Dr Steven MacLennan

Dr Steven MacLennan
Dr Steven MacLennan
Dr Steven MacLennan

Senior Research Fellow

Email Address
Telephone Number
+44 (0)1224 438123
Office Address

Academic Urology Unit Health Sciences Building (2nd Floor) University of Aberdeen Foresterhill Aberdeen AB25 2ZD Tel: +44 (0)1224 559086 Fax: +44 (0)1224 554580 Email: steven.maclennan@abdn.ac.uk

School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition


Steven is a Research Fellow in the Academic Urology Unit at the University of Aberdeen. His research themes cover the broad spectrum of evidence-based medicine in urology. This encompasses assessing the effectiveness of treatments in clinical trials, developing core outcome sets, providing critical reviews of the evidence base, creating evidence-based (or where necessary consensus-based) clinical practice guidelines, and implementing guideline recommendations in clinical practice. Steven is a member of the European Association of Urology (EAU) methodology committee which oversees the quality of the EAU’s systematic review and clinical practice guideline programme and delivers training on core evidence-based medicine skills in systematic reviews and guideline production. He is also a founding member of the IMpact Assessment of Guidelines Implementation and Education (IMAGINE) group which aims to assess current variations in practice, investigate barriers and facilitators to guideline adherent practice, and improve adherence to strong, high level of evidence, guideline recommendations. Prostate Cancer DIagnOsis and TreatmeNt Enhancement through the Power of Big Data in EuRope (PIONEER) is one of Steven’s recent projects, where his heaviest involvement is in the work to help standardise outcome definitions across all stages of disease to support the Big Data analysis work and improve the consistency of outcome reporting, outcome definition and measurement in future clinical trials and clinical audit.


  • PhD Sociology 
    2010 - University of Edinburgh 
  • MRes Social Research Methods 
    2006 - University of Aberdeen 
  • BA (Hons.) Applied Social Science 
    2005 - The Robert Gordon University 

Memberships and Affiliations

Internal Memberships

IAHS Athena Swan Self Assessment Team 

External Memberships

European Association of Urology


Research Overview

An overview of current projects: 

Core Outcome Set Development Projects

Renal Cancer Core Outcome Sets (R-COS)

In this project, part funded by the Arcobaleno Cancer Trust and NHS Grampian Endowments, we are developing three seperate Core Outcome Sets (COS) for localised, locally advanced, and metastatic stages of kidney cancer. This includes two systematic reviews, an interview study and three Delphi studies. The COMET registration, giving full study details is accessible here: https://www.comet-initiative.org/studies/details/1406  

Bladder Cancer Core Outcome Sets (B-COS) 

In this project, we are developing Core Outcome Sets for the various stages of bladder cancer. Forming the initial statge of the project, we published an article reviewing outcome reporting heterogeneity in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer - accessible here: https://content.iospress.com/articles/bladder-cancer/blc201510

The COMET registration, giving full study details is availabe here: https://www.comet-initiative.org/studies/details/1135

Prostate Cancer Core Outcome Sets

We devleoped a COS for localised prostate cancer. The results can be accessed here: https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/bju.13854

Our prostate cancer COS work was subsequently updated and incorporated in the PIONEER project. More detail about PIONEER can be viewed here: https://prostate-pioneer.eu/


Implementation Science Projects

IMAGINE (IMpact Assessment of Guidelines Implementation and Education)

IMAGINE is a European Association of Urology (EAU) working group focussing on  mapping adherence to EAU guidelines and, where variation or suboptimal practice is identified, investigating the barriers and facilitators to guideline adherence, and developing implementation interventions to adress the barriers and leverage the facilitators. You can read more about the IMAGINE group in this editorial

RESECT (Transurethral REsection and Single instillation intra-vesical chemotherapy Evaluation in bladder Cancer Treatment (RESECT) Improving quality in TURBT surgery.)

RESECT is a collaborative project with the British Urology Researchers in Surgical Training (BURST) group, including researchers from the Academic Urology Unit and HSRU. A main aim of RESECT is to test intereventions aimed at improving adherence to guidelines around single instilation of chemotherapy adn documentation of the procudure - which have been shown to be associated with improved patient outcomes. You can read more about RESECT here: https://www.bursturology.com/Studies/Resect/Overview/

OPTIMA (OPtimal Treatment for patients wiht solid tumours in Europe through Artificial Intelligence)

OPTIMA is a 34 partners-based  IMI project. The programme aim is to design, develop and deliver the first interoperable and GDPR-compliant European real-world oncology data and evidence generation platform based on the needs of the clinicians and patients, in an inclusive and sustainable way. It will be built on a combination of federated and centralised access to a vast network of European data providers to help answer the highest priority research questions in prostate, breast and lung cancer, especially where current existing evidence underpinning clinical practice guidelines is weak.  In parallel, comprehensive decision support toolsets based on national and international guidelines with approved regular updates of guideline recommendations underpinned by evidence from advanced statistical analysis and AI will be made available to fill the guidelines gaps and better support shared decision making by clinicians and patients.

Deimplementing ADT

There is evidence to suggest that Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) is overused in men with localised prostate cancer. it is unclear why, and it is unclear what the best strategies for deimplementing ADT are. This reserach problem is the focus of Jennifer Dunsmore's PhD project, which Steven is supervising. You can read more about Jennifer and her reserach here: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/iahs/research/urology/metis/profiles/j.dunsmore.19

Guideline Development Projects 

Steven sits on the European Association of Urology (EAU) Guidelines Office Methodology Committee. This committee oversees the training of Guidelines Associates through Systematic Review workshops. 

EVOLVE (giving patients a meaningful voice in the design and delivery of care)

EVOLVE is a unique collaboration of a profession society (European Association of Urology), guideline panels, researchers, clinicians and patient representatives to improve guideline development and implementation for genitourinary cancers in Europe.  The aim of the project is to develop a model of patient involvement that will give patients a meaningful voice in the design and delivery of care and will investigate how wider stakeholders can help to integrate the patient voice into guidelines. You can read more about EVOLVE here: https://www.abdn.ac.uk/iahs/research/urology/metis/evolve-1618.php



Teaching Responsibilities

Steven contributes to the design, delivery and assessment of the MSc. level courses in the Institute of Applied Health Sciences linked above. He also supervises MSc. dissertations and often supervises medical student summer placements in the Aberdeen Summer Research Scholarship (ASRS) programme. 

Steven currently supervises two PhD. projects and is intersted in supervising any project aligning with his broad interests in the desing and delivery of urology health services.   

Non-course Teaching Responsibilities

Alongside formal teaching at the University of Aberdeen, Steven and his colleagues also developed a 2.5 day course for the European Association of Urology (EAU) on systematic reviews for clinical practice guidelines. 

Steven also teaches the systematic review element for the European Organisaiton for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 'clinical trial statistics for non-statisticians' course. https://event.eortc.org/stats2021/


Page 2 of 3 Results 51 to 100 of 144

  • Non-antibiotic strategies for the prevention of infectious complications following prostate biopsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

    Pradere, B., Veeratterapillay, R., Dimitropoulos, K., Yuan, Y., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Cai, T., Bruyère, F., Bartoletti, R., Köves, B., Wagenlehner, F., Bonkat, G., Pilatz, A.
    Journal of Urology, vol. 205, no. 3, pp. 653-663
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • IMAGINE-IMpact Assessment of Guidelines Implementation and Education: The Next Frontier for Harmonising Urological Practice Across Europe by Improving Adherence to Guidelines

    Cornford, P., Smith, E. J., MacLennan, S., Pereira-Azevedo, N., Roobol, M. J., Lumen, N., Fullwood, L., Duncan, E., Dunsmore, J., Plass, K., Ribal, M. J., Knoll, T., Bjartell, A., Van Poppel, H., N'Dow, J., Briganti, A., Pan-European National Urological Society IMAGINE Collaborative
    European Urology, vol. 79, no. 2, pp. 173-176
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Consensus Statements on PSMA PET/CT Response Assessment Criteria in Prostate Cancer

    Fanti, S., Goffin, K., Hadaschik, B. A., Herrmann, K., Maurer, T., MacLennan, S., Oprea-Lage, D. E., Oyen, W. J., Rouvière, O., Mottet, N., Bjartell, A.
    European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 469–476
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Diagnostic and prognostic factors in patients with prostate cancer: a systematic review protocol

    Beyer, K., Moris, L., Lardas, M., Haire, A., Barletta, F., Scuderi, S., Vradi, E., Gandaglia, G., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Zong, J., Farahmand, B., MacLennan, S. J., Devecseri, Z., Asiimwe, A., Collette, L., Bjartell, A., N'Dow, J., Briganti, A., Van Hemelrijck, M., The PIONEER Consortium
    BMJ Open, vol. 11, no. 2, e040531
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Providing a Framework for Meaningful Patient Involvement in Clinical Practice Guideline Development and Implementation

    Björkqvist, J., Giles, R. H., Cornford, P., Lydia, M., Van Hemelrijck, M., Darraugh, J., Jane, C., MacLennan, S., MacLennan, S.
    European Urology Focus, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 947-950
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The Key Role of Patient Involvement in the Development of Core Outcome Sets in Prostate Cancer

    Beyer, K., MacLennan, S., Moris, L., Lardas, M., Lardas, M., Mastris, K., Hooker, G., Greene, R., Briers, E., Omar, M. I., Healey, J., Tripathee, S., Gandaglia, G., Venderbos, L. D., Smith, E. J., Bjorkqvist, J., Asiimwe, A., Huberm, J., Roobol, M. J., Zong, J., Bjartell, A., N'Dow, J., Brigantii, A., MacLennan, S., Van Hemelrijck, M., The PIONEER Consortium
    European Urology Focus
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Re: Antibiotic Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Infectious Complications following Prostate Biopsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Pilatz, A., Dimitropoulos, K., Veeratterapillay, R., Yuan, Y., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Cai, T., Bruyère, F., Bartoletti, R., Köves, B., Wagenlehner, F., Bonkat, G., Pradere, B.
    Journal of Urology, vol. 204, no. 6, pp. 1350-1351
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • “Vicarious thinking” is a key driver of score change in Delphi surveys for COS development and is facilitated by feedback of results

    Fish, R., MacLennan, S., Alkhaffaf,, B., Williamson, P. R.
    Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, vol. 128, pp. 118-129
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Is there outcome reporting heterogeneity in trials which aim to assess the effectiveness of surgical treatments for Stress Urinary Incontinence in women?

    Cheung, F. Y., MacLennan, S., Yuan, Y., Farag, F., Nambiar, A. K., Omar, M. I.
    35th Annual EAU Congress
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • PIONEER’s systematic review of outcomes in RCTs of men with non-metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer: Is there a need for a core outcome set?

    Beyer, K., MacLennan, S., Lardas, M., Moris, L., Vradi, E., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Briganti, A., Van Hemelrijck, M.
    35th Annual EAU Congress
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Initial steps of an online search tool development for diagnostic and prognostic factors in prostate cancer

    Beyer, K., Moris, L., Lardas, M., Haire, A., Barletta, F., Scuderi, S., Molnar, M., Herrera, R., Rauf, A., Campi, R., Greco, I., Shiranov, K., Dabestani, S., van den Broeck, T., Sujenthiran, A., Gacci, M., Gandaglia, G., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Farahmand, B., Vradi, E., Devecseri, Z., Asiimwe, A., Zong, J., MacLennan, S., Collette, L., N'Dow, J., Briganti, A., Bjartell, A., Van Hemelrijck, M., The PIONEER Consortium
    12th European Multidisciplinary Congress on Urological Cancers 2020
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • PIONEER’s operational definitions:: Harmonising clinical characteristics and phenotypes data of prostate cancer patients

    Beyer, K., Moris, L., Lardas, M., Gandaglia, G., Roobol, M. J., Bjartell, A., Omar, M. I., Herrera, R., MacLennan, S., Smith, E. J., Zong, J., Hofmarcher, T., Kermani, N. Z., MacLennan, S., Briganti, A., Reich, C., De Meulder, B., Van Hemelrijck, M.
    12th European Multidisciplinary Congress on Urological Cancers 2020
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Identifying the most appropriate instrument for patient reported outcome measure (PROMS) in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer

    Ratti, M. M., Gandaglia, G., Leardini, L., Mazzoleni, F. S., Sisca, E. S., Derevianko, A., Furnari, F., Beyer, K., Pellegrino, F., Sorce, G., Barletta, F., Scuderi, S., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Zong, J., MacLennan, S., Aiyegbusi, O. L., Van Hemelrijck, M., N'Dow, J., Briganti, A.
    12th European Multidisciplinary Congress on Urological Cancers 2020
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • PIONEER consensus on clinician reported outcome measurements

    Beyer, K., Moris, L., Gandaglia, G., Lardas, M., Healey, J., Omar, M. I., Zong, J., MacLennan, S., Briganti, A., Van Hemelrijck, M., MacLennan, S., The PIONEER Consortium
    12th European Multidisciplinary Congress on Urological Cancers 2020
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • An International Collaborative Consensus Statement on En Bloc Resection of Bladder Tumour Incorporating Two Systematic Reviews, a Two-round Delphi Survey and a Consensus Meeting

    Teoh, J. Y., MacLennan, S., Chan, V. W., Miki, J., Lee, H., Chiong, E., Lee, L., Yong, W., Yuan, C. Y., Yu, C., Chow, W., Poon, D. M., Chan, R., Lai, F., Ng, C., Breda, A., Kramer, M. W., Malavaud, B., Mostafid, H., Herrmann, T., Babjuk, M.
    European Urology, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 546-569
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • What are the unmet supportive care needs of men affected by penile cancer? A systematic review of the empirical evidence

    Paterson, C., Primeau, C., Bowker, M., Jensen, B., MacLennan, S., Yuan, Y., N'Dow, J.
    European Journal of Oncology Nursing, vol. 48, 101805
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • EVOLVE: a framework for meaningful patient involvement in clinical practice guideline development and implementation

    Bjorkqvist, E., MacLennan, S., MacLennan, S., Giles, R., Cornford, P., Plass, K., Van Poppel, H., Lydia, M., Van Hemelrijck, M., Cowl, J.
    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, vol. 9 Suppl 1, pp. 26
    Contributions to Journals: Abstracts
  • Antibiotic prophylaxis for the prevention of infectious complications following prostate biopsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

    Pilatz, A., Dimitropoulos, K., Veeratterapillay, R., Yuan, Y., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Cai, T., Bruyère, F., Bartoletti, R., Köves, B., Wagenlehner, F., Bonkat, G., Pradere, B.
    Journal of Urology, vol. 204, no. 2, pp. 224-230
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • Author Correction: Introducing PIONEER: a project to harness big data in prostate cancer research (Nature Reviews Urology, (2020), 17, 6, (351-362), 10.1038/s41585-020-0324-x)

    Omar, M. I., Roobol, M. J., Ribal, M. J., Abbott, T., Agapow, P. M., Araujo, S., Asiimwe, A., Auffray, C., Balaur, I., Beyer, K., Bernini, C., Bjartell, A., Briganti, A., Butler-Ransohoff, J. E., Campi, R., Cavelaars, M., De Meulder, B., Devecseri, Z., Voss, M. D., Dimitropoulos, K., Evans-Axelsson, S., Franks, B., Fullwood, L., Horgan, D., Smith, E. J., Kiran, A., Kivinummi, K., Lambrecht, M., Lancet, D., Lindgren, P., MacLennan, S., MacLennan, S., Nogueira, M. M., Moen, F., Moinat, M., Papineni, K., Reich, C., Reiche, K., Rogiers, S., Sartini, C., van Bochove, K., van Diggelen, F., Van Hemelrijck, M., Van Poppel, H., Zong, J., N’Dow, J., Andersson, E., Arala, H., Auvinen, A., Bangma, C., The PIONEER Consortium
    Nature Reviews Urology, vol. 17, pp. 482
    Contributions to Journals: Comments and Debates
  • PIONEER-Prioritisation of the most important questions in the field of prostate cancer

    Omar, M. I., Dimitropolous, K., Gandaglia, G., Fossati, N., van den Broeck, T., Evans-Axelsson, S., van den Bergh, R. C. N., MacLennan, S., Bjartell, A., N'Dow, J.
    35th Annual EAU Congress
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • PIONEER: European Commission Innovative Medicines Initiative funded BD4BO (Big data for better outcome) project on prostate cancer

    Evans-Axelsson, S., Abbott, T., Fullwood, L., Omar, M. I., Cavelaars, M., Asiimwe, A., Roobol, M., Ribal, M. J., Auffray, C., Devecseri, Z., Smith, E. J., Van Hemelrijck, M., MacLennan, S., Horgan, D., Reich, C., De Meulder, B., Lancet, D., Bangma, C., Briganti, A., Tilki, D., Van Poppel, H., Wirth, M., N'Dow, J., Bjartell, A.
    35th Annual EAU Congress
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • A systematic review of heterogeneity in outcome definition and reporting in Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC) effectiveness trials of adjuvant treatment after transurethral resection

    MacLennan, S., Subbarayan, S., Carron, D., Campi, R., Veskimäe, E., Yuan, C., Van Hemerlrijck, M., Bryan, R. T., Omar, M. I., Sylvester, R.
    35th Annual EAU Congress
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Introducing PIONEER: a project to harness big data in prostate cancer research

    Omar, M. I., Roobol, M. J., Ribal, M. J., Abbott, T., Agapow, P., Araujo, S., Asiimwe, A., Auffray, C., Balaur, I., Bayer, K., Bernini, C., Bjartell, A., Briganti, A., Butler-Ransohoff, J., Campi, R., Cavelaars, M., De Meulder, B., Devecseri, Z., Voss, M. D., Dimitropoulos, K., Evans-Axelsson, S., Franks, B., Fullwood, L., Horgan, D., Smith, E. J., Kiran, A., Kivinummi, K., Lambrecht, M., Lancet, D., Lindgren, P., MacLennan, S., MacLennan, S., Nogueira, M. M., Moen, F., Moinat, M., Papineni, K., Reich, C., Reiche, K., Rogiers, S., Sartini, C., van Bochove, K., van Diggelen, F., van Hemelrijck, M., Van Poppel, H., Zong, J., N'Dow, J., The PIONEER Consortium
    Nature reviews. Urology, vol. 17, pp. 351-362
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The clinical and cost effectiveness of surgical interventions for stones in the lower pole of the kidney: the percutaneous nephrolithotomy, flexible ureterorenoscopy and extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for lower pole kidney stones randomised controlled trial (PUrE RCT) protocol

    McClinton, S., Starr, K., Thomas, R., MacLennan, G., Lam, T., Hernandez, R., Pickard, R., Anson, K., Clark, T., MacLennan, S., Thomas, D., Smith, D., Turney, B., McDonald, A., Cameron, S., Wiseman, O.
    Trials, vol. 21, 479
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • EAU-ESMO Consensus Statements on the Management of Advanced and Variant Bladder Cancer-An International Collaborative Multistakeholder Effort: Under the Auspices of the EAU-ESMO Guidelines Committees

    Witjes, J. A., Babjuk, M., Bellmunt, J., Bruins, H. M., De Reijke, T. M., De Santis, M., Gillessen, S., James, N., Maclennan, S., Palou, J., Powles, T., Ribal, M. J., Shariat, S. F., Der Kwast, T. V., Xylinas, E., Agarwal, N., Arends, T., Bamias, A., Birtle, A., Black, P. C., Bochner, B. H., Bolla, M., Boormans, J. L., Bossi, A., Briganti, A., Brummelhuis, I., Burger, M., Castellano, D., Cathomas, R., Chiti, A., Choudhury, A., Compérat, E., Crabb, S., Culine, S., De Bari, B., De Blok, W., J L De Visschere, P., Decaestecker, K., Dimitropoulos, K., Dominguez-Escrig, J. L., Fanti, S., Fonteyne, V., Frydenberg, M., Futterer, J. J., Gakis, G., Geavlete, B., Gontero, P., Grubmüller, B., Hafeez, S., Hansel, D. E., Hartmann, A., Hayne, D., Henry, A. M., Hernandez, V., Herr, H., Herrmann, K., Hoskin, P., Huguet, J., Jereczek-Fossa, B. A., Jones, R., Kamat, A. M., Khoo, V., Kiltie, A. E., Krege, S., Ladoire, S., Lara, P. C., Leliveld, A., Linares-Espinós, E., Løgager, V., Lorch, A., Loriot, Y., Meijer, R., Mir, M. C., Moschini, M., Mostafid, H., Müller, A., Müller, C. R., N'Dow, J., Necchi, A., Neuzillet, Y., Oddens, J. R., Oldenburg, J., Osanto, S., J G Oyen, W., Pacheco-Figueiredo, L., Pappot, H., Patel, M. I., Pieters, B. R., Plass, K., Remzi, M., Retz, M., Richenberg, J., Rink, M., Roghmann, F., Rosenberg, J. E., Rouprêt, M., Rouvière, O., Salembier, C., Salminen, A., Sargos, P., Sengupta, S., Sherif, A., Smeenk, R. J., Smits, A., Stenzl, A., Thalmann, G. N., Tombal, B., Turkbey, B., Lauridsen, S. V., Valdagni, R., Der Heijden, A. G. V., Van Poppel, H., Vartolomei, M. D., Veskimäe, E., Vilaseca, A., Rivera, F. A. V., Wiegel, T., Wiklund, P., Williams, A., Zigeuner, R., Horwich, A., Willemse, P. M.
    European Urology, vol. 77, no. 2, pp. 223-250
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • EAU-EANM-ESTRO-ESUR-SIOG Prostate Cancer Guideline Panel Consensus statements for deferred treatment with curative intent for localised prostate cancer from an international collaborative study (DETECTIVE Study)

    Lam, T. B. L., MacLennan, S., Willemse, P. M., Mason, M. D., Plass, K., Shepherd, R.
    European Urology, vol. 76, no. 6, pp. 790-813
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • EAU Guidelines Systematic Reviews Methods and Processes Handbook: (December 2019)

    Marconi, L., MacLennan, S., Omar, M. I., Yuan, C. Y., Canfield, S. E., Plass, K., N'Dow, J., Sylvester, R.
    European Association of Urology. 29 pages
    Books and Reports: Commissioned Reports
  • . PIONEER’s systematic review of outcomes reported in effectiveness trials for interventions in locally advanced prostate cancer

    Beyer, K., Moris, L., Lardas, M., MacLennan, S., Monagas Arteaga, S., Antunes-Lopes, T., Vradi, E., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Briganti, A., Van Hemelrijck, M.
    11th European Multidisciplinary Congress on Urological Cancers
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • PIONEER’s update and integration of a localised prostate cancer core outcome set for effectiveness trials and a standard set for clinical practice

    Beyer, K., MacLennan, S., Lardas, M., Moris, L., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Briganti, A., Van Hemelrijck, M.
    11th European Multidisciplinary Congress on Urological Cancers
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • EAU–ESMO consensus statements on the management of advanced and variant bladder cancer—an international collaborative multi-stakeholder effort: under the auspices of the EAU and ESMO Guidelines Committees

    Horwich, A., MacLennan, S., EAU and ESMO Guidelines Committees
    Annals of Oncology, vol. 30, no. 11, pp. 1697–1727
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • PIONEER: a BD4BO (Big data for better outcome) prostate cancer project

    Evans-Axelsson, S., Abbott, T., Fullwood, L., Omar, M. I., Cavelaars, M., Moinat, M., van Bochove, K., Steinbeisser, C., Asiimwe, A., Butler-Ransohoff, J., Roobol, M. J., Ribal, M. J., Auffray, C., Devecseri, Z., Kiran, A., Smith, E. J., Van Hemelrijck, M., MacLennan, S., Horgan, D., Moen, F., Reich, C., Papineni, K., Araujo, S., Franks, B., De Meulder, B., van Diggelen, F., Lancet, D., N'Dow, J., Bjartell, A., The PIONEER Consortium
    The 26th Annual Scientific Retreat of Prostate Cancer Foundation
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Treatment of Bladder Stones in Adults and Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on Behalf of the European Association of Urology Urolithiasis Guideline Panel

    Donaldson, J. F., Ruhayel, Y., Skolarikos, A., MacLennan, S., Yuan, Y., Shepherd, R., Thomas, K., Seitz, C., Petřík, A., Türk, C., Neisius, A.
    European Urology, vol. 76, no. 3, pp. 352-367
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Consensus in Bladder Cancer Research Priorities Between Patients and Healthcare Professionals Using a Four-stage Modified Delphi Method

    Bessa, A., MacLennan, S., Enting, D., Bryan, R., Josephs, D., Hughes, S., Amery, S., Khan, S., Malde, S., Nair, R., Cahill, F., Wylie, H., Thurairaja, R., Chatterton, K., Kinsella, N., Kinsella, N., Häggström, C., Van Hemelrijck, M.
    European Urology, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 258-259
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • Reply to Jon Mikel Inarritu, Daniele Castellani, and Jeremy Y.C. Teoh's Letter to the Editor re: Agustina Bessa, Steven Maclennan, Deborah Enting, et al. Consensus in Bladder Cancer Research Priorities Between Patients and Healthcare Professionals Using a Four-stage Modified Delphi Method. Eur Urol. In press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eururo.2019.01.031

    Bessa, A., Maclennan, S., Enting, D., Bryan, R., Häggström, C., Van Hemelrijck, M.
    European Urology, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 45-46
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • Is there outcome reporting heterogeneity in studies which aim to assess the effectiveness of surgical treatments for stress urinary incontinence in women?

    Cheung, F. Y., MacLennan, S., Nambiar, A. K., Farag, F., Yuan, C. Y., Omar, M. I.
    Contributions to Journals: Registered Reports
  • PIONEER’s update and integration of a metastatic prostate cancer core outcome set for effectiveness trials and a standard set for clinical practice

    Beyer, K., MacLennan, S., Lardas, M., Morris, L., Vradi, E., Picozzi, M., Omar, M. I., Briganti, A., Van Hemelrijck, M.
    ICHOM 2019
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
  • Study Protocol for the DETECTIVE Study: An International Collaborative Study To Develop Consensus Statements for Deferred Treatment with Curative Intent for Localised Prostate Cancer

    Lam, T. B. L., MacLennan, S., Plass, K., Willemse, P. M., Mason, M. D., Cornford, P., Donaldson, J., Davig, N., Dell'Oglio, P., Fankauser, C., Grivas, N., Ingels, A., Lardas, M., Liew, M., Pang, K., Paterson, C., Omar, M. I., Zattoni, F., Buddingh, T., van den Broeck, T., Cumberbatch, M., Fossati, N., Gross, T., Moris, L., Schoots, I., van den Bergh, R., Briers, E., Bourke, L., De Santis, M., Gillessen, S., Grummet, J., Henry, A., van der Poel, H., van der Kwast, T., Rouvière, O., Tilki, D., Wiegel, T., N'Dow, J., Van Poppel, H., Mottet, N.
    European Urology, vol. 75, no. 4, pp. 699-702
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • PIONEER’s update and integration of a localised prostate cancer core outcome set for effectiveness trials and a standard set for clinical practice

    Beyer, K., MacLennan, S., Lardas, M., Morris, L., Omar, M. I., Flaherty, S., Antunes-Lopes, T., Pacheco-Figueiredo, L., Monagas Arteaga, S., Esperto, F., Briganti, A., Van Hemelrijck, M.
    34th Annual European Association of Urology Congress, pp. PT342
    Contributions to Conferences: Posters
  • EVOLVE: Designing a model of meaningful patient involvement in guideline development

    Bjorkqvist, J., MacLennan, S., Giles, R., Cornford, P., MacLennan, S.
    European Urology Supplements, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. e2117
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Is Nonoperative Management the Best First-line Option for High-grade Renal trauma? A Systematic Review

    Sujenthiran, A., Elshout, P. J., Veskimae, E., MacLennan, S., Yuan, Y., Serafetinidis, E., Sharma, D. M., Kitrey, N. D., Djakovic, N., Lumen, N., Kuehhas, F. E., Summerton, D. J.
    European Urology Focus, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 290-300
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • Oncological Outcomes of Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy Versus Open Radical Nephroureterectomy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: An European Association of Urology Guidelines Systematic Review

    Peyronnet, B., Seisen, T., Dominguez-Escrig, J., Bruins, H. M., Yuan, C. Y., Lam, T., Maclennan, S., N'dow, J., Babjuk, M., Comperat, E., Zigeuner, R., Sylvester, R. J., Burger, M., Mostafid, H., van Rhijn, B. W. G., Gontero, P., Palou, J., Shariat, S. F., Roupret, M.
    European Urology Focus, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 205-223
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • Potential Benefit of Lymph Node Dissection During Radical Nephroureterectomy for Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma: A Systematic Review by the European Association of Urology Guidelines Panel on Non-muscle-invasive Bladder Cancer

    Dominguez-Escrig, J. L., Peyronnet, B., Seisen, T., Bruins, H. M., Yuan, C. Y., Babjuk, M., Böhle, A., Burger, M., Compérat, E. M., Gontero, P., Lam, T., MacLennan, S., Mostafid, H., Palou, J., van Rhijn, B. W. G., Sylvester, R. J., Zigeuner, R., Shariat, S. F., Rouprêt, M.
    European Urology Focus, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 224-241
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • Knowledge Transfer and Guidelines Implementation in Genitourinary Cancers

    MacLennan, S., Gandaglia, G., N'Dow, J.
    European Urology Oncology, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 426-427
    Contributions to Journals: Editorials
  • The Impact of Implementation of the European Association of Urology Guidelines Panel Recommendations on Reporting and Grading Complications on Perioperative Outcomes after Robot-assisted Radical Prostatectomy

    Gandaglia, G., Bravi, C. A., Dell'Oglio, P., Mazzone, E., Fossati, N., Scuderi, S., Robesti, D., Barletta, F., Grillo, L., Maclennan, S., N'Dow, J., Montorsi, F., Briganti, A.
    European Urology, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 4-7
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Risks and Benefits of Adjuvant Radiotherapy After Inguinal Lymphadenectomy in Node-positive Penile Cancer: A Systematic Review by the European Association of Urology Penile Cancer Guidelines Panel

    Robinson, R., Marconi, L., MacPepple, E., Hakenberg, O. W., Watkin, N., Yuan, Y., Lam, T., MacLennan, S., Adewuyi, T. E., Coscione, A., Minhas, S. S., Compérat, E. M., Necchi, A.
    European Urology, vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 76-83
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Protocol for a systematic review of outcome reporting, definition and measurement of heterogeneity in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer effectiveness trials of adjuvant, prophylactic treatment after transurethral resection

    MacLennan, S., Van Hemelrijck, M., Bryan, R., Omar, M. I., Yuan, C. Y., Leidberg, F., N'Dow, J., Babjuk, M., Witjes, F., Sylvester, R. J.
    Contributions to Journals: Registered Reports
  • Care pathways for the management of localised and locally advanced prostate cancer:: Experience of the EAU guidelines office

    Dimitropoulos, K., Cornford, P., De Santis, M., Mason, M., Rouviere, O., Bolla, M., Briganti, A., Fossati, N., Gandaglia, G., MacLennan, S., MacLennan, S., N'Dow, J., Omar, M. I., Plass, K., Royle, J., van den Bergh, R., van der Poel, H. G., Wiegel, T., Mottet, N.
    33rd Annual EAU Congress 2018, pp. PT075
    Contributions to Conferences: Posters
  • How to resolve discrepancies when findings from randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses disagree?

    Sylvester, R., Canfield, S. E., Lam, T., Marconi, L., MacLennan, S., Yuan, Y., MacLennan, G., Norrie, J., Omar, M. I., Bruins, H. M., Hernández, V., Plass, K., Van Poppel, H., N'Dow, J.
    33rd Annual EAU Congress 2018
    Contributions to Conferences: Posters
  • Key steps in conducting systematic reviews for underpinning clinical practice guidelines:: Methodology of the European Association of Urology

    Knoll, T., Omar, M. I., MacLennan, S., Hernández, V., Canfield, S. E., Yuan, Y., Bruins, M., Marconi, L., Van Poppel, H., N'Dow, J., Sylvester, R.
    33rd Annual EAU Congress 2018, pp. PT001
    Contributions to Conferences: Posters
  • Prevention of infectious complications after prostate biopsy:: A Cochrane analysis

    Pilatz, A., Pradere, B., Yuan, Y., MacLennan, S., Dimitropoulos, K., Omar, M. I., Lam, T., Pickard, R.
    33rd Annual EAU Congress 2018
    Contributions to Conferences: Abstracts
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