Computing Science Seminar. Soto on Using Fuzzy Sets in Data-to-Text systems: A High-Level View of Past and Current Projects

Computing Science Seminar. Soto on Using Fuzzy Sets in Data-to-Text systems: A High-Level View of Past and Current Projects

This is a past event

Venue: Room 311, Meston Building

Title: Using Fuzzy Sets in Data-to-Text systems: A High-Level View of Past and Current Projects


This presentation intends to provide an overview of previous and current research projects on my main research topic, the application of fuzzy sets in data-to-text systems. This includes the textual weather forecast generator system I developed during my PhD, and the modelling of fuzzy geographical descriptors (language grounding) I'm currently working on. Also, as a visiting researcher in Aberdeen coming from the University of Santiago de Compostela, I will refer to related research topics and projects I'm involved with in Spain.

Brief Bio:

Alejandro Ramos Soto is a visiting postdoc researcher from Spain, currently visiting the University of Aberdeen until December 2018. From 2012 to 2016 he was a PhD student at the Centro Singular de Investigación de Tecnologías de la Información (CiTIUS) of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, where he studied potential applications of fuzzy sets in natural language generation. As a postdoc, he is continuing and expanding the research line started with his PhD. He is co-author of 5 journal papers and more than 20 papers in Spanish and international conferences and workshops.

Alejandro Ramos Soto