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The DFN Project SEARCH University of Aberdeen graduation ceremony took place on Friday, 14 June 2024. The ceremony celebrated the achievements of our Class of 2023/24, with certificates being presented by Tracey Slaven, University Secretary & Chief Operating Officer of the University of Aberdeen.

Further information about the ceremony is available online at

graduation photo [June 2024]

The award-winning Project SEARCH team based at the University received further recognition of the contribution they have made to supporting young people with additional learning needs into employment since 2013.

An award recognising 10 years of the partnership between Project SEARCH and the University was presented at last week's DFN Annual European Conference in Blackpool.

Project SEARCH team receiving their award [November 2023]

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At the Annual DFN Project SEARCH Conference 2022 in Rotherham, the team was presented with 2 Outcomes Awards from David Forbes-Nixon OBE (Executive Chair of the David Forbes-Nixon Charitable Foundation/DFN Project SEARCH) and Erin Riehle & Susie Rutkowski (Senior Co-Directors, Project SEARCH USA).

The Outcome Awards showcase the programme's success in securing jobs for more than 70% of our Interns who graduated in June 2021 and who are now in work in a variety of organisations across the North-East of Scotland.



Gold Accreditation for Project SEARCH

The Project SEARCH University of Aberdeen team is the first organisation in the North East of Scotland to be awarded Developing Young Workforce Quality Assurance accreditation at gold level.



Project SEARCH International Conference, Arizona, USA

The project was named as achieving the highest employment rate of all Project SEARCH sites in Europe for session 2013/14.



Green Gown Awards 2014

The project was shortlisted as a finalist in the prestigious national Green Gown Awards 2014, which recognise exceptional sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities and colleges across the UK.


Project SEARCH European Conference

Project SEARCH Aberdeen was named as the foremost 'up and coming' new Project SEARCH site in Europe at the European Conference which took place in Glasgow in June 2014.

Project Search - group photo

Aberdeen City Council Children's and Young People's Services Awards

The project received the 'Raising Achievement' Award at the Aberdeen Children's and Young People's Services Awards in June 2014 in recognition of work to raise achievement and support integrated working within the city.

Project Search - group photo


North East Scotland College Student Achievement Awards

Five Interns were nominated to receive a Student Achievement Award through the North East Scotland College, of which two were successful. These Awards are intended to recognise students who have overcome adversity and/or who have shown outstanding innovation in their approach to their studies and work.

Project Search

Project Search


December 2013

SURF Award

In December 2013, the Project SEARCH programme within Scotland (including the Aberdeen programme) won a SURF Award. SURF is Scotland's independent regeneration network, with an overall objective to improve the health and wellbeing of residents in Scotland's disadvantaged communities. Each year, a competition is run to highlight, celebrate and share some of the best examples of regeneration initiatives across Scotland. Project SEARCH was recognised in the Support to Work category.

Project Search