Algebra Seminar by Michal Stolorz

All members of the department are welcome: undergraduates, postgraduates, postdocs, teaching staff, technical staff - anyone who would like to attend and learn a little bit about what our speakers do in their research career. Members from other disciplines within the School, and the wider University community, are also welcome to attend.

All PhD students in Chemistry are expected to attend as part of their PhD training.

Algebra Seminar by Michal Stolorz

This is a past event

Simple modules over finite twisted category algebras.

The recent proof, by Ganyushkin, Mazorchuk and Steinberg, ofthe parametrisation of simple modules over finite semigroup algebrasdue to Cliford, Munn and Ponizovskii carries over to twisted finite category algebras.Since some well known combinatorially defined algebras, such as Brauer orTemperley-Lieb algebras, are in fact twisted semigroup algebras, the parametrisationsgiven by Graham and Lehrer can be obtained as special cases of presented result.

Michal Stolorz (University of Aberdeen)