Press cuttings and information intended for a general audience is available on our Public Engagement & Publicity section.
- Low-Field NMR Relaxometry for Intraoperative Tumour Margin Assessment in Breast-Conserving Surgery
Bitonto V., Ruggiero M.R., Pittaro A., Castellano I., Bussone R., Broche L.M., Lurie D.J., Aime S., Baroni S., Geninatti Crich S.
(2021) Cancers, 13, 4141
- Monitoring tissue implants by field-cycling 1H-MRI via the detection of changes in the 14N-quadrupolar-peak from Imidazole moieties incorporated in a “smart” scaffold material
Geninatti Crich S., Di Gregorio E., Bitonto V., Baroni S., Stefania R., Aime S., Broche L.M., Senn N., Ross P.J., Lurie D.J.
(2021) J. Mater. Chem. B, 9, 4863-4872
- A New Method for Investigating Osteoarthritis using Fast Field Cycling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Broche L.M., Ross P.J., Kennedy B., MacEachern C., Lurie D.J., Ashcroft G.P.
(2021) Physica Medica, 88, 142-147
- Joint multi-field T1 quantification for fast field-cycling MRI
Bödenler M., Maier O., Stollberger R., Broche L.M, Ross P.J., MacLeod M.-J., Scharfetter H.
(2021) Magn. Reson. Med., 86, 2049-2063
- A novel class of 1H‐MRI Contrast Agents based on the relaxation enhancement induced on water protons by 14N imidazole moieties
Baroni S., Stefania R., Broche L.M., Senn N., Lurie D.J., Ross P.J., Aime S., Geninatti Crich S.
(2021) Angew. Chemie, 60, 4208-4214
- Towards applying NMR relaxometry as a diagnostic tool for bone and soft tissue sarcomas: a pilot study
Masiewicz E., Ashcroft G.P., Boddie D., Dundas S.R., Kruk D. and Broche L.M.
(2020) Scientific Reports, 10:14207
- Slow dynamics of solid proteins - Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry versus dielectric spectroscopy
Kruk D., Masiewicz E., Wojciechowski M., Florek-Wojciechowska M., Broche L.M. and Lurie D.J.
(2020) J. Magn. Reson., 314, 106721
- 1H spin-lattice NMR relaxation in the presence of residual dipolar interactions - Dipolar relaxation enhancement
Kruk D., Rochowski P., Florek-Wojciechowska M., Sebastião P.J., Lurie D.J., Broche L.M.
(2020) J. Magn. Reson., 318, 106783
- Fast field-cycling magnetic resonance detection of intracellular ultra-small iron oxide particles in vitro: Proof-of-concept
Abbas H, Broche L.M., Ezdoglian A., Li D., Yuecel R., Ross P.J., Cheyne L., Wilson H.M., Lurie D.J. and Dawson D.K.
(2020) J. Magn. Reson., 303, 106722
- In vivo assessment of tumour associated macrophages in murine melanoma obtained by low-field relaxometry in the presence of iron oxide particles
Baroni S., Ruggiero M.R., Bitonto V., Broche L.M., Lurie D.J., Aime S. and Geninatti Crich S.
(2020) Biomaterials, 236, 119805
- Dynamics of Solid Proteins by Means of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry
Kruk D., Masiewicz E., Borkowska A.M., Rochowski P., Fries P.H., Broche L.M. and Lurie D.J.
(2019) Biomolecules, 9, 652
- Mechanism of Water Dynamics in Hyaluronic Dermal Fillers Revealed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry
Kruk D., Rochowski P., Masiewicz E., Wilczynski S., Wojciechowski M., Broche L.M. and Lurie D.J.
(2019) ChemPhysChem, 20, 1-8
- A whole-body Fast Field-Cycling scanner for clinical molecular imaging studies
Broche L.M., Ross P.J., Davies G.R., MacLeod M.-J. and Lurie D.J.
(2019) Scientific Reports, 9:10402
- Book Chapter: Techniques and Applications of Field-cycling Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Lurie, D.J., Ross, P.J. and Broche, L.M.
in R Kimmich (ed.), Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications. New Developments in NMR, no. 18, vol. 2019-January, Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 358-384
- Comparison of fast field-cycling magnetic resonance imaging methods and future perspectives
Bödenler, M., de Rochefort, L., Ross, P.J., Chanet, N., Guillot, G., Davies, G.R, Gösweiner, C., Scharfetter, H. and Lurie, D.J.
(2018) Molecular Physics, 117, pp. 832-848
- In vivo Application of Proton Electron Double Resonance Imaging
Kishimoto, S., Cherukuri, M.K., Khramtsov, V.V., Utsumi, H., Lurie, D.J.
(2018) Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 28, pp. 1345-1364
- Correction of Environmental Magnetic Fields for the Acquisition of Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation Dispersion Profiles below Earth's Field
Zampetoulas, V., Lurie, D.J., Broche, L.M.
(2017) J. Magn. Reson., 282, pp. 38-46
- Simple algorithm for the correction of MRI image artefacts due to random phase fluctuation
Broche, L.M., Ross, P.J., Davies G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2017) Magn. Reson. Imaging, 44, pp. 55-59
- Rapid Field-Cycling MRI using Fast Spin-Echo
Ross, P.J., Broche, L.M., Lurie, D.J.
(2015) Magn. Reson. Med., 73, pp. 1120-1124
- Rapid multi-field T1 estimation algorithm for fast field-cycling MRI
Broche, L.M., Ross, P.J., Pine, K.J., Lurie, D.J.
(2014) J. Magn. Reson., 238, pp. 44-51
- In vivo field-cycling relaxometry using an insert coil for magnetic field offset
Pine, K.J., Goldie, F., Lurie, D.J.
(2014) Magn. Reson. Med., 72, pp. 1492-1497
- Exploring Surface Interactions in Catalysts using Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Mitchell, J., Broche, L.M., Chandrasekera, T.C., Lurie, D.J., Gladden L.F.
(2013) J. Phys. Chem. C, 117, pp. 17699-17706
- Detection of Osteoarthritis NMR in Knee and Hip Joints by FFC NMR
Broche, L.M., Ashcroft, G.P, Lurie, D.J.
(2012) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 68, pp. 358-362
- Measurement of Fibrin Concentration by Fast Field-Cycling NMR
Broche, L.M., Ismail, S.R., Booth, N.A., Lurie, D.J.
(2012) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 67, pp. 1453-1457
- Use of contrast agents with fast field-cycling magnetic resonance imaging
Ó hÓgáin, D., Davies, G.R., Baroni, S., Aime, S., Lurie, D.J.
(2011) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 56, pp. 105-115
- Design and construction of an actively frequency-switchable RF coil for field-dependent Magnetisation Transfer Contrast MRI with fast field-cycling
Choi, C.-H., Hutchison, J.M.S., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 207, pp. 134-139
- Fast Field-Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lurie, D.J., Aime, S., Baroni, S., Booth, N.A., Broche, L.M., Choi, C.-H., Davies, G.R., Ismail, S.R., O Hogain, D., Pine, K.J.
(2010) Comptes Rendus Physique, 11(2), pp. 136-148
- Off-resonance Magnetisation Transfer Contrast (MTC) MRI using Fast Field-Cycling (FFC)
Choi, C-H., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 204, pp. 145-149
- Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry With Spatial Selection
Pine, K.J., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 63(6), pp. 1698-1702
- Field-cycled PEDRI imaging of free radicals with detection at 450 mT
Lurie, D.J., Davies, G.R., Foster, M.A., Hutchison, J.M.S.
(2005) Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 23, pp. 175-181
- Design, construction and use of a large-sample field-cycled PEDRI imager
Lurie, D.J., Foster, M.A., Yeung, D., Hutchison, J.M.S.
(1998) Physics in Medicine and Biology, 43, pp. 1877-1886
- Field-Cycled Proton-Electron Double-Resonance Imaging of Free Radicals in Large Aqueous Samples
Lurie, D.J., Hutchison, J.M.S., Bell, L.H., Nicholson, I., Bussell, D.M., Mallard, J.R.
(1989) Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 84, pp. 431-437
- Low-Field NMR Relaxometry for Intraoperative Tumour Margin Assessment in Breast-Conserving Surgery
- Fast Field-Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging - ISMAR
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., Macleod M.J., Ross P.J., Stormont R.
(2021) Joint Conference of 22nd International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR ) and 9th Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium (APNMR), online meeting, 22nd-27th August 2021
- Fast Field-Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging - EUROMAR
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., Macleod M.J., Ross P.J., Stormont R.
(2021) 17th European Conference on Magnetic Resonance (EUROMAR 2021 ), online meeting, 5th-8th July 2021
- Basics of MRI and Research on Fast Field-Cycling MRI - AMPERE NMR School
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., Macleod M.J., Ross P.J., Stormont R.
(2021) AMPERE NMR School , online meeting, 21st-23rd June 2021
- Fast field-cycling magnetic resonance imaging - SPINUS
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., Macleod M.J., Ross P.J., Stormont R.
(2021) 18th International School-Conference on Magnetic Resonance and its Applications (SPINUS 2021 ), online meeting, 29th March - 2nd April 2021
- Fast field-cycling MRI identifies ischaemic stroke at ultra-low magnetic field strength
Ross P.J., Broche L.M., MacLeod M.J., Lurie D.J.
(2019) ESMRMB 36th Annual Meeting , Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October 2019
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI for molecular dynamics imaging
Broche L.M., Ross P.J., Davies G.R., Lurie D.J.
(2019) ESMRMB 36th Annual Meeting , Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October 2019
- Fast Field-Cycling NMR relaxometry: an emerging biomarker of cancer invasion
Leclercq M. Broche L.M., Petit M. Berger F., Lahrech H.
(2019) ESMRMB 36th Annual Meeting , Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October 2019
- Imaging molecular dynamics using Fast Field-Cycling MRI
Broche L.M., Ross P.J., Davies G.R., Macleod M.J., Lurie D.J.
(2019) World Molecular Imaging Congress , Montreal, Canada, September 2019
- MRI basics and research on Fast Field-Cycling MRI
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., MacLeod M.J., Ross P.J.
(2019) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane, Poland, June 2019
- What do we know about 14N quadrupole relaxation enhancement?
Kruk D., Masiewicz E., Borowska A., Broche L.M., Lurie D.J.
(2019) 11th Conference on FFC NMR Relaxometry, Pisa, Italy, June 2019
- First clincal studies with FFC-MRI: Early results
Broche L.M., Ross P.J., Davies G.R., MacLeod M.J., Masannat Y., Leslie S., Bhatt P., Berger F., Lahrech H., Lurie D.J.
(2019) 11th Conference on FFC NMR Relaxometry, Pisa, Italy, June 2019
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI identifies ischaemic stroke at ultra-low field strength
Ross P.J., Broche M., MacLeod M.J., Guzman-Guttierez G., Murray A.D. and Lurie D.J.
(2019) 11th Conference on FFC NMR Relaxometry, Pisa, Italy, June 2019
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI identifies ischaemic stroke at ultra-low field strength
Ross P.J., Broche M., MacLeod M.J., Guzman-Guttierez G., Murray A.D. and Lurie D.J.
(2019) ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting , Montreal, Canada, May 2019
- Bilateral Breast Coil for Fast Field-Cycling Relaxometric MRI
Davies G.R., Broche L.M., Gaglardi T., Lurie D.J. and Ross P.J.
(2019) ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting , Montreal, Canada, May 2019
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI technology: prototype human scanner and first clinical results
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., Guzman-Guttierez G., MacLeod M.J. and Ross P.J.
(2018) Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 104th Annual Meeting , Chicago, USA, December 2018
- A Fast Field-Cycling MRI system for clinical applications
Ross P.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R. and Lurie D.J.
(2018) British Chapter of ISMRM , Oxford, UK, September 2018
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI identifies ischaemic stroke at ultra-low magnetic field strength
MacLeod M.J., Broche L.M., Ross P.J., Guzman-Guttierez G., Murray A.D. and Lurie D.J.
(2018) British Chapter of ISMRM , Oxford, UK, September 2018
- Fast field-cycling MRI: Novel contrast changes through switched magnetic fields
Ross P.J., Broche L.M., MacLeod M.J., Davies G.R. and Lurie D.J.
(2018) 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics , Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2018
- T1-dispersion curves modelling and analysis of human glioma resections: a novel biomarker of molecular dynamics
Petit M., Pierre S., Leclerq M., Fries P.H., Berger F., Broche L.M. and Lahrech H.
(2018) Joint Annual Meeting, ISMRM-ESMRMB , Paris, France, June 2018
- Data processing methods for the extraction of novel FFC-MRI biomarkers
Broche L.M., Zampetoulas V. and Lurie D.J.
(2018) Joint Annual Meeting, ISMRM-ESMRMB , Paris, France, June 2018
- Simple algorithm for the correction of MRI image artefacts due to random phase fluctuations
Ross P.J., Broche L.M. and Lurie D.J.
(2018) Joint Annual Meeting, ISMRM-ESMRMB , Paris, France, June 2018
- MRI Basics and Research on Fast Field-Cycling MRI
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., MacLeod M.J. and Ross P.J.
(2018) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane, Poland, June 2018
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI: a new diagnostic modality?
Lurie D.J. Broche L.M., Davies G.R. and Ross P.J.
(2018) World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering , Prague, Czech Republic, June 2018
- Exploiting T1-dispersion using human-scale fast field-cycling MRI
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., MacLeod M.J. and Ross P.J.
(2018) EMBO Workshop on Challenges for magnetic resonance in life sciences , Grosseto, Italy, May 2018
- Fast Field-Cycling (FFC) MRI: Biomarkers through T1-Dispersion
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., MacLeod M.J. and Ross P.J.
(2018) Images and Networks of the Brain, Hamburg, Germany, April 2018
- Fast Field-Cycling (FFC) MRI: Biomarkers through T1-Dispersion
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., MacLeod M.J. and Ross P.J.
(2018) Images and Networks of the Brain, Hamburg, Germany, April 2018
- A Fast Field-Cycling MRI system for clinical applications
Ross P.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R. and Lurie D.J.
(2017) ESMRMB 34th Annual Meeting , Barcelona, Spain, October 2017
- Protein Mass Spectrometry analysis to help in interpreting T1-dispersion curves of FFC-NMR: applications in human cerebral tumours
Broche L.M., Pierre S., Court M., Berger F., Fries P. and Lahrech H.
(2017) ESMRMB 34th Annual Meeting , Barcelona, Spain, October 2017
- Fast Field-cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., Payne N.R., Ross P.J. and Zampetoulas V.
(2017) Italian Magnetic Resonance Group (GIDRM) XLVI National Congress , Italy, September 2017
- Overhauser MRI of free radicals
D.J. Lurie
(2017) International Conference on Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Imaging of Biological Systems, Morgantown, West Virginia , USA, July 2017
- Fast Field-cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., Payne N.R., Ross P.J. and Zampetoulas V.
(2017) EUROMAR Congress, Warsaw , Poland, July 2017
- Fast Field-cycling MRI: T1-Dispersion for Enhanced Medical Diagnosis
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., Payne N.R., Ross P.J. and Zampetoulas V.
(2017) AMPERE NMR School, Zakopane , Poland, June 2017
- Simulation of Fast Field-Cycling MRI inversion-recovery pulse sequences to inform experimental parameters
Payne N.R., Broche L.M. and Lurie D.J.
(2017) SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting, Glasgow , 16th June 2017
- The T1-Dispersion Curve as a Biomarker of Colorectal Cancer
Zampetoulas V., Broche L.M., Murray G.I.. and Lurie D.J.
(2017) SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting, Glasgow , 16th June 2017
- A Fast Field-Cycling MRI system for clinical applications
Ross P.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R. and Lurie D.J.
(2017) SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting , Glasgow, 16th June 2017
- T1-dispersion curves of human brain disease and protein mass spectrometry analysis
Lahrech H., Broche L.M., Pierre S., Court M., Fries P. and Berger F.
(2017) 10th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry , Mikolajki, Poland, June 2017
- Evolution of the Quadrupole Peak determinants in the NMRD profile of biological tissue. A relaxometric study of model samples
Baroni S., Geninatti Crich S., Broche L.M., Lurie D.J. and Aime S.
(2017) 10th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry , Mikolajki, Poland, June 2017
- Progress on imaging using a 0.2 T whole-body Fast Field-Cycling system
Ross P.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R and Lurie D.J.
(2017) 10th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry , Mikolajki, Poland, June 2017
- Design and commissioning of a whole-body 0.2 T fast field-cycling MRI magnet
Broche L.M., Ross P.J., Davies G.R. and Lurie D.J.
(2017) 10th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry , Mikolajki, Poland, June 2017
- Fast Field-Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lurie D.J., Broche L.M., Davies G.R., Payne N.R., Ross P.J. and Zampetoulas V.
(2017) 10th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry , Mikolajki, Poland, June 2017
- Optimisation of Fast Field-Cycling MRI pulse sequences by numerical simulation
Payne N.R., Broche L.M. and Lurie D.J.
(2017) ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting , Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 2017
- A new human-scale fast Field-cycling MRI system for clinical applications
Ross P.J., Broche L.M., Murray G.I. and Lurie D.J.
(2017) ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting, Honolulu , Hawaii, USA, April 2017
- Fast Field-Cycling NMR of human glioma resections: characterization of heterogeneity
Broche L.M., Huang Y., Pierre S., Berger F., Lurie D.J., Fries P.H. and Lahrech H.
(2017) ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting, Honolulu , Hawaii, USA, April 2017
- The T1-Dispersion Curve as a Biomarker of Colorectal Cancer
Zampetoulas V., Broche L.M., Davies G.R. and Lurie D.J.
(2017) ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting , Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 2017
- Calibration of a Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometer for Measurements on Biological Samples that Extend to the Ultra-Low Field Region
V. Zampetoulas, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2016) ESMRMB 33rd Annual Meeting , Vienna, Austria, September 2016
- Fast-Field Cycling MRI: A new tool for enhanced diagnosis
L.M. Broche
(2016) 1st European Congress of Medical Physics, Athens, Greece, September 2016
- A Q-switch system for an MRI RF coil operating at 2.5 MHz
N.R. Payne, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2016) 8th SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting , Stirling, Scotland, UK
- Calibration of a Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometer for Measurements on Biological Samples that Extend to Ultra-Low Magnetic Fields
V. Zampetoulas, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2016) 8th SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting , Stirling, Scotland, UK
- Field-cycling MRI - a curiosity or the next big thing?
D.J. Lurie, L.M. Broche, G.R. Davies, N.R. Payne, P.J. Ross and V. Zampetoulas
(2016) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane, Poland
- A Q-switch system for an MRI RF coil operating at 2.5 MHz
N.R. Payne, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2016) ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting , Singapore
- Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry Extended in the Ultra-Low Field Region: Calibration Method and Acquisition of T1-Dispersion Curves that reach 2.3 µT
V. Zampetoulas, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2016) ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting , Singapore
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI: Demonstration of New Technology for T1-Dispersion Contrast
D.J. Lurie, L.M. Broche, G.R. Davies, N.R. Payne, P.J. Ross and V. Zampetoulas
(2015) RSNA 101st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting , Chicago, USA
- In vivo human brain imaging at 0.2 T with a whole body fast field-cycling system
G.R. Davies, L.M. Broche, D.J. Lurie, K.J. Pine and P.J. Ross
(2015) ESMRMB 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- Enabling Nuclear Quadrupole Double Resonance capabilities for Fast Field-Cycling MRI
N.R. Payne, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2015) ESMRMB 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- Ultra-low field NMR relaxometry: calibration method and acquisition of T1-dispersion curves from biological samples extended below 1000 Hz
V. Zampetoulas, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2015) ESMRMB 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- Accelerated Field-Cycling MRI using Keyhole Imaging
P.J. Ross and D.J. Lurie
(2015) ESMRMB 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- Characterisation of human glioma resections by Fast Field-Cycling NMR
L.M. Broche, A. Mombrun, O. Stephanov, A. Bouamrani, F. Ferger, D.J. Lurie, P.H. Fries and H. Lahrech
(2015) ESMRMB 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- Detection of tissue remodelling by Fast Field-Cycling methods
L.M. Broche, V. Zampetoulas, P.J. Ross and D.J. Lurie
(2015) ESMRMB 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting , Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
- Molecular biomarkers in human pathologies from fast field-cycling MRI
L.M. Broche, P.J. Ross, G.R. Davies and D.J. Lurie
(2015) World Molecular Imaging Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
- Development of an RF coil tuning system to enable Nuclear Quadrupole Double Resonance in Fast Field-Cycling MRI
N.R. Payne, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2015) 9th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling Relaxometry, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- In vivo human brain imaging at 0.2 T with a whole body fast field-cycling system
G.R. Davies, L.M. Broche, K.J. Pine, P.J. Ross and D.J. Lurie
(2015) 9th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling Relaxometry, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Rapid Fast Field-Cycling Imaging using the Keyhole Technique
P.J. Ross and D.J. Lurie
(2015) 9th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling Relaxometry, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Analysis of human glioma by FFC NMR
H. Lahrech, L.M. Broche, P.H. Fries, G.P. Ashcroft, E. Belorizky, A. Bouamrani, A. Mombrun, F. Berger and D.J. Lurie
(2015) 9th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling Relaxometry, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Recent Progress in Fast Field-Cycling MRI
L.M. Broche, P.J. Ross, G.R. Davies, N.R. Payne, V. Zampetoulas and D.J. Lurie
(2015) 9th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling Relaxometry, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Ultra-low field NMR relaxometry: calibration method and acquisition of T1-dispersion curves extended to the region of µT
V. Zampetoulas, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2015) 9th Conference on Fast Field-Cycling Relaxometry, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI: A New Imaging Modality
D.J. Lurie, L.M. Broche, G.R. Davies, N.R. Payne, P.J. Ross and V. Zampetoulas
(2015) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane, Poland
- Fast Field-Cycling NMR (FFC-NMR) - A novel way to image thrombus in vivo?
A. Yucel-Finn, L.M. Broche, P.J. Ross and D.J. Lurie
(2015) SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting , Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Ultra-low field NMR relaxometry on biological samples: calibration method and acquisition of T1-dispersion curves below 1000 Hz
V. Zampetoulas, L.M. Broche, and D.J. Lurie
(2015) SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting , Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- In vivo human brain imaging at 0.2 T with a whole body fast field-cycling system
G.R. Davies, L.M. Broche, D.J. Lurie, K.J. Pine and P.J. Ross
(2015) SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting , Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Equipping FFC MRI for Nuclear Quadrupole Double Resonance
N.R. Payne, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2015) SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting , Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Accelerated Field-Cycling MRI using the Keyhole Technique
P.J. Ross and D.J. Lurie
(2015) SINAPSE Annual Scientific Meeting , Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Rapid Fast Field-Cycling MRI using Keyhole Imaging
P.J. Ross and D.J. Lurie
(2015) ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting , Toronto, Canada
- Spatial localization of relaxation dispersion by field-cycling with one-dimensional projection
K.J. Pine, G.R. Davies and D.J. Lurie
(2015) ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting , Toronto, Canada
- Ultra-Low Field NMR Relaxometry: Calibration Method and T1-Dispersion below 1000 Hz
V. Zampetoulas, L.M. Broche and D.J. Lurie
(2015) ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting , Toronto, Canada
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI: A New Imaging Modality
D.J. Lurie, L.M. Broche, G.R. Davies, N.R. Payne, K.J. Pine, P.J. Ross and V. Zampetoulas
(2015) European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria
- Error propagation in Fast Field-Cycling Relaxometry
K.J. Pine, D.J. Lurie
(2014) IPEM Meeting on Quality Assurance in Magnetic Resonance, London, UK
- Field-Cycling MRI: A New Imaging Modality?
D.J. Lurie, L.M. Broche, G.R. Davies, N.R. Payne, K.J. Pine, P.J. Ross, V. Zampetoulas
(2014) 8th European Conference on Medical Physics, Athens, Greece
- Clinical applications of Fast Field-Cycling techniques
L.M. Broche, G.R. Davies, D.J. Koss, K.J. Pine, P.J. Ross, D.J. Lurie
(2014) British Chapter ISMRM , 20th Annual Scientific Meeting, Edinburgh, UK
- Accelerated Field-Cycling MRI using the Keyhole Technique
P.J. Ross, D.J. Lurie
(2014) British Chapter ISMRM , 20th Annual Scientific Meeting, Edinburgh, UK
- Calibration of a Fast Field Cycling Relaxometer for Ultra-Low Field Measurements of T1-Dispersion
V. Zampetoulas, L.M. Broche, D.J. Lurie
(2014) British Chapter ISMRM , 20th Annual Scientific Meeting, Edinburgh, UK
- Development of a voltage-tuneable RF coil to enable double resonance experiments with Fast Field-Cycling MRI
N.R. Payne, L.M. Broche, P.J. Ross, D.J. Lurie
(2014) British Chapter ISMRM , 20th Annual Scientific Meeting, Edinburgh, UK
- Techniques and bio-medical applications of field-cycling magnetic resonance
D.J. Lurie, L.M. Broche, G.R. Davies, N.R. Payne, K.J. Pine, P.J. Ross, V. Zampetoulas
(2014) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane, Poland
- Development of a varactor-tuned RF coil to enable quadrupole double resonance experiments with fast field-cycling MRI
N.R. Payne, L.M. Broche, P.J. Ross, D.J. Lurie
(2014) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane, Poland
- Calibration of a fast field cycling relaxometer for ultra-low Field Measurements of T1-dispersion
V. Zampetoulas, L.M. Broche, D.J. Lurie
(2014) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane, Poland
- Fast field-cycling NMR of cartilage: a way toward molecular imaging
Broche, L.M., Kennedy, B.W.C., MacEachern, C., Ashcroft, G.P., Lurie, D.J.
(2014) World Congress, Osteoarthritis Research Society International , Paris, France
- Translational studies with fast field-cycling MRI
Broche, L.M., Pine, K.J., Davies, G.R., Ross, P.J., Lurie, D.J.
(2014) European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, Austria
Analysis of musculoskeletal and breast tumours by fast field-cycling MRI
Broche, L.M., Ashcroft, G.P., Boddie, D., Dundas, S., Gagliardi, T., Heys, S.D., Lurie, D.J., McKenzie, T., Miller, I., Ross P.J.
(2013) ESMRMB 30th Annual Scientific Meeting , Toulouse, France -
Optimisation of fast field-cycling for early detection of osteoarthritic cartilage
Kennedy B.W.C.
(2013) Joint Meeting of Bone Research Society and British Orthopaedic Research Society, Oxford, UK -
Techniques and Applications of Field-Cycling MRI
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L.M., Davies, G.R., Kennedy, B.W.C., Pine, K.J., Ross, P.J.
(2013) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane, Poland -
Towards a quality framework for localized FC relaxometry
Pine, K.J., Lurie, D.J.
(2013) 8th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino -
Rapid field-cycling MRI using fast spin-echo
Ross, P.J., Broche, L.M., Lurie, D.J.
(2013) 8th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino -
Fast-field cycling NMR is sensitive to the method of cross-linking in BSA gels
Kennedy, B.W.C., Broche, L.M., Ashcroft, Lurie, D.J.
(2013) 8th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino - Medical Applications of Fast Field Cycling MRI
Broche, L.M., Ashcroft, G.P., Boddie, D., Dundas, S., Gagliardi, T., Heys, S.D., Kennedy, B.W.C., Lurie, D.J., Maceachern, C., McKenzie, T., Miller, I., Pine, K.J., Ross, P.J.
(2013) 8th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Field Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L.M., Davies, G.R., Kennedy, B.W.C., Pine, K.J., Ross, P.J.
(2013) 8th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- A Single-Magnet Fast Field-Cycling Whole-Body MRI System with Detection at 0.2 T
Davies, G.R., Pine, K.J., Lurie, D.J.
(2013) Proc. 21st ISMRM , Salt Lake City, USA
- Rapid Field-Cycling Relaxometric Imaging using Fast Spin-Echo
Ross, P.J., Broche, L.M., Pine, K.J., Lurie, D.J.
(2013) Proc. 21st ISMRM , Salt Lake City, USA
- Design and Construction of a 0.2 T System for Whole-Body Field-Cycling MRI
Pine, K.J., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2012) ESMRMB 29th Annual Scientific Meeting , Lisbon, Portugal
- Fast Field-Cycled Fast Spin-Echo MRI
Ross, P.J., Broche, L.M., Pine, K.J., Lurie, D.J.
(2012) AMPERE NMR School , Poznan, Poland
- NMR Relaxometry and MRI using Fast Field-Cycling
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L., Choi, C., Davies, G.R., Pine, K.J., Ross, P.J.
(2012) AMPERE NMR School , Poznan, Poland
- Nitrogen-proton cross-relaxation in Fast Field-Cycling MRI
Broche, L., Pine, K., Ismail, S.R., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2012) 19th JSPS Core-to-Core Seminar: Winter School, Fukuoka, Japan
- Techniques and biomedical applications of field-cycling MRI
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L.M.., Davies, G.R., Pine, K.J.
(2012) International Redox Core Symposium on In Vivo MRI, Fukuoka, Japan
- Field-Cycling MRI - Techniques and Applications
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L., Choi, C., Davies, G.R., Ismail, S.R., Ó hÓgáin, D., Pine, K.J.
(2011) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane, Poland
- Fast Field-Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L., Choi, C., Davies, G.R., Ismail, S.R., Ó hÓgáin, D., Pine, K.J.
(2011) 7th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Use of an insert coil and surface RF coil for in vivo whole-body relaxometry
Pine, K.J., Davies, G.R., Goldie, F., Lurie, D.J.
(2011) 7th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Clinical Applications of FFC MRI
Broche, L.M., Ismail, S., Wackerhage, H, Booth, N.A., Ashcroft, G.P., Lurie, D.J.
(2011) 7th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Magnetic field-dependent magnetisation transfer contrast MRI with fast field-cycling
Choi, C-H., Lurie, D.J.
(2011) Proc. 19th ISMRM , Montreal, p.4499
- Detection of changes in quadrupolar peaks by FFC-MRI in skeletal muscle
Broche, L.M., Wackerhage, H., Lurie, D.J.
(2011) Proc. 19th ISMRM , Montreal, p.1168
- A Single Magnet Fast Field-Cycling MRI System with Detection at 0.5T
Davies, G.R., Pine, K.J., Lurie, D.J., Goldie, F.
(2011) Proc. 19th ISMRM , Montreal, p.1832
- A field offset coil for spatially localised in vivo field-cycling relaxometry
Pine, K.J., Goldie, F., Lurie, D.J.
(2011) Proc. 19th ISMRM , Montreal, p.1833
- Detection and quantification of alpha- synuclein using Fast Field- Cycling magnetic resonance techniques
Ismail, S.R., Mustafa, S., Miller, S., Rasmussen, T., Lurie, D.J., Teismann, P.
(2011) Proc. 19th ISMRM , Montreal, p.2185
- Field-cycling MRI - from free radicals to protein dynamics
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L., Davies, G.R., Ismail, S.R., Ó hÓgáin, D., Pine, K.J.
(2011) Rank Prize Funds Symposium , Grasmere, UK
- Fast field-cycling MRI for protein detection
Broche, L.M., Ismail, S.R., Booth, N.A., Wackerhage, H., Ashcroft, G.P., Lurie, D.J.
(2011) Rank Prize Funds Symposium , Grasmere, UK
- Molecular-based image contrast using Fast Field-Cycling MRI
Broche, L.M., Ismail, S., Booth, N.A., Wackerhage, H., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) World Molecular Imaging Congress , Kyoto, Japan, p.97
- Manganese Loaded Liposomes as Molecular Imaging Contrast Agents using Fast Field-Cycling MRI
O Hogain, D., Broche, L.M., Baroni, S., Aime, S., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) World Molecular Imaging Congress , Kyoto, Japan, p.922B
- Thrombus detection using Fast Field-Cycling NMR
Ismail, S.R., Broche, L., Booth, N.A., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) ISMRM British Chapter meeting, Nottingham, p.105
- Detection of osteoarthritic changes in cartilage by FFC NMR
Broche, L.M., Ashcroft, G.P., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) ISMRM British Chapter meeting, Nottingham, p.110
- Methods for the Spatial Localisation of Field-Cycling Relaxometric Data
Pine, K.J., Goldie, F., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) ISMRM British Chapter meeting, Nottingham, p.66
- Fast Field-Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L., Choi, Ch.H., Davies, G.R., Ismail, S.R., O Hogain, D., Pine, K.J.
(2010) AMPERE NMR School , Wierzba, Poland, p.37
- Use of contrast agents in fast field-cycling MRI
O Hogain, D., Baroni, S., Aime, S., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) 12th Bi-Annual Conference on Contrast Agents and Multimodal Molecular Imaging, Mons, Belgium, p.60
- Non-invasive Measurement of Fibrin Concentration by Fast Field-Cycling NMR Technique
Broche, L.M., Ismail, S.R., Booth, N.A., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB , Stockholm, Sweden, p.915
- Design and construction of an actively frequency-switchable RF coil for fast field-cycling magnetisation transfer contrast MRI
Choi, C-H., Lavdas, I., Hutchison, J.M., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB , Stockholm, Sweden, p.3923
- Use of Contrast Agents with Fast Field-Cycling MRI
O Hogain, D., Davies, G.R., Baroni, S., Ferrante, G., Aime, S., Lurie, D.J.
(2010) ISMRM Italian Chapter Meeting: Risonanza magnetica in medicina: dalla ricerca tecnologica avanzata alla pratica clinica , Milano(Winner of Best Poster Prize in the Hardware/Physics session)
- Polarisation manipulation in MRI by magnetic field-cycling and DNP
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L., Choi, Ch.H., Davies, G.R., Ismail, S.R., O Hogain, D., Pine, K.J.
(2009) 10th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy , West Yellowstone, USA
- 1000 field strengths in one scanner - Fast Field-cycling MRI
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L., Choi, Ch.H., Davies, G.R., Ismail, S.R., O Hogain, D., Pine, K.J.
(2009) AMPERE NMR School , Zakopane
- Towards a single resistive magnet 0.5 T Fast Field Cycled Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
Davies, G.R., Pine, K.J., Lurie, D.J.
(2009) 6th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Contrast Optimisation using Fast Field-Cycling MRI
Hogain, D.O., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J., Baroni, S.
(2009) 6th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Detection of fibrin by Fast Field-Cycling magnetic resonance techniques
Ismail, S., Broche, L., Booth, N.A., Lurie, D.J.
(2009) 6th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Fast Field-Cycling MRI
Lurie, D.J., Broche, L., Choi, C-H., Davies, G.R., Ismail, S.R., O Hogain, D., Pine, K.J.
(2009) 6th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Localised In Vivo Relaxometry with Fast Field-Cycling
Pine, K.J., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2009) 6th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- The use of Fast Field-Cycling technique with Magnetization Transfer Contrast MRI
Choi, C-H., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2009) 6th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Off-Resonance Magnetisation Transfer Contrast MRI Using Fast Field-Cycling Technique
Choi, C-H., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2009) Proc. 17th ISMRM , p.2747
- Localized In Vivo Fast Field-Cycling Relaxometry
Pine, K.J., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2009) Proc. 17th ISMRM , p.2743
1998 - 2008
- Fast Field-Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Lurie, D.J., Choi, C., Davies, G.R., O'Hogain, D.P., Pine, K.J.
(2008) 4th Meeting of the Saudi Physical Society, Riyadh
- Principles and Applications of Magnetic Field Cycling in MRI
Lurie, D.J., Choi, C., Davies, G.R., O'Hogain, D.P., Pine, K.J.
(2008) 20th International Conference of the Society for Medical Innovation and Technology, Vienna
- Spatially selective field-cycling NMR relaxometry
Pine, K.J., Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2008) Proc. 25th ESMRMB, p.258
- Progress in Fast Field-Cycling MRI
Lurie, D.J., Davies, G.R.
(2007) 5th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Quantitative Field-Cycling T1 Dispersion Imaging
Davies, G.R., Lurie, D.J.
(2005) Proc. 13th ISMRM, p.2187
- A Field-Cycling MRI System with Detection at 0.45T
Lurie, D.J., Davies, G.R., Hutchison, J.M.
(2005) Proc. 13th ISMRM, p.903
- Protein Quantitation by Field-Cycling MRI
Davies, G.R., Cameron, G.C., Lurie, D.J.
(2005) 4th Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Field-Cycling MRI with 0.5T Detection
Lurie, D.J., Davies, G.R., Hutchison, J.M.S., Foster, M.A.
(2003) 3rd Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Recent Developments in Field-Cycling MRI - Free Radicals and Quadrupole Dips
Lurie, D.J., Foster, M.A., Youngdee, W.
(2001) 2nd Conference on Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry, Torino
- Quadrupole-Dips Measured by Whole-Body Field-Cycling Relaxometry and Imaging
Lurie, D.J.
(1999) Proc. 7th ISMRM, p.653
- Quadrupole-Dip Measurement in Humans by Whole-Body Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry and Imaging
Lurie, D.J.
(1998) 29th Ampere - 13th ISMAR Conference, Berlin
- Field-Cycled Magnetic Resonance Imaging - Techniques and Applications
Lurie, D.J.
(1998) Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry Symposium, Berlin
- Fast Field-Cycling Magnetic Resonance Imaging - ISMAR