Sustainable Development Committee
Date of Establishment - June 2020 (Sustainability Steering Group) and September 2021 (Sustainable Development Committee)
Chair and Administrative Support Area
- Chair: Senior Vice-Principal
- Clerk: Senior Vice-Principal's Office
Committee Governance
The following points should be noted:
- The Committee will report directly to the Senior Management Team.
- The Committee is expected to normally meet 4 times per year.
- The Committee will have the discretion to create sub-groups, as and when appropriate.
- Paperwork for each meeting will be co-ordinated in advance and circulated by the Clerk, normally at least five working days prior to each meeting.
Statutory Reporting
In 2015, Public Bodies in Scotland were invited to submit (voluntarily) a sustainability report as part of a new obligation under statutory Public Bodies Climate Change Duties. In 2016 that exercise became compulsory.