Algebra Seminar by Jay Taylor

All members of the department are welcome: undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs, teaching staff, technical staff - anyone who would like to attend and learn a little bit about what our speakers do in their research career. Members from other disciplines within the School, and the wider University community, are also welcome to attend.

All PhD students in Chemistry are expected to attend as part of their PhD training.

Algebra Seminar by Jay Taylor

This is a past event

Unipotent Supports for Finite Reductive Groups

The notion of unipotent support gives a canonical way of attaching to every irreducible character of a finite reductive group a unique unipotent conjugacy class of the ambient algebraic group. When the centre of the algebraic group is connected unipotent supports have been put to good use by a numerical relationship that was originally noticed by Lusztig. We will discuss an extension of this relationship to the case where the centre of the algebraic group is disconnected and an application of this extension.

Jay Taylor (University of Aberdeen)