Chelovek i olen’: strategii sovmestnogo vyzhivaniia (sravnitel’nyi analiz sotsial’no-ekologicheskoi ustoichivosti traditsionnogo olenevodstva v lokal’nykh etnokhoziaistvennykh arealakh) (The man and the reindeer: joint survival strategies (comparative analysis of the social and environmental sustainability of traditional reindeer herding in Siberian taiga))
Klokov, K.
Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Creaturely Sociality: Human-Falcon Co-responsiveness in Captive Breeding
Schroer, S. A.
Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Domestikatsiia v dvizhenii: otnosheniya cheloveka, zhivotnykh i landshafta v Vostochnoy Sibiri (po rezul’tatam polevykh issledovanii 2012-2015 gg.) (Domestication in movement: relations between humans, animals and landscape in Eastern Siberia (fieldwork data from 2012-2015))
Davydov, V.
Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Evenkiiskie traditsyi i neotraditsyonalizm na Severnom Baikale (Evenki traditions and neotraditionalism in Northern Baikal)
Davydov, V.
Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Evenkiiskii neotraditsyonalizm na severnom Baikale i Zabaikal’e (Evenki neotraditionalism in Northern Baikal)
Davydov, V.
Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Foreword: Idioms of Sami health and healing
Anderson, D. G.
Idioms of Sami health and healing. Miller, B. H. (ed.). University of Alberta Press, pp. ix-xi, 3 pages
Chapters in Books, Reports and Conference Proceedings: Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
Geograficheskie razlichiia v sotsial’nykh kontekstakh olenevodstva Vostochnoi Sibiri (Geographical differences in the social contexts of the reindeer herding in Eastern Siberia taiga)
Klokov, K.
Contributions to Conferences: Papers
Human and Reindeer: Co-survival strategies (Tofalars’ and Evenks’ reindeer herder communities in modern Siberia case-studies)