Digital Skills

Digital Skills

Phase 1

Do you have the necessary digital skills to support your academic activities? For written work, oral, poster, visual presentations?

  • If no, what courses or activities could you undertake to help you gain these skills?

Do you have the necessary digital skills to collate, manage, access, analyse and present your data?

  • If no, what courses or activities could you undertake to help you gain these skills?

Do you have an understanding of the rules of copyright and open alternatives e.g. Creative Commons, and of the ability to reference digital works appropriately in different contexts?


Phase 2-3
Do you have the necessary digital skills to share and promote your research?

  • If yes, reflect on your strategy for developing a digital footprint of your research (e.g. maintaining a researcher profile on various social platforms, promoting publications, citation indexes etc.)?
  • If no, what courses or activities could you undertake to help you gain these skills?

Explore available workshops