Computing Science seminar by Panos Alexopoulos

Computing Science seminar by Panos Alexopoulos

This is a past event

Modelling Vagueness in Ontologies and Semantic Data: a Methodological Perspective

The phenomenon of vagueness, manifested by terms and concepts like Tall,Red, Modern, etc., is quite common in human knowledge and it is related toour inability to precisely determine the extensions of such terms due totheir blurred applicability boundaries. In the context of Ontologies andSemantic Web, vagueness is primarily treated by means of Fuzzy Ontologies,namely extensions of classical ontologies that apply truth degrees tovague ontological elements in an effort to quantify their vagueness andreason with it. Nevertheless, while a number of fuzzy conceptualformalisms and fuzzy ontology language extensions for representingvagueness in ontologies have been proposed by the community, themethodological issues entailed within the development process of suchontologies have been rather neglected. In this talk we position vaguenesswithin the overall lifecycle of semantic information management and wepresent IKARUS-Onto, a methodology for engineering fuzzy ontologies thatcovers all typical ontology development stages, from specification tovalidation.Bio:Dr. Panos Alexopoulos is a Senior Researcher at Intelligent SoftwareComponents (iSOCO) S.A in Madrid, Spain, conducting and managingproduct-oriented Reasearch and Development activities in the areas of Intelligent Information Access, Knowledge Management and Semantic Web. Prior to joining iSOCO he had been working as a semantic solutions architect and ontologist for IMC Technologies S.A. in Athens, Greece as well as a Computer Science lecturer for Mediterranean College Athens. Panos holds a PhD in Knowledge Engineering and Management from National Technical University of Athens (2012), an MSc in Advanced Computing from Imperial College London (2005) and a diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) (2004). Until now he has published 30 articles at international conferences, journals and books while he serves on the editorial boards and program committees of a number of scientific publications.

Panos Alexopoulos
Hosted by
Jeff Pan
MT 203