Computing Science seminar by Giorgio Satta

All members of the department are welcome: undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs, teaching staff, technical staff - anyone who would like to attend and learn a little bit about what our speakers do in their research career. Members from other disciplines within the School, and the wider University community, are also welcome to attend.

All PhD students in Chemistry are expected to attend as part of their PhD training.

Computing Science seminar by Giorgio Satta

This is a past event

Introduction to Grammatical Formalisms for Natural Language Parsing

In the field of natural language parsing, the syntax of natural languages is modeled by means of formal grammars and automata.  Sometimes these formalisms are borrowed from the field of formal language theory and are adapted to the task at hand, as in the case of context-free grammars and their lexicalized versions, where each individual rule is specialized for one or more lexical items.  Sometimes these formalisms are newly developed, as in the case of dependency grammars and tree adjoining grammars.  In this talk, I will briefly overview several of these models, discussing their mathematical properties and their use in parsing of natural language.

Professor Satta's home page:

Prof Giorgio Satta, University of Padua
Hosted by
Advaith Siddharthan