Aberdeen receives additional funding for arts and humanities research

Aberdeen receives additional funding for arts and humanities research

The next generation of research professionals working in the Arts and Humanities in Scotland are to benefit from substantial funding awarded to the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities (SGSAH) by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Scottish Funding Council (SFC).

The Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities (SGSAH) is one of 10 consortia across the UK to have received a share of £170 million AHRC Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs) funding. The funding awarded to SGSAH will support 190 PhD students over the next five years. Additional funding will be provided by ten of Scotland’s HEIs for a further 95 awards.
Professor Edward Harcourt, the AHRC’s Director of Research, Strategy and Innovation said: “The AHRC is delighted to announce its renewed commitment to the Doctoral Training Partnerships model. Our support for the next generation of arts and humanities researchers is critical to securing the future of the UK arts and humanities sector, which accounts for nearly a third of all UK academic staff, is renowned the world over for its outstanding quality, and which plays a vital part in our higher education ecosystem as a whole.
“We were extremely pleased with the response to our call, which saw high-quality applications from across the UK from a variety of diverse and innovative consortia, each with a clear strategy and vision for the future support of their doctoral students.”
The AHRC DTP sits at the centre of the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities (SGSAH). Founded in 2014, SGSAH is the world’s first national graduate school for the arts and humanities, supporting 1750 doctoral researchers in 16 Higher Education Institutions across Scotland.
The Scottish Funding Council has awarded an additional £1.2 million that, alongside contributions from HEI members, will allow the graduate school to continue to provide unique and innovative training opportunities for students registered across Scotland’s HEIs, irrespective of their funding source.
Dr Stuart Fancey, Director of Research and Innovation at the Scottish Funding Council, said: “Scotland’s culture and its economic growth are supported by our universities’ strength in the arts and humanities. SGSAH harnesses the collective leadership of the sector to ensure Scotland provides the very best training to doctoral students in these disciplines, across the whole country.
“SFC is pleased to continue our partnership with the AHRC and the Scottish universities to provide even more opportunities for the next generation of researchers in the arts and humanities.”
Professor Roibeard O Maolalaigh, Co-chair of the Graduate School’s Board and Vice Principal for the College of Arts at the University of Glasgow, said: “I am delighted that SGSAH has been successful in its bid for AHRC DTP funding. This funding builds on SGSAH’s delivery of the previous DTP award, which enabled us to provide studentships for 309 doctoral researchers across Scotland. Increased funding commitments from our HEI members will allow us to support even more students over the next five years.
“The delivery of the DTP is only one aspect of SGSAH’s remit. Today we also celebrate the substantial funding awarded by the Scottish Funding Council. The SGSAH is unique in the arts and humanities doctoral landscape in that it offers innovative training opportunities for all arts and humanities doctoral researchers across Scotland. In just four years, SGSAH has funded more than 50 student-led training events, supported 80 internships and engaged with more than 145 external organisations. The SGSAH can confidently build on its considerable achievements.”
Rebecca Ford, doctoral researcher at the University of Highlands and Islands, and based in Orkney said: “From the fabulous Summer Schools, to the opportunity to do an internship with the Orkney International Science Festival, SGSAH have provided invaluable training, advice, encouragement and support throughout my PhD journey. Most of all they have helped me connect to a network of fellow PhD researchers, and welcomed me into the vibrant, diverse and dynamic SGSAH family of new academics they are nurturing. Thank you SGSAH, here's to the future!”
Professor Dee Heddon, Dean of the SGSAH and Director of its AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership, said: “We are extremely grateful to our funders, our members, our partners and our doctoral researchers. We are excited to begin the next stage in the journey of the Scottish Graduate School. We aim to inspire a future generation of enlightened leaders who are alert to their influence and impact as knowledge makers, co-creators and connectors. Our doctoral researchers will be champions for arts and humanities research, demonstrating through their work the value of arts and humanities to society, industry and other disciplines.”

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