Page 18 of 25171 to 180 of 248 Past Events
Social innovation: developing and maintaining relationships between the University and the Third Sector
-We are delighted to invite you to a workshop focusing on social innovation throughout the Third Sector.
Computing Science Seminar by Ani Nenkova
-Emotion Analysis for Applications in Neuropsychiatry
Computing Science Seminar by Ani Nenkova
-Identifying Elements of Text Quality Automatically
Computing Science Seminar by Ani Nenkova
-Reassessing the state of the art in multi-document news summarization and its evaluation
Computing Science seminar by Christopher Brewster
-Linked Data and Semantic Technologies in Disasters and Food: Opportunities and Challenges
Chemistry seminar - Prof Peter Comba - Coordination chemistry of cyclic peptides: possible biological functions of the patellamides
-Coordination chemistry of cyclic peptides: possible biological functions of the patellamides
Computing Science seminar by Panos Alexopoulos
-Modelling Vagueness in Ontologies and Semantic Data: a Methodological Perspective
Computing Science seminar by Franz Berto
-Relevant Semantics and Inconsistent Representation
It is All About the Money, or is it? Exploring Entrepreneurship as Value Creation
-For professional women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) new to or who have attended ABZWISE; this two day programme will work upon individual's capacities in personal effectiveness and entrepreneurship.