Employability and Entrepreneurship Committee (EEC)
- Agenda
2024-25 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 - Remit
PURPOSE The Employability and Entrepreneurship Committee coordinates the monitoring, development and planning of strategic activities to meet institutional targets and Key Performance Indicators linked to the Aberdeen 2040 strategic plan.
Specific Aberdeen 2040 Commitments that interface with this Committee are:
- #7 - Design new courses and programmes which encourage interdisciplinary learning, and ensure that all our students can experience innovative, challenge-led education involving external stakeholders.
- #12 - We will equip our graduates for global employment through our curriculum and teaching methods.
- #14 - Ensure all our students can have an international experience, by studying abroad or working collaboratively with international partners.
REMIT - Monitor and evaluate employability data insights (e.g., Graduate Outcomes) to inform and enhance careers and employability provision;
- Enhance and develop work-based learning provision for students, for example, through placements and volunteering initiatives;
- Ensure an effective Graduate Attributes and Skills framework is in place to prepare our graduates to thrive in the diverse workplaces of the future including creative thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship, and digital skills;
- Ensure effective communication with the University community and external stakeholders to enhance understanding of, and engagement with, the employability agenda and the achievement of the aims outlined within the Aberdeen 2040 Strategic Plan;
- Scan the external horizon to ensure the University is at the forefront of high quality, innovative and effective careers and skills provision;
- Establish and support workstreams as appropriate to fulfil the institutional commitment to enhancing employability and entrepreneurship, providing oversight, guidance and support as required;
- Receive reports and required actions from the following:
- Careers and employability engagement data
- Graduate Outcomes data
- Institutional and Programme Employer Boards
- Monitor and approve applications for enhanced transcript accreditation and recognition
- Funding opportunities and agreements (e.g., Santander, Enterprise, Wood Foundation) for enhancing employability
APPROACH Our approach to enhancing employability, entrepreneurship education and skills development will be one involves multiple-stakeholders (internal and external) and is inclusive of all Schools and Professional Services across the institution.
Each member of the committee will disseminate and gather feedback from their constituencies to drive a whole-institution approach to the above remit. Member's contributions through their proactive engagement will ensure the effectiveness and suitability of the strategic activities across the institution. - Composition & Membership
Chair: John Barrow / Tracey Innes
Clerk: Ellen Minshull
Email: ellen.minshull@abdn.ac.uk
Composition Co-Chairs:
- Dean for Employability & Entrepreneurship
- Head of Careers and Employability Service
- School Leads for Employability and Entrepreneurship
- Representative of the Postgraduate Research
- School Student President of the Students' Association (or nominee)
- Vice-President for Education of the Students' Association
- A further representative of the Students' Association
In attendance:
- Director of Academic Services and Online Education (or nominee)
- Directorate of Information Services (or nominee)
- Head of the Centre for Academic Development (or nominee)
Quorum: 50%
Membership Chair (Dean for Employability & Entrepreneurship) John Barrow Chair (Head of Careers and Employability Service Tracey Innes Representative of the Postgraduate Research School Lucy Leiper Vice-President for Education of the Students' Association Miles Rothoerl A further representative of the Students' Association Christina Schmid AUSA Staff Representation Danielle Grieve School Leads for Employability and Entrepreneurship School of Biological Sciences Lenka Mbadugha Business School Desidre Coopasamy School of Divinity, History and Philosophy & Art History Helen Pierce School of Education Alyson Young School of Engineering Amir Siddiq School of Geosciences David Green School of Language, Literature, Music and Visual Culture Alan Macpherson School of Law Kirsty Wilson School of Psychology Margaret Jackson School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition Monika Gostic School of Natural and Computing Sciences Alan McCue School of Social Science Stuart Durkin In Attendance Director of Academic Services and Online Education (or nominee) Jane Melhuish / Jenna Stuart Directorate of Information Services (or nominee) Susan Halfpenny Head of the Centre for Academic Development (or nominee) Darren Comber Enterprise Executive from Impact & Knowledge Exchange Jenna Stuart Clerk Ellen Minshull - Attendance
2024-25 - Minutes
2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021 - 2022 2020 - 2021 2 June 2021