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The Inheritance
Reform to 1850
Twentieth Century
Entire Collection
Search the Collection
Radical Songs
Further Reading

The Voice of Radicalism


This web site was put together by the University of Aberdeen's Historic Collections, in collaboration with our partners Aberdeen City library and Aberdeenshire Council. It was largely funded by the New Opportunities Fund as part of the NOF-digitise programme.

Project Officer:

Pat Ballantyne (who did most of the real work)

Project Manager:

Dr Iain Beavan

Project Director:

Dr Alan Knox

Project Board:

Michael Dyer
Mike Arnott
Iain Beavan
Susan Bell
David Catto
Gilian Dawson
Alan Knox

The following people have helped greatly in the production of this site:

The SCaT Singers:

Grace Banks
David Hunter
Susan Kirkwood
Shirley Watt
Eric White

Michael Dyer

Iain Beavan


Aberdeen City Library:

Aberdeen City logo

Susan Bell
Catherine Taylor

Aberdeenshire Library & Information Service

Aberdeenshire Council

David Catto

University of Aberdeen:

Mike Arnott, Technical
Kim Downie, Digitisation
David Walton, Audio
Julie Smart, Web Design
Helen Stevenson, Administration
Historic Collections Reading Room Staff

Lottery Funded - Big Lottery Fund

Historic Collections · Kings College · Old Aberdeen · AB24 3SW

Tel:(0)44 1224 274312 · E-mail: radicalism@abdn.ac.uk

Page design by DISS Web Design Unit