Getting to know - Neurodiversity Network

Getting to know - Neurodiversity Network

Introducing: Neurodiversity Network

Can you tell us a little bit about your network?

The Neurodiversity Network is for all staff & students across the University. Our aim is to build community, grow conversations, promote knowledge, acceptance, and inclusion, and share resources and sources of support. We will support and work alongside the University’s other established staff and student networks and departments.

How does your network support the inclusive commitment in our 2040 strategy?

By encouraging more open discussions about Neurodiversity and the experiences and challenges of neurodivergent people, we hope that the Network will help foster a neuroinclusive culture that has additional positive impact on student and staff wellbeing. .

Tell us a little bit about how your network came to be

The University has recently published the comprehensive Neurodiversity Policy, and there was keen interest in acknowledging and addressing Neurodiversity-related issues from many schools and staff departments and individuals. We hope to inform wider EDI conversations and inspire the campus community.

What can we expect from the network over the next 6 months?

We have several ideas for community initiatives and events, including an informal gathering once the Neurodiversity umbrellas are installed in the library. We will hold intersectional panel discussions with other networks (one with the Women’s Development Network is already being planned). Research in the School of Psychology is underway to identify best-practice for neuroinclusion in Higher Education environments, so this will be shared in due course.

What is one thing you’d want members of staff to know about your network?

That we’ll welcome everyone who is interested in Neurodiversity. We aim to connect people who are similar and dissimilar, and to enable people to share and hear from a wide range of perspectives. By doing this we hope the Network can successfully challenge myths and stereotypes and in turn reduce stigma surrounding neurodivergence.

How do I know if the network is for me?

Are you curious about Neurodiversity? Do you, or someone you know, need support? Are you interested in listening more, saying more, or doing more for our neurodiverse community? Then please consider joining! You can find out more on the Neurodiversity Network webpage.