Computing Science seminar by Sergio Sayago

Computing Science seminar by Sergio Sayago

This is a past event

Human-Computer Interaction with older people through an ethnographical lens: everyday interactions with Information and Communication Technologies

With a growing ageing population, addressing older people’s (60+) interactions with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is timely and important. This seminar will present key results on everyday use of ICT by older people, drawing on a 4-year ethnographical study conducted at an adult educational centre in Barcelona (Spain) and in a computer clubhouse in Dundee. Contrary to stereotypes, I will show an independent, ordinary, competent and social use of ICT, ranging from e-mail to video-chat tools. Within this context of everyday use, I discuss motivations and interaction strategies, and the relevance of cognitive difficulties, which limit older people’s interactions with ICT more severely than the taken-for-granted ones, such as reading from the screen. The validity of these results when today’s more ICT literate adult people grow older will be addressed, by drawing on the long-term aspect of the study.  The implications of this for future design of ICT will be outlined too. Finally, this seminar will present research in progress; addressing cross-cultural HCI, digital game play with older people, their actual ICT learning and social sharing practices in YouTube. 

The speaker is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Dundee, School of Computing.

Sergio Sayago
Hosted by
Paula Forbes
Meston 203