On Encountering and Holding Reindeer in a Convivial North
Anderson, D. G.
The Benefits of the Cold. Stammler, F., Takakura, H. (eds.). Routledge
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
Paper Bridges Between Franz Boas and Russian Anthropology
Arzyutov, D. (ed.), Kan, S. (ed.), Siragusa, L. (ed.), Pershai, A. (ed.)
Vol. 2, University of Nebraska Press
Books and Reports: Books
Pisʹma i proizvodstvo antropologicheskogo znanii͡a: Chast’ 1 (Letters and the Production of Anthropological Knowledge: Part 1)
Arzyutov, D., Siragusa, L.
Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, vol. 189, no. 5
Contributions to Journals: Special Issues
Pisʹmo iz temnoty: retsentzia na knigu: Sergei Kan, ‘Lev Shternberg: ėtnolog, narodnik, borets za prava evreev’ (2023) (Letter from the Darkness: Review of Sergei Kan’s book ‘Lev Shternebrg…’ (2023))
Arzyutov, D.
Antropologicheskii Forum, vol. 61, pp. 230-235
Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles
Rien ne se perd: du développement durable dans les pratiques des communautés autochtones du Nord russe (Nothing Is Lost: Sustainable Development in the Practices of Indigenous Communities in the Russian North)
Siragusa, L., Arzyutov, D.
Slavica Occitania, vol. 58, pp. 301-324
Contributions to Journals: Articles
The Boas Bridges to Russia: Building Anthropologies with Letters
Arzyutov, D., Kan, S., Siragusa, L.
Paper Bridges Between Franz Boas and Russian Anthropology. Arzyutov, D., Kan, S., Siragusa, L., Pershai, A. (eds.). University of Nebraska Press
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
When Siberian Indigenous Inscriptive Practices Meet Slavic and Eurasian Literature Studies
Arzyutov, D., Siragusa, L.
Inclusive Strategies and Critical Pedagogies for East European and Eurasian Languages. Rucker-Chang, S., Stauffer, R. (eds.). Academic Studies Press
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Tri vstrechi s mamontom: sot͡sialʹnai͡a i politicheskai͡a zhiznʹ vymershego zhivotnogo (Three Encounters with the Mammoth: Social and Political Life of an Extinct Animal)
Arzyutov, D.
Arkheologii͡a Arktiki. Pitul'ko, V., Fedorova, N. (eds.). Book-Print, pp. 5-28, 24 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Paper Bridges Between Franz Boas and Russian Anthropology
Arzyutov, D. (ed.), Kan, S. (ed.), Siragusa, L. (ed.), Pershai, A. (ed.)
Vol. 1, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London
Books and Reports: Books
The politics of submerged heritage: Underground worlds on the Iamal Peninsula (Siberia) and beyond
'They work for me, I work for them': Investigatory attunements and partnerships between dogs and Gwich'in in Northern Canada.
Wishart, R., Loovers, P.
Sentient Entanglements and Ruptures in the Americas:: Human-Animal Relations in the Amazon, Andes, and Arctic. Bolton, M., Loovers, P. (eds.). Brill, pp. 118-134, 16 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
Afterword: Concepts that Travel
Anderson, D. G.
Sentient Entanglements and Ruptures in the Americas: Human-Animal Relations in the Amazon, Andes, and Arctic. Loovers, P., Bolton, M. (eds.). Brill, pp. 135-145, 10 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Khozhdenie kaninskogo samoedina I͡Akushki Pirchikova samovol'stvom v aglinskui͡u zemli͡u i obratno: k istorii nenet͡sko-angliĭskikh kontaktov v pervoĭ polovine XVII v. (A Journey of Yakushka Pirchikov to Anglia and Back: On the History of Nenets-English Contacts Back to the First Half of the 17th century)
Arzyutov, D., Amelina, M.
Siberica et Uralica: In memoriam Eugen Helimski. Anikin, A., Gusev, V., Urmanchieva, A. (eds.). University of Szeged Press, pp. 415-451, 38 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Briefe in schwierigen Zeiten, in denen Boas „nein“ sagte: Zwei Erzählungen zu den Rändern von Franz Boas’ Res Publica Literaria (Letters in difficult times in which Boas said “no”: Two stories on the margins of Franz Boas’s Res Publica Literaria)
Arzyutov, D.
Franz Boas – die Haltung eines Wissenschaftlers in Zeiten politischer Umbrüche. Kasten, E. (ed.). Kulturstiftung Sibirien gGmbH, pp. 187-204, 18 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Preserved lipid signatures in palaeosols help to distinguish the impacts of palaeoclimate and indigenous peoples on palaeovegetation in northwest Siberia
Harraulta, L., Milek, K., Huguet, A., Anquetil, C., Anderson, D. G.
Puteshestvii͡a cherez sibirskui͡u step' i taĭgu k antropologicheskim kont͡sept͡sii͡am: ėtnoistorii͡a Sergei͡a i Elizavety Shirokogorovykh (Journeys through the Siberian Steppes and Taiga to Anthropological Concepts: The Ethno-history of Sergei and Elizabeth Shirokogoroff)
Arzyutov, D. (ed.), Anderson, D. G. (ed.), Podrezova, S. (ed.)
Puteshestvii͡a cherez sibirskui͡u step' i taĭgu k antropologicheskim kont͡sept͡sii͡am: ėtnoistorii͡a Sergei͡a i Elizavety Shirokogorovykh (Journeys through the Siberian Steppes and Taiga to Anthropological Concepts: The Ethno-history of Sergei and Elizabeth Shirokogoroff)
Arzyutov, D. (ed.), Anderson, D. G. (ed.), Podrezova, S. (ed.)
Vol. 2/1, Indrik, Moscow. 456 pages
Books and Reports: Books
Rooting in the Subterranean: Underground Dwellers in Northern Indigenous Narratives and Metropolitan Anthropological Theories
Arzyutov, D.
Recovering Ancestors in Anthropological Traditions. Darnell, R., Gleach, F. (eds.). University of Nebraska Press
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Chukotskie risunki ėtnograficheskogo reli͡ativizma, ili kak Vladimir Germanovich mog by prokommentirovat' stat'i͡u Dmitrii͡a Aleksandrovicha (Chukchi drawings of ethnographic relativism, or how Vladimir Germanovich could comment on Dmitry Alexandrovich's article )
Arzyutov, D.
Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie, no. 5, pp. 98-101
Contributions to Journals: Articles
Negotiating Salmon: Ontologies and Resource Mangement in Southwest Alaska
Schiefer, P. E.
Ecological Ontologies: Approaching Human–Environmental Engagements. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, pp. 63, 76 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Circuits of responsibility and blame in the translocation and engineered re-birth of Arctic megafauna: Responsibility and blame in the transformation projects of the Anthropocene
More Than a Shaman: The Life History of An Altai Shepherd Surrounded by Sacred Mountains, Siberian Ethnographers, and Anthropological Ideas
Arzyutov, D.
Anthropology of Siberia in the Making: Openings and Closures from the 1840s to the Present. Habeck, J. O., Vaté, V. (eds.). Lit Verlag
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Puteshestvii͡a cherez sibirskui͡u step' i taĭgu k antropologicheskim kont͡sept͡sii͡am: ėtnoistorii͡a Sergei͡a i Elizavety Shirokogorovykh (Journeys through the Siberian Steppes and Taiga to Anthropological Concepts: The Ethno-history of Sergei and Elizabeth Shirokogoroff)
Arzyutov, D. (ed.), Anderson, D. G. (ed.), Podrezova, S. (ed.)
Vol. 1, Indrik, Moscow. 544 pages
Books and Reports: Books
Reassembling the Environmental Archives of the Cold War: Perspectives from the Russian North
Arzyutov, D.
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. 221 pages
Books and Reports: Books
Dvoĭnoe poslanie’ ėtnosa: kommentariĭ k stat'e akademika Valerii͡a Tishkova (The "double bind" of the Etnos: A commentary on contribution by Academic Valerii Tishkov)
Arzyutov, D., Anderson, D. G.
Etnograficheskoe Obozrenie, no. 2, pp. 102–107
Contributions to Journals: Articles
Ėtnografii͡a ėtnografa: Andreĭ Grigor’evich Danilin i ego arkhivy (Ethnography of an ethnographer: Andrei G. Danilin and his archives)
Arzyutov, D., Danilina, L.
Sibirskie istoricheskie issledovania, no. 4, pp. 274-325
Temporal and structural genetic variation in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) associated with the pastoral transition in Northwestern Siberia
Røed, K. H., Kvie, K., Losey, R. J., Kositsev, P. A., Hufthammer, A., Dwyer, M. J., Goncharov, V., Klokov, K. B., Arzyutov, D., Plekhanov, A. V., Anderson, D. G.
Ecology and Evolution, vol. 10, no. 17, pp. 9060-9072
Ways of speaking, responsibility and the animals ‘of the forest’ in Northwest Russia
Siragusa, L.
Managing the Return of the Wild: Human Encounters with Wolves in Europe. Fenske, M., Tschofen, B. (eds.). 1st edition. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 16 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Priruchenie ėnergiĭ v nenet͡skikh tundrakh: okruzhai͡ushchai͡a sreda i tekhnologii na Rossiĭskom Severe (Domestication of energies in the Nenets tundra: environment and technologies in the Russian North)
Arzyutov, D.
Ėnergii͡a Arktiki i Sibiri: ispol'zovanie resursov v kontekste sot͡sial'no-ėkonomicheskikh i ėkologicheskikh izmeneniĭ. Davydov, V. (ed.). Izdatel'stvo Vostochnoy Literatury, pp. 114–142, 29 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Order Out of Chaos: Anthropology and Politics of Sergei M. Shirokogoroff
Arzyutov, D.
Life Histories of Etnos Theory in Russia and Beyond. Anderson, D. G., Arzyutov, D. V., Alymov, S. S. (eds.). Open Book Publishers, pp. 249-291, 43 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Zhizn’ vne seti: kochevniki i ėlektrichestvo na I͡Amale
Arzyutov, D., Fedorova, N. (ed.)
Arkheologii͡a Arktiki, pp. 76-85
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Buried, eaten, sacrificed: Archaeological dog remains from Trans-Baikal, Siberia
Losey, R. J., Nomokonova, T., Fleming, L. S., Kharinskii, A., Kovychev, E. V., Konstantinov, M. V., Diatchina, N. G., Sablin, M. V., Iaroslavtseva, L. G.
Archaeological Research in Asia, vol. 16, pp. 58-65
Populi͡at͡sionno-geneticheskiĭ i ėtnograficheskiĭ analiz ėvenkiĭskoĭ praktiki razvedenii͡a oleneĭ v Zabaĭkal'e (A population-genetic and ethnographic analysis of Evenki reindeer pastoralism in Zabaikale)
Anderson, D. G.
Arkheologii͡a Arktiki vyp 5.. Fedorova, N. (ed.). tip. zolotoi tirazh, pp. 75-82, 8 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
Breeding with Birds of Prey: Intimate Encounters
Schroer, S. A.
Domestication Gone Wild: Politics and Practices of Multispecies Relations. Swanson, H. A., Lien, M. E., Ween, G. B. (eds.). Duke University Press, pp. 33-49, 17 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
On the move: Material and environmental imprints of mobile pastoralism in northern Eurasia
Milek, K., Kupiec, P. M., Aronsson, K., Harrault, L. C. P., Anderson, D. G.
The police and dogs during the early patrol years in the Western Canadian Subarctic: An inter-species colonial cooperation?
Wishart, R. P.
Dogs in the North: Stories of Cooperation and Co-Domestication. Losey, R. J., Wishart, R. P., Loovers, J. P. L. (eds.). Routledge, pp. 152-171, 20 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
When Words Fail: Language Ecologies in the Circumpolar Arctic
Anderson, D. G.
Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Dogs in the North: Stories of Cooperation and Co-Domestication
Losey, R. J., Wishart, R. (ed.), Loovers, P. (ed.)
Ambivalence and Sustainability: A Soiot Approach to the Domestication of Landscapes
Oehler, A. C.
Contributions to Conferences
Arctic Domus Field Work, 2013-2016: Four Key Findings Fifth Arctic Domus Meeting
Oehler, A. C.
Contributions to Conferences
Iarte VI and Late Holocene Reindeer Remains from the Iamal Peninsula of Arctic Siberia
Nomokonova, T., Losey, R., Plekhanov, A. V., McIntyre, H. J.
Arctic Anthropology, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 56-75
Contributions to Journals: Articles
"A feeling for birds": tuning into more-than-human atmospheres
Schroer, S. A.
Exploring Atmospheres Ethnographically. Schroer, S. A., Schmitt, S. (eds.). Routledge
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
A special issue after the 10th International Siberian Studies Conference Passion for Life: Emotions, Feelings, and Perception in the North and Siberia,
Davydov, V. (ed.), Arzyutov, D. (ed.)
Kunstkamera, no. 2
Contributions to Journals: Special Issues
Early Medieval Shellfish Exploitation in Northwest Europe: Investigations at the Sands of Forvie Shell Middens, Eastern Scotland, and the Role of Coastal Resources in the First Millennium AD
Noble, G., Turner, J., Hamilton, D., Hastie, L., Knecht, R., Stirling, L., Sveinbjarnarson, O., Upex, B., Milek, K.
Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 582-605
ХОЗЯЙСТВЕННАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ НИЖНЕГО ПРИОБЬЯ В ЭПОХУ ЭНЕОЛИТА (ПО ФАУНИСТИЧЕСКИМ МАТЕРИАЛАМ ПОСЕЛЕНИЯ ГОРНЫЙ САМОТНЁЛ 1) (Subsistence Patterns of Population of the Lower Ob River Basin During the Eneolithic (Based on Faunal Remains of the Settlement of Gorniy Samotnel-1))
Nomokonova, T., Losey, R., Tupakhina, O., Tupakhin, D.