

Phases 1-3
Can you reflect on your confidence and skills associated with working with others? How confident are you in asserting yourself and having your point heard? Are there activities you could be part of that will help you develop in this area? Are there activities you shy away from?

In your position as a PGR student, have you experienced situations where you undertook a leading role?  

Have you worked as part of a team? What role do you usually take on in a team? Can you push your boundaries and take on a different role in future?

  • If yes, can you give some examples and reflect on the skills you have developed including citizenship, personal effectiveness and leadership.
  • If no, what courses or activities could you undertake to help you gain this experience and/or expertise in this area?

Are you involved in a research collaboration? 

  • If yes, use your experience to reflect on your ability to organise and delegate tasks according to individual abilities.
  • If no and this is an important skill for you to develop, what activities could you undertake to help you gain this experience and/or expertise in this area? 

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