One of Europe’s most prestigious awards for young scientists has been awarded to a University of Aberdeen academic.
Professor Doerthe Tetzlaff has been awarded one of Europe’s most prestigious awards for young scientists funded by the European Research Council (ERC) - a €1.5M grant.
Professor Tetzlaff's - “VeWa: Vegetation effects on water flow in high-latitude ecosystems” project will examine the impacts of climate change on vegetation-water linkages along a northern climatic gradient, investigating four intensively studied experimental sites in the UK, Canada and Sweden.
“Such a geographically extensive comparison has never been conducted in such environments and will allow the consistency of processes, drivers and climatic impacts to be assessed across a range of spatial scales”, Professor Tetzlaff said.
Two linked postdoctoral research fellow positions will be advertised shortly.
VeWa is one of only 285 grants funded from over 3,300 proposals submitted to the ERC-2013 Starting Grant call across the natural and social sciences.