Computing Science seminar by Christopher Brewster

All members of the department are welcome: undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs, teaching staff, technical staff - anyone who would like to attend and learn a little bit about what our speakers do in their research career. Members from other disciplines within the School, and the wider University community, are also welcome to attend.

All PhD students in Chemistry are expected to attend as part of their PhD training.

Computing Science seminar by Christopher Brewster

This is a past event

Linked Data and Semantic Technologies in Disasters and Food: Opportunities and Challenges

Considerable work has been undertaken to use linked data andsemantic technologies internally inside organisation,and of course using established public data sets. In this talk, we willdiscuss two domains where we argue the SW/LD technologystack will have a significant contribution to play. The first is EmergencyResponse and Humanitarian Disasters, where organisationeither communicate using traditional technologies (telephone, paper) oroften not at all. The second are the various actors along thefood and agriculture supply chain, where information is passed largelyonly between adjacent even though there commercial andpressures to increase the flow of information. We report on the partialresults of the Disaster 2.0 project in analysing theontological/vocabularies available for emergency response and present anpilot distributed resource management tool based on semantic technologies.We conclude by outlining the vision developed in the SmartAgriFood projectfor an end to end linked data supply web.Bio:Christopher Brewster (<>) is lecturer in Information Technology, aswell as Research Convenor, in the Operations and Information ManagementGroup, Aston Business School, Aston University, and previously was aResearch Fellow at the University of Sheffield’s Computer ScienceDepartment in its Natural Language Processing group. His researchinterests include knowledge representation for a variety of applications,knowledge management and ontology learning for the biomedical and lifescience domains, ontology evaluation, and the application of Semantic Webtechnologies to knowledge management. Recently his research has begun tofocus on agri-food, the food supply chain, and the application of ICTsolution in this domain. He has been a PI on the FI PPP SmartAgrifoodproject ( <>) whichfocussed on the application of Future Internet technologies (includingsemantic web) in the agri-food sector. He is a PI on the follow-on FI PPPproject cSpace. He is also PI on the Disaster 2.0 project( <>), funded by CIPS DGHome Security to investigate the use of social media and semantic webtechnologies in disaster response. He is co-director of the Aston CrisisCentre ( <>) as wellas having previously been project manager of the Companions project( <>)which was an EC funded IP focused on multimedia multimodal interfaces. Hehas published over 30 papers and organised a number of workshops,including in 2012 the Semantic Web and Ontologies in Agri-food workshop(SWAF2012), and in 2013 the Conference on Social Media and SemanticTechnologies in Emergency Response (SMERST2013).

Hosted by
Jeff Pan