Dr Piotr Niewiadomski

Dr Piotr Niewiadomski

Dr Piotr Niewiadomski is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography in the School of Geosciences, Department of Geography & Environment. Piotr is an economic geographer interested in sustainability transitions. His work concentrates on the global tourism production system – its worldwide development, its economic, social and environmental impacts, and its transition to more sustainable forms of production and consumption. Piotr’s work is motivated by a desire to help make tourism more sustainable, mitigate its impact on climate change, and minimise its detrimental effects on the natural environment, while ensuring that tourism development is socially just and economically equitable. Piotr is an Associate Editor of ‘Tourism Geographies – An International Journal of Tourism Place, Space and Environment’ – a leading international journal dedicated to tourism. He is also the Director of the new, innovative programme MSc in Sustainability Transitions which is designed to train the future generation of innovators and thinkers who have the passion and ambition to deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and become true sustainability leaders which the world needs.