Page 3 of 6Results 21 to 30 of 53, 30 May 2017 - 01 October 2018
Ceilidh for Prof Tim Ingold
The Department of Anthropology recently marked the retirement of Professor Tim Ingold with a ceilidh held at the Carmelite Hotel, Aberdeen. We also held a coffee morning at the School of Social Science where we paid tribute to Tim's outstanding academic leadership since joining the University in 1999. Tim is...
Anthropology undergraduate prize winners 2018
Three students in Anthropology are celebrating after being awarded this year's departmental prizes.
An Ethnography of Global Environmentalism: Becoming Friends of the Earth
Caroline Gatt's book, 'An Ethnography of Global Environmentalism. Becoming Friends of the Earth' is published by Routledge.
Of words and sounds: conversations across anthropology and music
The Knowing From the Inside project is hosting a two-day workshop entitled 'Of words and sounds: conversations across anthropology and music' on Monday April 30 and Tuesday 1 May.
Galloway Trust PhD Studentship available in Anthropology
Applications are invited from highly qualified and motivated applicants to take up a new PhD scholarship opportunity in the Department of Anthropology in the School of Social Science at the University of Aberdeen. The deadline is 16 May 2018.
PhD student writes for Daily Star, Bangladesh
Anthropology PhD student Annemiek Prins has published an article with the Daily Star of Bangladesh.
Exhibition: The Unfinishing of Things
A new exhibition funded by the European Research Council has opened at the University of Aberdeen and runs until September.
New book by PhD graduate
Penny Howard's new book 'Environment, labour and capitalism at sea: "Working the ground" in Scotland' is out now from the University of Manchester Press.
BBC star supports Aberdeen Anthropology alumna's wildlife film
An award-winning graduate of the University of Aberdeen is celebrating the success of her crowdfunding campaign after receiving an endorsement from BBC wildlife personality Chris Packham.
Pastures new for post-docs
Three of the Department of Anthropology's post-doctoral staff are moving on to exciting new positions at other universities.