On Encountering and Holding Reindeer in a Convivial North
Anderson, D. G.
The Benefits of the Cold. Stammler, F., Takakura, H. (eds.). Routledge
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
Paper Bridges Between Franz Boas and Russian Anthropology
Arzyutov, D. (ed.), Kan, S. (ed.), Siragusa, L. (ed.), Pershai, A. (ed.)
Vol. 2, University of Nebraska Press
Books and Reports: Books
Pisʹma i proizvodstvo antropologicheskogo znanii͡a: Chast’ 1 (Letters and the Production of Anthropological Knowledge: Part 1)
Arzyutov, D., Siragusa, L.
Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, vol. 189, no. 5
Contributions to Journals: Special Issues
Pisʹmo iz temnoty: retsentzia na knigu: Sergei Kan, ‘Lev Shternberg: ėtnolog, narodnik, borets za prava evreev’ (2023) (Letter from the Darkness: Review of Sergei Kan’s book ‘Lev Shternebrg…’ (2023))
Arzyutov, D.
Antropologicheskii Forum, vol. 61, pp. 230-235
Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles
Rien ne se perd: du développement durable dans les pratiques des communautés autochtones du Nord russe (Nothing Is Lost: Sustainable Development in the Practices of Indigenous Communities in the Russian North)
Siragusa, L., Arzyutov, D.
Slavica Occitania, vol. 58, pp. 301-324
Contributions to Journals: Articles
The Boas Bridges to Russia: Building Anthropologies with Letters
Arzyutov, D., Kan, S., Siragusa, L.
Paper Bridges Between Franz Boas and Russian Anthropology. Arzyutov, D., Kan, S., Siragusa, L., Pershai, A. (eds.). University of Nebraska Press
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
When Siberian Indigenous Inscriptive Practices Meet Slavic and Eurasian Literature Studies
Arzyutov, D., Siragusa, L.
Inclusive Strategies and Critical Pedagogies for East European and Eurasian Languages. Rucker-Chang, S., Stauffer, R. (eds.). Academic Studies Press
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Tri vstrechi s mamontom: sot͡sialʹnai͡a i politicheskai͡a zhiznʹ vymershego zhivotnogo (Three Encounters with the Mammoth: Social and Political Life of an Extinct Animal)
Arzyutov, D.
Arkheologii͡a Arktiki. Pitul'ko, V., Fedorova, N. (eds.). Book-Print, pp. 5-28, 24 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Paper Bridges Between Franz Boas and Russian Anthropology
Arzyutov, D. (ed.), Kan, S. (ed.), Siragusa, L. (ed.), Pershai, A. (ed.)
Vol. 1, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London
Books and Reports: Books
The politics of submerged heritage: Underground worlds on the Iamal Peninsula (Siberia) and beyond
'They work for me, I work for them': Investigatory attunements and partnerships between dogs and Gwich'in in Northern Canada.
Wishart, R., Loovers, P.
Sentient Entanglements and Ruptures in the Americas:: Human-Animal Relations in the Amazon, Andes, and Arctic. Bolton, M., Loovers, P. (eds.). Brill, pp. 118-134, 16 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
Afterword: Concepts that Travel
Anderson, D. G.
Sentient Entanglements and Ruptures in the Americas: Human-Animal Relations in the Amazon, Andes, and Arctic. Loovers, P., Bolton, M. (eds.). Brill, pp. 135-145, 10 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Khozhdenie kaninskogo samoedina I͡Akushki Pirchikova samovol'stvom v aglinskui͡u zemli͡u i obratno: k istorii nenet͡sko-angliĭskikh kontaktov v pervoĭ polovine XVII v. (A Journey of Yakushka Pirchikov to Anglia and Back: On the History of Nenets-English Contacts Back to the First Half of the 17th century)
Arzyutov, D., Amelina, M.
Siberica et Uralica: In memoriam Eugen Helimski. Anikin, A., Gusev, V., Urmanchieva, A. (eds.). University of Szeged Press, pp. 415-451, 38 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Briefe in schwierigen Zeiten, in denen Boas „nein“ sagte: Zwei Erzählungen zu den Rändern von Franz Boas’ Res Publica Literaria (Letters in difficult times in which Boas said “no”: Two stories on the margins of Franz Boas’s Res Publica Literaria)
Arzyutov, D.
Franz Boas – die Haltung eines Wissenschaftlers in Zeiten politischer Umbrüche. Kasten, E. (ed.). Kulturstiftung Sibirien gGmbH, pp. 187-204, 18 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters
Preserved lipid signatures in palaeosols help to distinguish the impacts of palaeoclimate and indigenous peoples on palaeovegetation in northwest Siberia
Harraulta, L., Milek, K., Huguet, A., Anquetil, C., Anderson, D. G.