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There are 900 records in the collection.

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Image Title Item Description
The Flower o' Braemar - lyrics and explanation
The Flower o' Braemar - lyrics and explanation In this excerpt from James Leatham's Gateway periodical, he explains how he came to write the words to The Flower o' Braemar.
Scott Skinner Tour Concert Programme and note to 'Jeannie'
Scott Skinner Tour Concert Programme and note to 'Jeannie' The note written on the back cover of the Scott Skinner Tour Concert Programme, reads: Cupar, 30 Sept. Dear Jeannie, 'The Rosebud' has caught on and it's a loverly melody for words, but alas, theres no Burns now to write it - I hope yr Consort[?] makes a good recovery, God Grant it, 'King' [Along...
Scott Skinner Tour Concert Programme
Scott Skinner Tour Concert Programme Scott Skinner touring concert programme, probably dating from the early 1920s. Skinner loses no opportunity to promote his own work: note the reference at the bottom to his recently published song, 'The Flower o' Braemar' (words by James Leatham, provost of Turriff, Aberdeenshire).
Manuscript cover for 'The Dancing Master'
Manuscript cover for 'The Dancing Master' Cover details for the proposed publication, The Dancing Master. Note across top right hand corner reads: 'Dear John Go and do this bookie - nothing but tunes - no basses & no prefactory matter' 'The Dancing Master by J. Scott Skinner containing all the ancient and modern sweet lilts. Collected by...
Proposed contents for the Dancing Master
Proposed contents for the Dancing Master MS The Dancing Master Minuet de la Coeur Vest[--?] - Gavotte Parazotti'e 17 Century Dance Galopade CD[Country Dance] Spanish Dance Bolero [gives 1st bar for rhythm] Scarf Dance (Tyrolese) [gives 1st bar for rhythm] Tarantella The Oxford March L.[---?] Valse Mar: Thoughts of Home ? G.Sch...
Letter card to James Macdonald
Letter card to James Macdonald Letter card to Mr James Macdonald, Gardener, Allenvale, Aberdeen, dated 15 Sep 1922, from 'King'- J. Scott Skinner. James Macdonald was married to Skinner's cousin, Jessie.
Letter card to James Macdonald, back
Letter card to James Macdonald, back 'The Rosebud' is in full bloom & will be played when you & I are asleep - +Love+ The above is written on the back of the letter card Skinner sent to the gardener James Macdonald. Macdonald was the gardener at Allanvale Cemetery, Aberdeen, where Skinner was buried in 1927. He was married to Skinner's...
Letter card to James Macdonald, inside
Letter card to James Macdonald, inside Skinner sent this card to James Macdonald, gardener at Allanvale cemetery, Aberdeen, from Dunfermline. Macdonald was married to Skinner's cousin, Jessie. Friday, Dear Jamie, I am hopeful of yr Consort's betterment - but God sake be careful of a chill. Private - Stirling over £50 some puny houses...
Letter from George F Shee to Scott Skinner
Letter from George F Shee to Scott Skinner Page 1 of 2 of letter from George F Shee, Spa Hotel Strathpeffer, dated 20 July 1919. Dear Mr Scott Skinner, A few of the visitors here have felt that they would like to make some acknowledgement of the pleasure you gave them on the two evenings when you entertained them with your inexhaustible fund...
Letter from George F Shee to Scott Skinner - p2
Letter from George F Shee to Scott Skinner - p2 Page 2 of 2 of a letter from George F Shee, Spa Hotel, Strathpeffer, dated 20 July 1919. Mr Shee has sent a letter thanking Skinner for entertaining the guests and is enclosing: 'a cheque for £4.5.0 [four pound, five shillings] collected from among these visitors. I hope it will show you that your...

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