Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Symposium 2024

4 September 2024

Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Symposium

Hosted by the Interdisciplinary Institute

Register to Attend

This event is open to all staff and students, and we encourage you to register via the link above as places are limited. If you register and can no longer attend, please let us know.

Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Symposium 2024

Hosted by the Interdisciplinary Institute, we invite staff and students to join the Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Symposium in Elphinstone Hall on Wednesday 4 September. The event will provide an exciting opportunity to highlight the latest developments in interdisciplinary research and innovation taking case studies from across the University of Aberdeen.

The event will facilitate cross-disciplinary discussions, explore new and emerging ideas, and enable informal networking. Featuring talks, discussions, and poster and demonstration sessions, this event will provide an engaging opportunity to explore the University’s five Interdisciplinary Challenge Areas. Our ambition is to use this day as a platform to promote interdisciplinarity and innovation, encourage networking and collaboration among colleagues, celebrate our achievements, and shape future work.

Our Programme

11:00 - 11:30

Arrival and networking with refreshments

11:30 - 11:40

Welcome & Launch of the Interdisciplinary Institute

Professor Nicholas Forsyth, Vice-Principal (Research), University of Aberdeen

11:40 - 12:10

Keynote Session 1 -  ‘Interdisciplinary working drives more funding, creates more opportunities and solves bigger problems’

Ross Tuffee, Founder, Investor and Scaleup/Government Advisor

Ross is an entrepreneur with a background working across public, private, and academic sectors. Amongst his portfolio of current roles, he is an honorary Professor at the University of Stirling and the Chair of TravelTech for Scotland. 

In the summer of 2023, Ross co-authored  a Scottish Government Policy document: “The Entrepreneurial Campus” on behalf of the Office of the Chief Entrepreneur and is currently working to implement its recommendations, alongside building his own travel tech start up.

Ross’ talk will explore how interdisciplinary thinking can help us to reframe what we already know and how we think about problems and solutions, leading to innovation & impact.

With audience Q&A.

12:10 - 13:00

Interdisciplinary Talks 

This session will feature a selection of flash talks from our cohort of Interdisciplinary Fellows and colleagues from across our interdisciplinary community to showcase research, innovation and impact which stems from interdisciplinary thinking.

Please see the list of speakers below.

13:00 - 14:00 

Lunch and Interdisciplinary Research & Innovation Showcase 

A unique and interactive opportunity to speak to researchers and innovators working across disciplinary boundaries at the University of Aberdeen. Colleagues from across our interdisciplinary community will showcase posters and demonstrations to share their work spanning the themes of Energy Transition; Health, Nutrition and Wellbeing; Data and Artificial Intelligence; Environment and Biodiversity; and Social Inclusion and Cultural Diversity.

Lunch will be provided.

14:00 - 14:30

Keynote Session 2 - ‘Designing interdisciplinarity innovation for environmental and social good.’

Mel Woods, Professor of Creative Intelligence at Dundee University.

Mel's research focuses on the intersection of design, technology, and society, exploring how creativity, technology, and social innovation can address societal challenges.

Through leading major sustainability programs in the UK and Europe, She has used data and design to democratise decision-making, foster collective action against climate change, and inspire positive global transformation.

She is currently Principal Investigator for both EPSRC EATS ‘Enhancing Agri-Food Transparent Sustainability ‘and Horizon Europe / UKRI Urban ReLeaf ‘Citizen-powered data ecosystems for inclusive and green urban transitions’. Additionally, she is Co-Director for AHRC Design HOPES, Green Transition Ecosystem Hub, part of the Design Museum Future Observatory program.

14:30 - 15:00

Interdisciplinary Talks 

This session will feature a selection of flash talks from our cohort of Interdisciplinary Fellows and colleagues from across our interdisciplinary community to showcase research, innovation and impact which stems from interdisciplinary thinking.

Please see the list of speakers below.

15:00 - 15:30

Networking with refreshments

Opportunity to view the Interdisciplinary Research & Innovation Showcase

15:30 - 16:30 

Global Challenges

Today’s most pressing global challenges are inherently interdisciplinary in nature – such as climate change and biodiversity loss, the transition to green energy, and reducing health inequalities. This session will feature three spotlight talks to highlight just some of the groundbreaking research taking place at the University of Aberdeen aimed at addressing these challenges.

Ageing well: health and well-being across the lifespan
Professor Louise Phillips, Chair in Psychology – Psychology

Understanding and managing recovering predators in ecosystems undergoing restoration and rewilding
Professor Xavier Lambin, Chair in Zoology – Biological Sciences

Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation in Hydrogen at the University of Aberdeen
Dr Alfonso Martinez-Felipe, Senior Lecturer – Engineering

With audience Q&A.

16:30 - 16:40 

Closing remarks by Professor Michelle Macleod, Dean for Impact and Engagement, University of Aberdeen

Interdisciplinary Research & Innovation Showcase winners will be announced.

16:40 - 17:20 

Networking reception

Opportunity to view the Interdisciplinary Research & Innovation Showcase

Dr Alf Martinez-Felipe

Dr Alf Martinez-Felipe is senior lecturer in chemical engineering at the University of Aberdeen, when he was previously a teaching fellow at the Department of Chemistry and then lecturer at the School of Engineering.  He has published 57 research papers in peer reviewed scientific journals and has presented his work in a broad range of international conferences on materials science, having an h-index of 26 and near 2000 citations.  Dr Martinez-Felipe has been principal investigator in several projects funded by the UK and EU, and has strong collaborations with researchers in Europe, America, and Asia.  His interests cover the design, characterisation, and testing of innovative liquid crystals, ionic liquids, and polymers that can be applied for energy conversion and storage.  He is member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Hydrogen Scotland, and secretary of the British Liquid Crystal Society.  In 2022, he joined the board of directors of the Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group, with over 280 members involved in the energy transition.  Dr Martinez-Felipe is champion of the hydrogen economies’ theme at the Centre for Energy Transition, and belongs to the Just transition lab, at the University of Aberdeen.  He also coordinates the MSc in Energy Transition Systems and Technologies and the MSc in Decommissioning of O&G platforms, with the participation of lecturers from different schools across the University.

Professor Xavier Lambin

Xavier Lambin is an ecologist with a deep interest for population dynamics and conservation. He left Belgium in 1986 after a degree in Zoology and many years of involvement with natural history education.  After a yearlong stop-over in Norway, he moved to Vancouver in Canada in 1988 where he did his PhD before moving to the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology in Banchory Scotland working with Townsend’s vole and red grouse respectively to understand “ why the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, and how this can cause instability in populations”.  
Thirty years after moving to Scotland, he still enjoys conducting research on both fundamental and highly applied issues in population dynamics in Scotland and internationally. He is now professor of Ecology at the University of Aberdeen and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Xavier and his team have been studying naturally fragmented populations of water voles witnessing the decline of many water vole colonies under the influence of American mink predation. This led Xavier to instigate participatory American mink control efforts in partnership with river trusts and other organisations, that eventually morphed into Scottish Invasive Species Initiative. The efforts embrace the adaptive management approach, whereby understanding of the system under active management is constantly updated and this understanding fed back into ever improving management practice.

Professor Louise Phillips

Louise Phillips is a professor in psychology at the University of Aberdeen specialising in research into adult ageing. She completed an undergraduate degree in psychology at the University of Edinburgh and a PhD on cognitive aging at the University of Manchester before starting a lectureship in Aberdeen and being promoted there to a personal chair. Currently, she is Vice-President of the European Cognitive Aging Society, sits on the ESRC Grant Awards Panel, and on steering committees for the Aberdeen Birth Cohorts and Aberdeen Children of the 1950s study. Her research on ageing including studies have investigated cognition, social perception, emotion, brain function and well-being using  experimental psychology methods as well as techniques such as eye-tracking and neuroimaging, in collaboration with neuroscientists, clinicians and statisticians.

Professor Ross Tuffee

Ross is an entrepreneur with a background working across public, private, and academic sectors. Amongst his portfolio of current roles, he is an honorary Professor at the University of Stirling and the Chair of TravelTech for Scotland.

In the summer of 2023, Ross co-authored a Scottish Government Policy document: “The Entrepreneurial Campus” on behalf of the Office of the Chief Entrepreneur and is currently working to implement its recommendations, alongside building his own travel tech start up.

Professor Mel Woods

Mel Woods is a Professor of Creative Intelligence at Dundee University. Her research focuses on the intersection of design, technology, and society, exploring how creativity, technology, and social innovation can address societal challenges.

Through leading major sustainability programs in the UK and Europe, She has used data and design to democratise decision-making, foster collective action against climate change, and inspire positive global transformation.

She is currently Principal Investigator for both EPSRC EATS ‘Enhancing Agri-Food Transparent Sustainability ‘and Horizon Europe / UKRI Urban ReLeaf ‘Citizen-powered data ecosystems for inclusive and green urban transitions’. Additionally, she is Co-Director for AHRC Design HOPES, Green Transition Ecosystem Hub, part of the Design Museum Future Observatory program.

Interdisciplinary Talks

Theory to Application: Plasma Science at Aberdeen
Dr Scott Doyle, Interdisciplinary Fellow - Natural and Computing Sciences

Health Determinants Research Collaboration Aberdeen (HDRC Aberdeen)

HDRC Aberdeen | Aberdeen City Council)

Arts-Led Methods for Energy Justice: Co-creating Interdisciplinary Research for Policy Impact
Dr Rebecca Macklin, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow – LLMVC

Flourishing for the Future: Historic and Botanical Gardens, Wellbeing and Climate Change
Professor Claire Wallace, Chair in Sociology – Sociology

North Sea and Arctic Shipping - an Interdisciplinary Perspective
Dr Kate Gormley, Interdisciplinary Fellow – Biological Sciences

Using Machine learning and evolution to predict diets
Dr Juliano Morimoto, Senior Lecturer – Natural and Computing Sciences

Environmental Art History at Aberdeen
Dr Isabelle Gapp, Interdisciplinary Fellow – Art History

Graph-based techniques for image processing
Professor Benjamin Martin, Personal Chair – Mathematical Science

Tracking environmental change in the Arctic using remote sensing, artificial intelligence & digital twins
Dr William Harcourt, Interdisciplinary Fellow – Geography and Environment

(Offshore) Wind of Change
Dr Bartosz Kurjanski, Interdisciplinary Fellow – Geosciences

Affordable, comfortable and sustainable school uniform
Dr Rachel Shanks, Senior Lecturer – School of Education

Animals in a changing world
Dr Catherine Sheard, Interdisciplinary Fellow – Biological Sciences

Addressing the unequal world of global health dat
Dr Lucia D’Ambruoso, Senior Lecturer - School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition

Wild Pasts: rewilding and archaeology
Dr Michael Stratigos, Interdisciplinary Fellow – Archaeology

From ancient Bible to modern AI-generated Colloquial Arabic
Dr Jakub Zbrzezny, Lecturer – Divinity

Call for Abstracts

The Interdisciplinary Institute Directors and the Dean for Enterprise & Innovation issued an invitation to present research or innovation case studies during the Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Symposium on Wednesday 4 September. 

The deadline for submissions has now passed and we look forward to showcasing the latest research and innovation through a variety of engaging and interactive formats throughout the day.

Key Dates:

Friday 16 August – Deadline for abstract submission

Wednesday 21 August – Latest notification of abstract acceptance

Wednesday 28 August – Final submission of print-ready poster (if applicable)

Queries can be directed to: