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The Inheritance
Reform to 1850
Twentieth Century
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Radical Songs
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The Voice of Radicalism

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There are 173 entries in the Collection.

Image Title Item Description


The Queen and Liberty

The poster states that Victoria, who had recently become queen, was a supporter of Reform.


CIty Election

In spite of Mr Ross, a Conservative, being unable to attend meetings in Aberdeen, his supporters still wished to show their support for him.


To the Working Classes of Aberdeen

Political squib condemning Reform.


Nomination of Candidates for the City of Aberdeen....

Report of the nomination of candidates for the first election after the Reform Act was passed.


To the Independent Electors of the County of Aberdeen

Poster asking electors in Aberdeenshire to support the Liberal candidate, Sir Thomas Burnett.


Taking Lawless Possession

The poster, written by James Adam, Radical editor of the Aberdeen Herald, lets the public know that Mr Duncan is not entitled to appropriate the public land at the Links as part of the new railway line.


Fellow Citizens

An exposure of Mr Duncan, who has undervalued the worth of the Links, part of which he wished to be used for a new railway line.


To Be, or Not to Be

Poem by 'A Townsman' in support of Colonel Sykes' attempt to win in the 1857 election. Sykes was returned.


Fellow Electors Beware

This poster requests that voters place their votes in support of Alex Bannerman rather than Provost Hadden.


Aberdeen Party of Progress

The central, seated figure represents Provost William Leslie, to whom the image is dedicated. Aberdeen town council at this time were Liberal. The Party of Progress were clearly not as progressive as they wished the town to believe. The image shows that Aberdonians were particularly unhappy with their...


A Secret for the Ears of Liberal Moderates, Voluntaries,...

A last-minute attempt by the Tory faction in Aberdeen to worry the Liberals before the 1841 general election, about their candidate Alexander Bannerman.


Great Attraction Feats of Legerdemain

This is a Tory advert, which belittles the then current Liberal MP, Alexander Bannerman.


West Aberdeenshire, caricature of Robert Farquharson...

Caricature which appeared in the publication Vanity Fair, and also in Farquharson's book, In and Out of Parliament. See RAD076.


Grand Reform meeting held at Aberdeen 18th May 1832

The only illustration of the Great Reform Meeting held at Aberdeen Links on the Broadhill, a common meeting ground.


Grand Reform meeting held on the Broad Hill of the...

A full description of the Great Reform Meeting held at the Links on 18th May 1832.

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