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The Inheritance
Reform to 1850
Twentieth Century
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Radical Songs
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The Voice of Radicalism

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There are 173 entries in the Collection.

Image Title Item Description


Aberdeen Trades Council and Trades Union Meetings

Description of Trades Council and Trades Union meetings held in Aberdeen in December 1891.


Men who are not Socialists, The Police

Article by the leading Socialist J Bruce Glasier, about why the police are not Socialists.


Why Hang Criminals?

A condemnation of capital punishment.


Advert for meeting of the Aberdeen Revolutionary Socialist...

This advert for a meeting of the Aberdeen Revolutionary Socialist Federation appeared in the Worker's Herald. Members believed that anarchy was the key to harmony within society. One of their main aims was to abolish private land ownership.


Aberdeen Women's Social and Franchise League Magazine

The first issue of a magazine for Aberdeen Suffragettes.


Whig-Radical Festival Extraordinary

This pamphlet is a Tory lampoon which mocks the Whigs and Radicals. It suggests, particularly through the songs, that the Whigs and Radicals are not united, and that the Whig MP, Alexander Bannerman, who is given the position of the Chairman at this 'dinner', is a most ineffectual Member of Parliament....


The Woman Question

An essay on the question of womens' suffrage. The author was inspired by looking at images of women painted by George Frederick Watts. He writes in favour of womens' suffrage.


Address to the parliamentary electors by the Liberal...

This Address from the Aberdeenshire Committee of Liberal Tenant Farmers was written in 1868 as a result of the Second Reform Bill, passed in 1867. It was compiled to inform Electors about the origin and objects of the Committee. The Committee wished to abolish the Law of Hypothec - the right of claim...


Complete Suffrage, speech by James Adam

James Adam, the author, was the Radical editor of the Aberdeen Herald. He had attended a conference in Birmingham in 1842 which adopted the six main Chartist points - even though conference refused to call itself Chartist. The main points were: universal male suffrage, the secret ballot, equal sized...


Souvenir of Fete and Bazaar held by the Women's Unionist...

The Conservative and Unionist Party were completely against the Liberal concept of Home Rule (devloution). This booklet commemorates a fete held at Fyvie Castle by the women's branch of the organization.


Captain Gordon, A Practical Reformer

This poster points out that the Captain is against reform rather than for it, as he would have people believe.


City Election

This list shows the supporters of James Hadden. At that time he was Lord Provost of Aberdeen, in his effort to secure a seat in Parliament at the first election after the Reform Act was passed.


Address by Horatio Ross of Rossie to the Constituency...

Horatio Ross points out to his constituents that he does not intend to stand again at another election.


To the Friends of The Good Cause

This poster is entreating Bannerman's supporters to remember to make their claims to vote before 20th August.


To the Independent Electors of the Burghs of Elgin,...

Holt Mackenzie, a Liberal candidate, requests the electors of the named towns to vote for him in the first election after the Reform Act.

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