Computing Science seminar by Per Ola Kristenssen

Computing Science seminar by Per Ola Kristenssen

This is a past event

Title: Designing text entry interfaces for society

Text entry interfaces are culture-preserving devices of tremendousimportance for society. However, despite this we are still stuck withsuboptimal solutions for a range of use-scenarios. In this talk I willfirst outline the central research questions for text entry researchthat strives to have an impact on our society. Thereafter I will givean overview of our recent progress in speech recognition, multimodalsignal processing and augmentative and alternative communication.

Per Ola Kristensson
Hosted by
Nava Tintarev
Meston 203

Per Ola Kristensson is a Lecturer in Human Computer Interaction and an
EPSRC Research Fellow at the University of St Andrews.
Previously (2008-2011) he was a Junior Research Fellow at Darwin
College in the University of Cambridge. In 2007 he co-founded the
technology start-up ShapeWriter, Inc. and was its Director of
Engineering until its acquisition by Nuance Communications
in 2010. He did his doctoral work at the Institute of Technology at
Linköping University, Sweden and at IBM Almaden Research Center in San
Jose, California, USA (Ph.D. Computer Science 2007).