Mr Martin Stevens

Mr Martin Stevens
Mr Martin Stevens
Mr Martin Stevens

Research Fellow



I graduated with an LLB (law) degree from Nottingham Trent University in 2001. Since then I have enjoyed a multi-disciplinary career encompassing roles in law, retail, taxation, and learning design. I started my academic career as a research assistant in 2015 working at the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit at the University of Southampton, specifically on the Health and Employment After Fifty (HEAF) study. In 2021, I defended my mixed-methods PhD, which explored the relationship between work factors and retirement decisions.

I am continuing my association with the Centre for Musculoskeletal Health and Work at the University of Aberdeen, working on the QUantifying the Impact of Chronic pain on engagement in paid work (QUICK) and PAtient-centred Care for Fibromyalgia: New pathway Design (PACFiND) studies. I am also chief investigator on the implementing Patient Research Partner Engagement in Research (iPRePaRe) study investigating the role of patient research partners in rheumatology studies.


  • LLB Law 
    2001 - Nottingham Trent University 
  • PhD Human Development and Health 
    2022 - University of Southampton 

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