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Smart Election Repartee
McCombie of Tillyfour, MP for West Aberdeenshire in 1868, was better known as an originator of the Aberdeen Angus breed of cattle. This little anecdote relates to him being better known as a farmer than a politician.
The Chartist Orators
The Bon-Accord Reporter belonged to the Liberal/Radical movement. In this editorial, the writer suggests that Chartists don't believe that the unemployed should practice self-help. Instead, they blame parliament and the aristocracy for unemployment. The writer entreats Chartists not to riot as this will...
Home Rule for Scotland
The author believes that the Assembly that rules over the British Empire is less capable of coping with its problems than it should be. The solution, the writer believes, would be to give Home Rule to both Ireland and Scotland.
Broadhill Mob on New-Year's Day
The New Shaver was not in favour of Radical or Chartist movements.
Chartist Uproar
Although not entirely in favour of the Chartists demands, The New Shaver was not completely unsympathetic.
Banff Local Characters
The New Shaver lampoons Banff and its political tendencies. The New Shaver professed to be apolitical and made fun of Whigs, Tories and Radicals as is illustrated in this example.
The House of Lords from The Aberdeen Shaver
The Shaver's outlook on the House of Lords.
An Alphabetical List of the names, Designations, and...
The title page of a pamphlet published in 1832. 1832 was the year of the first 'general' election, although voting was restricted to certain males only. They had to prove that they owned, tenanted or occupied property valued at £10 per year. In 1832, £10 was an enormous sum of money.
Proceedings of the Burgesses of Aberdeen
Descriptions of Aberdeen council business almost fifty years before the 1st Reform Act was passed.
Mr Alexander Bannerman
This article, also published as a flyer by the Tory paper, the Aberdeen Observer, is not exactly in favour of Alexander Bannerman, MP for Aberdeen.
The Petition of the Working Classes of Aberdeen and...
These articles describe firstly, the petition of the working classes of Aberdeen to the House of Commons in 1831. The petitioners were looking for complete reform of the electoral system to compensate for corrupt practices.
The article, 'Aberdeen County Election', describes in detail how a pre-reform...
Excerpt Minutes of the Town Council of the Burgh of...
This excerpt intimates that the Town Clerk, the Town Chamberlain and any others in paid council positions, are not to interfere with the possible outcome of elections.
Letter from the Town Clerk of Banff to the Provost,...
This letter is the Banff Town Clerk's reply to the council's resolution that he and the Town Chamberlain must not interfere in elections. See RAD096
Excerpts from Aberdeen City Council meetings relating...
These excerpts from December 1925 to October 1926, show Aberdeen City Council's reaction to the General Strike.
Assessor's List of persons entitled to vote in the...
This list shows all the women who were entitled to vote in the First Polling Disctrict in Aberdeen, St Clement's Ward.