Algebra Seminar by Yuri Bazlov

All members of the department are welcome: undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs, teaching staff, technical staff - anyone who would like to attend and learn a little bit about what our speakers do in their research career. Members from other disciplines within the School, and the wider University community, are also welcome to attend.

All PhD students in Chemistry are expected to attend as part of their PhD training.

Algebra Seminar by Yuri Bazlov

This is a past event

Noncommutative reflections

Groups generated by reflections are ubiquitous in mathematics and play a major role in modern representation theory. We introduce their noncommutative-geometric generalisation via the notion of a reflection of a noncommutative space (graded associative algebra) A. If S is a set of reflections of A, then S-twisted derivations of A, S, and A may generate an algebra with triangular decomposition, which serves as a noncommutative analogue of a nil Hecke algebra. We work out the case where A is an n-dimensional quantum plane in more detail. We show that A can be obtained as a Drinfeld twist of an ordinary polynomial algebra and that the triangular decomposition property holds for the odd nil Hecke algebra. This yields a family of "twisted" Coxeter groups and explains two recent constructions: one due to Berenstein and Bazlov and independently due to Kirkman, Kuzmanovich and Zhang, the other due to Ellis, Khovanov and Lauda.

Yuri Bazlov (Manchester)