Computing Science seminar by Gerd Groener

Computing Science seminar by Gerd Groener

This is a past event

Validation of User Intentions in Process Models

Goal models and business process models are complementary artifacts for capturing the requirements and their execution flow in software engineering. Usually, goal models serve as input for designing business process models, and they require mappings between both types of models. Due to the large number of possible configurations of elements from both goal models and business process models, developers struggle with the challenge of maintaining consistent configurations of both models and their mappings. Managing these mappings manually is error-prone.

In our work, we propose an automated solution that relies on Description Logics and automated reasoners for validating mappings that describe the realization of goals by activities in business process models. The results are the identification of two inconsistency patterns -- strong inconsistency and potential inconsistency, and the development of the corresponding algorithms for detecting inconsistencies.   Bio: Gerd Groener received his Ph.D. in  computer science from the University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany,  in 2011  on the topic of "Process Model Management Using Description Logics". He has been a senior researcher and the leader of the focus group "Software Web" at the Institute for Web Science and Technologies (University of Koblenz-Landau) since 2011. He published several refereed papers on his research about ontological modeling and reasoning in the Semantic Web and about management, modeling and formalization of processes.
Gerd Groener