Page 2 of 6Results 11 to 20 of 53, 01 October 2018 - 07 January 2022
Martin Mills published in Monks, Money and Morality
Senior Lecturer in Anthropology and Director of the Scottish Centre for Himalayan Research, Dr Martin Mills, has been published in a new volume, Monks, Money and Morality: The Balancing Act of Contemporary Buddhism, edited by Christoph Brumann, Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko and Beata Switek. The book shows the key position of economic exchanges...
Museum Studies Exhibition Makes the News!
This summer, a team of Museum Studies Students from the Department of Anthropology created the digital exhibition, Toil and Trouble. This well researched exhibition 'explores the unique history of witchcraft in Scotland' through the themes of Medicine or Magic, Gendered Violence and Oppression, Relationship with Religion, Witch Hunts, and Representation. To...
Ethnographic Research Methods for the Arts and Humanities Workshop
On 4th and 16th March 2021, the Universities of Aberdeen and Heriot-Watt hosted a Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities Cultural and Museum Studies Catalyst online workshop: Ethnographic Research Methods for the Arts and Humanities.
Welcome Professor Sharon Macdonald who arrives at the Department as Honorary Professor
Sharon Macdonald’s research explores a wide range of aspects of museums, heritage and identity. This includes questions of difficult and contentious pasts, cultural diversity and citizenship, and selectivity and overload. Currently, her main fieldwork site is Germany but she would love sometime to do fieldwork again in China and Scotland. Alexander...
Aberdeen Anthropologists take part in British Museum Exhibition!
Aberdeen anthropologists take part in British Museum exhibition! Arctic: Culture and Climate is a major new exhibition at the British Museum highlighting the effects of climate change on Arctic indigenous cultures. The exhibition features research from scholars from the Department of Anthropology who have collaborated with the museum curators. Staff members at...
Aberdeen Anthropology 4th in UK - Guardian university guide
Aberdeen's Department of Anthropology is delighted to be ranked 4th in the UK in the new Guardian university guide.
Anthropology undergraduate wins top UK prize
Class of 2018 Anthropology graduate Bhavana Tuladhar Douglas has won the Royal Anthropological Institute's Student Essay Prize, the top award for undergraduate anthropologists in the UK.
PhD Graduate's AAA book success
University of Aberdeen Anthropology PhD graduate Dr. Penny McCall Howard has won the American Anthropological Association's Society for the Anthropology of Work Book Prize for 2018.
2019 Galloway Trust PhD studentship available in Anthropology
Applications are invited from highly qualified and motivated applicants to take up a new PhD scholarship opportunity in the Department of Anthropology in the School of Social Science at the University of Aberdeen. The deadline is 31 January 2019.
'Honourable mention' for Museum Anthropology book
"Visiting with the Ancestors: Blackfoot Shirts in Museum Spaces" by Alison Brown, of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Aberdeen, and Laura Peers of the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford, has received an Honourable Mention in the American Anthropological Association's Council for Museum Anthropology Book Awards.