Future-Ready Education: Enhancing Student Employability and Institutional Reputation
Wednesday 30 April 2025, King's College Centre, Old Aberdeen Campus and via MS Teams
The theme for 2025 blended Annual Academic Development Symposium is ‘Future-Ready Education: Enhancing Student Employability and Institutional Reputation’. The Symposium will take place on Wednesday 30 April 2025. It will open with a keynote presentation from Charlie Ball, Head of Labour Market Intelligence at the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). The keynote will be followed by a range of discussions and workshops to exchange practice and ideas in a supportive and collaborative environment.
We want to make this a positive experience for all participants and hope we will meet everyone's needs in joining this event. If you have particular access needs, please contact us at cad@abdn.ac.uk so we can work together to ensure you have the best experience posible.