Access to teaching space for recording

Access to teaching space for recording

To help staff prepare teaching for blended learning, two rooms - Meston 009 and 011 - have been opened on the Old Aberdeen campus, and another - Polwarth 0:054 - at Foresterhill.

These rooms provide access to recording equipment, including a visualiser, to allow staff to record teaching. They also offer an alternative space for the preparation of teaching materials for staff with limited broadband connectivity at home.

The rooms are in buildings that are already open for research. If there is further demand, consideration will be given to opening additional spaces – within the constraints of building access restrictions.

To make the process as simple as possible, anyone wanting to make use of one of these spaces must follow our online guidance.

If you feel that additional equipment would be helpful in these spaces, please let Media Services know at and we will try to accommodate where possible.


Author: Media Services Team, DDIS