTranformations Consortium) Video
- Teti, A. & Mura, A. (2013). 'Convergent (il)liberalism in the Mediterranean?: Some notes on Egyptian (post-)authoritarianism and Italian (post-)democracy'. European Urban and Regional Studies, vol 20, no. 1, pp. 120-127.
- [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1177/0969776412460535
- Teti, A., Thompson, D. & Noble, C. (2013). 'EU democracy assistance discourse in its 'new response to a changing neighbourhood''. Democracy and Security, vol 9, no. 1, pp. 61-79. [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1080/17419166.2012.736311
- Teti, Andrea (2016) "The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings , "ArabTrans Working Paper n.2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response , 'ArabTrans Working Paper n. 3
- Talbot, Valeria (2016) 'Perceptions of the EU in the Middle East' (Brussels, 2016)
Across all countries surveyed as part of the Arab Transformations Project, there is a general perception that the security situation has significantly deteriorated. This is particularly prevalent in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq. This phenomenon is linked to the turmoil of the Uprisings, and in Libya and Iraq's central provinces there is specific concern about civil war and terrorism. Governments' inability to address popular concern is likely to fuel popular frustration.
- Diez-Nicolas, Juan (2016) 'The Perceptions of Security in the Arab Countries ' (Poznan, 23 - 28 July 2016)
- Han, Saerom (2016) The Effect of Anti-Terrorism and Social Movements in Egypt 'Journal of Global Faultlines , 3 (1), 77-82, 28 March 2016
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) The Relative Importance of Region and Religion in Explaining Differences in Political, Economic and Social Attitudes in Iraq in 2014: Findings from the Arab Transformation Public Opinion Survey
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'Religion and Region in Iraq ' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 1
- Teti, Andrea (2016) "The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings ," ArabTrans Working Paper n.2
Respondents to the Arab Transformation survey were not simply concerned with their economic circumstances but their quality of life more generally. Most respondents felt relatively safe in their immediate neighbourhood and that they had neighbours that they could rely on in time of need. They were concerned about educational and employment opportunities and the quality of public services. Respondents expressed relatively high levels of dissatisfaction with the educational, health and social security systems in their individual countries. Many had an expectation that the EU should provide development assistance for education, social services and job creation.
- Abbott, Pamela (2016) Have Expectations Been Met?
The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings of Political Reform and Econcomic Development in 2014 ' (Brussels, 22 June 2016) - Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Have Expectations Been Met: The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings In 2014 ' (Vienna, 10 July 2016)
- Hynek, Sarah (2016) 'Human Rights in Egypt: five years after the revolution' Journal of Global Faultlines, March 2016 3 (1), 65-69, March 2016
The Arab Transformations survey found relatively slight differences between male and female respondents on gender issues. Female respondents were less likely than males to have participated in the Uprisings or to have considered the possibility of migration. Few respondents believed gender equality was a priority, but women and younger people were marginally more likely to support gender equality than men and older respondents. Most people considered education to be equally important for girls as boys and that married women should be able to work outside the home if they wished. However, respondents were less certain that women made as effective political leaders as men and a large majority wanted Sharia law to be enforced - a legal system that gives women fewer rights than men.
The Arab Transformations Project research has identified that the virtual tool of social organisation - social media - was influential in the Arab Uprisings in helping to make people better informed. It may play a greater role in organising political activity when citizens are already engaged in conflict situations. The research demonstrates an almost ubiquitous interest in politics across the region and identifies a schism between traditional political activities - such as voting and membership of political parties - and activism by age. Older people who are active politically tend to be offline whilst younger people who are politically engaged tend to operate online.
Roughly sixty per cent of those surveyed as part of the Arab Transformations Project believed state corruption is extremely widespread with the number leaping to ninety percent when responses from those who believe there is a medium level of corruption within society are added. Very few respondents believed their governments were taking measures to address corruption. Corruption is of course more than simply about money, but includes nepotism, cronyism and clientelism. Across much of the region the need for 'wasta' (social influence) is prevalent in order to obtain services and in the expectation of reciprocation from others. In all countries over eighty percent of respondents believe wasta is always or almost always needed to secure a job. Corruption was given as a major reason for joining or supporting the Arab Uprisings by many respondents. Crucially, where corruption is felt to be endemic, respondents show extremely low levels of confidence that governments are acting effectively to counter it.
Forty per cent of respondents surveyed in the Arab Transformations Project considered living abroad, with a majority considering doing so for a temporary period. This varied by country, with over half of Moroccans saying they have considered migration, compared with just over a quarter of Iraqis. Around a fifth of Jordanians and Moroccans have considered permanent migration compared with just six per cent of Egyptians. In most cases, the key driver for migration is economic, although in Iraq security is the overriding concern, and in Libya both security and education are more important. Political reasons
for migration account for only three per cent of responses to the survey, although the economy and security are deeply entwined in political contexts.
Although religion is clearly important it is not so certain to what extent this translates into the political sphere. The Arab Transformations survey found that with the exception of Jordan, all countries have a majority of people who agree to an extent to a separation between Islam and the government. They also display noticeably low trust in religious elites and show little desire for clerics to influence government or voters. This is particularly prevalent in Egypt. In all the countries surveyed a large majority of respondents think that at least some laws should be based on (some interpretation of)
religious jurisprudence (Sharia). This preference was strongest in Family Law and Property Law, areas in which state and religious institutions have historically cooperated. Tunisia provides a partial exception, with relatively lower preferences across the board. By contrast, nearly half of respondents in Jordan and just over a third in Morocco - two countries in which the EU's democracy assistance efforts have been strongest - preferred an 'Islamic' form of government.
Trust is the basis of social cohesion. It is what makes it possible for individuals and groups to interact in ways which work to the overall collective good. In surveyed countries however, trust in social and political institutions is worryingly low. The Council of Ministers was trusted by just over half of respondents in Egypt and Iraq, but only around a quarter or less in the rest of the countries surveyed. Parliament and political parties were trusted by very few. Local government was trusted by a few more, but still only between twenty and thirty per cent of respondents, except in Iraq where this figure reached nearly sixty per cent. There is a great deal of variation in the extent to which the courts and
legal system are trusted. Egyptians displayed the most faith at over fifty-eight per cent, whilst Morocco was the lowest with just twenty-eight per cent. The police were trusted by over eighty per cent of Jordanians but Iraqis, at only eleven per cent, barely trusted them at all. Respondents did not have much faith in the media either: Iraq was the most trusting but only thirty-five per cent expressed 'a great deal' or 'quite a lot' of trust in media sources.
Support for the Arab Uprisings, perhaps not surprisingly, varied by country, but overall the tendency is for supporters to be male, relatively young (not elderly) and neither the poorest nor the least well educated in society. The research conducted by the Arab Transformations survey reveals differences between the six countries surveyed, but overall corruption and economic issues were perceived as significantly more important drivers than purely political ones. By 2014 people seem less optimistic about the outcomes of the Arab Uprisings than they did in 2011, and less likely to say that they supported them. The general view is that the economic situation of the countries and individual
households has deteriorated, with the exception of Morocco where overall respondents note a small improvement. Egyptians are noticeably more positive about the prospects for economic growth.List of Deliverables
- WP1 D1.1: Framework Paper; General framework paper describing the state‐of the art of transition studies regarding the Arab countries in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq using both national and international literature.
- WP2 D2.2: Background Reports; Literature Report for political and social change in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq
- WP3 D3.3: Master Questionnaire - English ; Master Questionnaire agreed by all partners in English
- WP4 D4.4: Survey Questionnaire Version 2.1 - English ; Final Survey Questionnaire in English
- WP4 D4.5: Survey Questionnaire Version 2.0 - Arabic ; Final Survey Questionnaire in all national and regional languages - Available on request
- WP4 D4.6: Survey Technical Handbook ; Survey Technical Handbook
- WP5 D5.32: Quality Assurance Report ; Full assessment of the project at the time of management change and methods of correction
- WP5 D5.33: Data Set ; Full data set for the Arab Trans survey. SPSS and STATA .
- WP5 D5.34: Codebook - Algeria ; Codebook from cleaned data for Algeria
- WP5 D5.35: Codebook - Egypt ; Codebook from cleaned data for Egypt
- WP5 D5.36: Codebook - Iraq ; Codebook from cleaned data for Iraq
- WP5 D5.37: Codebook - Jordan ; Codebook from cleaned data for Jordan
- WP5 D5.38: Codebook - Libya ; Codebook from cleaned data for Libya
- WP5 D5.39: Codebook - Morocco ; Codebook from cleaned data for Morocco
- WP5 D5.40: Codebook - Tunisia ; Codebook from cleaned data Tunisia
- WP5 D5.41: Combined Codebook ; Combined codebook from cleaned data
- WP6 D6.7: Country Report - Morocco ; Survey results on political and social change in Morocco
- WP6 D6.8: Country Report - Algeria ; Survey results on political and social change in Algeria
- WP6 D6.9: Country Report - Tunisia ; Survey results on political and social change in Tunisia
- WP6 D6.10: Country Report - Libya ; Survey results on political and social change in Libya
- WP6 D6.11: Country Report - Egypt ; Survey results on political and social change in Egypt
- WP6 D6.12: Country Report - Jordan ; Survey results on political and social change in Jordan
- WP6 D6.13: Country Report - Iraq ; Survey results on political and social change in Iraq
- WP6 D6.14: Comparative Country Report ; Comparative survey results on political and social change in 7 Arab countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq
- WP7 D7.15: Transformation Analysis - Morocco ; Report about political and social transformations in Morocco, 2010 - 2015
- WP7 D7.16: Transformation Analysis - Algeria ; Report about political and social transformations in Algeria, 2010 - 2015
- WP7 D7.17: Transformation Analysis - Tunisia ; Report about political and social transformations in Tunisia, 2010 - 2015
- WP7 D7.18: Transformation Analysis - Libya ; Report about political and social transformations in Libya, 2010 - 2015
- WP7 D7.19: Transformation Analysis - Egypt ; Report about political and social transformations in Egypt, 2010 - 2015
- WP7 D7.20: Transformation Analysis - Jordan ; Report about political and social transformations in Jordan, 2010 - 2015
- WP7 D7.21: Transformation Analysis - Iraq ; Report about political and social transformations in Iraq, 2010 - 2015
- WP7 D7.23: Comparative Transformation Analysis ; Comparative Report about political and social transformations in 7 Arab countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq
- WP7 D7.42: Longitudinal database ; Comparative dataset of longitudinal surveys and guide
- WP8 D8.24: Comparative Report on youth, generations, and new media in transition
- WP9 D9.25: The Impact and Role of the European Union on Political Transitions in the Middle East and North Africa: Democratisation and Democracy Assistance Policies ; Literature Report for Euro‐Mediterranean relations, the impact and role of the EU
- WP9 D9.26: The Impact of the European Union in Arab Countries and the impact of the Arab transformations upon the EU
- WP10 D10.30: Executive Summary ; Executive Summary of all Work Packages
- WP11: D11.22: Policy Brief I: What do 'The People' Want? Citizens' perceptions of Democracy and EU-MENA relations
- WP11 D11.27: Website ; Website in English and Arab language and subsequent quarterly updates
- WP11 D11.28: The Relative Importance of Religion and Region in Explaining Differences in Political Economic and Social Attitudes in Iraq in 2014: Findings from the Arab Transformations Public Opinion Survey ; Dissemination paper for international scientific community
- WP11 D11.29: Policy Brief II: Building Decent Societies: Economics and Political Cohesion in Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia
- WP11 D11.31: Dissemination Plan ; Description of the dissemination plan approved by all teams
This page provides links to all the project outputs which are available for downloading organised by type.
Academic Papers | Reports for Stakeholders | Presentations | Posters | Scientific Reports
Academic Papers
Han, Saerom (2016)
'The Effect of Anti-Terrorism and Social Movements in Egypt 'Journal of Global Faultlines '
Journal of Global Faultlines', 3(1), 77-82, March 2016. -
Hynek, Sarah (2016)
'Human Rights in Egypt: five years after the revolution' Journal of Global Faultlines, March 2016 '
3(1), 65-69 -
Sarnelli, Viola (2016)
'After the Arab Uprisings: resilience or transformation?', Journal of Global Faultlines
Journal of Global Faultlines, 3(1), 70-76, March 2016 - Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response '
Teti, Andrea (2016)
'The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings' -
Xypolia, Ilia (2016)
'The Rocky Road ahead to Peace: The Arab Uprisings and the Conflict in Libya '
Journal of Global Faultlines, 3(1), 50-55, March 2016Lomazzi, Vera (2016) 'Middle East Refugee Response and Gender Equality Challenges ,'
Journal of Global Faultlines, 3(1), 56-64.
Reports for Stakeholders
Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2017) 'What Drives Migration from the Middle East? Why People Want to Leave Arab States ,' Arab Trans Policy Brief, n. 8
- Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'Arab Trans Political, Economic and Social Transformations in the Middle East and North Africa: What do People Want ? Citizens' Perceptions of Democracy, Development, and EU-MENA Relations in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Libya and Morocco in 2014
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response
Teti, Andrea (2016)
'The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings' -
Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016)
'The Relative Importance of Region and Religion in Explaining Differences
in Political, Economic and Social Attitudes in Iraq in 2014: Findings from the Arab Transformations Public Opinion Survey' -
Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'Religion and Region in Iraq '
ArabTrans Working Paper n. 1 - Teti, Andrea (2016) "The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings ," ArabTrans Working Paper n.2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response ,' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 3
Abbott, Pamela (2016)
'Have Expectations Been Met? What Supporters of the Arab Uprisings Were Fighting For and How They Percieved The Outcomes'
(Edinburgh, May 2016) -
Abbott, Pamela (2016)
Have Expectations Been Met?
The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings of Political Reform and Econcomic Development in 2014 '
(Brussels, 22 June 2016) -
Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016)
'Have Expectations Been Met: The Evaluation of Supporters of the Arab Uprisings In 2014'
(Vienna, 10 July 2016) -
Diez-Nicolas, Juan (2016)
'The Perceptions of Security in the Arab Countries '
(Poznan, 23 - 28 July 2016) -
Sarnelli, Viola (2016)
'Resilient Countries'. Five Years after the Arab Uprisings:
Resilience, Conflict and Transformation Across the Middle East and North Africa Seminar
(University of Aberdeen, 28 January 2016) -
Teti, Andrea (2016)
'Andrea Teti in conversation with Lina Atallah, May Telmissany, and Ahdaf Soueif ', Cairo Times, Turin International Book Fair
(May 14th, 2016) -
Teti, Andrea (2016)
'Europe and the Arab Uprisings Five Years On: The Betrayal of Democracy '
Joint hosts Sydney Ideas & Sydney Democracy Network (March 17th, 2016) -
Teti, Andrea (2016)
'Iraq in the Middle East 25 Years after Desert Storm: society, culture and regional politics '
Deakin University and Iraqi Australian University Graduates Forum (March 11th, 2016) -
Teti, Andrea (2016)
'Missed Opportunities Democracy in EU Policy and MENA Perceptions After the Arab Uprisings '
(Brussels, 22 June 2016) -
Teti, Andrea (2016)
'Mukhtafun/Desaparecidos Quale Stabilità Senza Diritti? '
Turin International Book Fair,
(Turin, May 12th 2016) -
Teti, Andrea (2016)
'Stability Without Rights' Desaparecidos/Mukhtafun in Egypt'
(University of Turin, May 11th, 2016) -
Teti, Andrea (2016)
'Tradire la democrazia: Le 'rivolte arabe' e l'Unione europea'
Ricerca in pericolo/Il pericolo della ricerca;
(University of Naples, May 19th 2016) -
Xypolia, Ilia (2016)
'Democracy, Civil War and Five years after the Arab Uprisings:
Resilience, Conflict and Transformation across the Middle East and North Africa' (University of Aberdeen, January 2016) -
Xypolia, Ilia (2016)
'Eurocentrism, Islamophobia, and the turmoil in the Middle East,
'Islamophobia in Contemporary Politics - The Syrian Civil War and the Refugee Crisis' (University of Aberdeen, February 2016) -
Xypolia, Ilia (2015)
'Political Attitudes in Seven Arab Nations'
Festival of Social Sciences,
(University of Aberdeen, November 2015)
Posters - available on request
Posters presented at Edinburgh Conference (May 2016)
- Introductory
- Corruption (Comparative)
- Migration (Comparative)
- Politics and_Religion (Comparative)
- Trust (Comparative)
- Iraq
- Jordan
- Libya
- Tunsia
Scientific Reports
The Arab Transformations projects collects in a Working Papers series publications which are part of ongoing research of interest to academics and stakeholders, but not part of project reports.
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'Religion and Region in Iraq' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 1
- Teti, Andrea (2016) The EU's Policy Response to the Uprisings, Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 2
- Teti, Andrea and Abbott, Pamela (2016) 'After the Arab Uprisings: Popular Expectations and the EU's Response,' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 3
- Teti, A., Abbott, P. (2016). 'Framework Paper: Understanding Arab Transformations,' ArabTrans Working Paper n. 4, Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen.
- Teti, A. (2017). 'Political and Social Change in Egypt: Preludes to the Uprising, ' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 5, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10923.44328
- Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2016) 'The Political, Social and Economic Drivers of the 2011 Egyptian Uprising, ' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 6
- Teti, A., Xypolia, I., Sarnelli, V., Tsourapas, G., Lomozzi, V., and Abbott, P. (2016) 'Political and Social Transformations in Egypt'. Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 7.
- Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2017) 'MENA Populations' Perceptions of Key Challenges, International Context and the Role of the European Union', Arab Tranformations Working Paper n. 9
- Abbott, Pamela (2017) 'Gender Equality and MENA Women's Empowerment in the Aftermath of teh 2011 Uprisings,' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 10
- Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2017) 'EU Policy Impact and Public Perceptions in the MENA Region,' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 11
- Abbott, P., Teti, A., Sapsford, R., and Tsourapas, G. (2016) 'Arab Transformations: Have Expectations Been Met?' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 13.
- Sapsford, Roger; Tsourapas, Gerasimos and Teti, Andrea (2017) 'MENA in 2014: Do People Think Their Nation is Secure?' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 14
- Sapsford, Roger; Tsourapas, Gerasimos and Abbott, Pamela (2017) 'Corruption, Cohesion and the Rule of Law,' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 15
- Abbott, Pamela and Teti, Andrea (2017) 'Key Findings from the Arab Transformations Project,' Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 16
- Abbott, P. and Teti, A. (2017). 'Building Decent Societies? Economic Situation and Political Cohesion After the Arab Uprisings'. Arab Transformations Working Paper 17. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen
- Teti, A., Abbott, P. and Deane, S. (2017). The Vulnerability of Authoritarianism: Legitimacy and Challenges to Stability in the Middle East. Arab Transformations Working Paper n. 18. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen.
- Abbott, P. and Teti, A. (2017). A Generation in Waiting for Jobs and Justice: Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training in North Africa. Arab Transformations Working Paper 19. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen.
- Vincent, K; Sarnelli, V; Luguzan, C., and Waechter, N. (2016) Youth and Social Media in Transition. Arab Transformations Working Paper 20. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen.
- Abbott, P., Teti, A., and Sapsford, R. (2017). 'Reconsidering the Role of Youth: Generational Differencs in Political and Social Attitudes in the Arab World, Arab Transformations Working Paper 21. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen.
The Arab Transformations Project produces a series of Policy Briefs designed to make the results of ongoing research accessible to a non-specialist audiences.
- Andrea Teti and Pamela Abbott (2017) "What do the People (Still) Want? Conceptions of Democracy, " Arab Transformations Policy Brief No. 1
- Andrea Teti and Pamela Abbott (2017) "Perceptions of the EU in MENA Public Opinion ," Arab Transformations Policy Brief No. 2
- Pamela Abbott and Andrea Teti (2017) "Socio-economic Inequality and the Failure of Development Strategies for the Middle East ," Arab Transformations Policy Brief No. 3
- Pamela Abbott and Andrea Teti (2017) "From Ring of Friends to Ring of Fire: Challenges to Stability and Legitimacy in MENA States," Arab Transformations Policy Brief No. 4
- Pamela Abbott and Andrea Teti (2017) "Against the Tide: Why Gender Attitudes Remain Profoundly Conservative in Arab Countries ," Arab Transformations Policy Brief No 5
- Roger Sapsford, Pamela Abbott, and Andrea Teti (2017) "The Integrity of States: Corruption in the EU's Southern Neighbourhood, " Arab Transformations Policy Brief No. 6
- Pamela Abbott, Andrea Teti and Munqith Dagher (2017) "Iraq After ISIS: Continued Conflict or Rebuilding Beyond Ethno-Sectarian Identity? " Arab Transformations Policy Brief No 7
- Pamela Abbott and Andrea Teti (2017) "What Drives Migration from the Middle East? Why People Want to Leave Arab States ," Arab Transformations Policy Brief No. 8
- Pamela Abbott (2017) "Young People in North Africa Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETs) ," Arab Transformations Policy Brief No. 9
- Pamela Abbott, Roger Sapsford, and Andrea Teti (2017) "Youth and the Arab Uprisings ,"Arab Transformations Policy Brief No. 10
- Andrea Teti, Pamela Abbott, Shelley Deane (2017) "Sinkholes of Insecurity: Structural Causes of Weakness in Six Arab States," Arab Transformations Policy Brief No. 11
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