Getting help in our Libraries

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Getting help in our Libraries

Library staff are available at our sites to help with using our collections

See below to find out where help is available

The Sir Duncan Rice Library

Library staff are happy to help you with using our facilities, collections and services. Every library has staffed information desks where you can ask for help in person.

Alternatively you can use the Contact listings to get help by email or telephone.

In The Sir Duncan Rice Library there are many areas where library staff are available to help you in person.

Welcome Desk (Ground floor)

Staff here can deal with directional advice and help with general enquiries about the Library and its collections, facilities and services. Staff here can also issue Visitor and day long Access Passes.

Information Centre (Floor 1)

Staff at the Information Centre can help with a wide variety of issues including:

  • help on borrowing books and other library stock, and using the Self-Service Kiosks

  • problems with your ID card, fines and similar issues

  • collection of books that you may have on hold and with inter-library loan requests

  • basic advice and guidance on using the services and facilities of Floor 1 (such as the microform collections, assistive technology etc.) and more general advice on library facilities

  • accessing particular items from our print Journal collections on Floor 2

IT Service Desk (Floor 1)

The IT Service Desk can assist you with a wide range of IT issues and problems.

Subject & Enquiry Offices (Floors 5 & 6)

Subject staff in the offices based on Floors 5 & 6 are excellent sources of help in dealing with:

  • subject related enquiries

  • help in researching essays, assignments and other coursework

  • advice, guidance and instruction on using print and electronic resources in your subject

Online Support

If you have a more specific enquiry, then Library staff are offering virtual support sessions during term time.

The Sir Duncan Rice Library - Self Guided Tour

The Sir Duncan Rice Library - Self Guided Tour

Library staff have created the following materials to help you find the resources you need and make the best use of our services. We have arranged them by floors and services in the table below.

Library Area


PowerPoint Slides

Introduction Click to read script Click to view slides
Ground Floor Click to read script Click to view slides
Floors 1 & 2 Click to read script Click to view slides
Subject Floor - Services and Spaces Click to read script Click to view slides
Subject Floor - Floor Layout and Borrowing Click to read script Click to view slides

Taylor Library

Help Desks

There are two Help Desks in the Taylor Library.

One is located at the bottom of the spiral staircase on the main floor. It is open during term-time from 09.00-16.30 for subject enquiries and general enquiries about library facilities and services.

A second Help desk is located in the European Documentation Centre Office on Level 2, Block D. It is open Monday-Friday from 09.00-12.00hrs and 14.00-16.30hrs when staffing levels permit.

Medical Library

Enquiry Desk

The Enquiry Desk in the Medical Library is situated on Floor 1 by the Issue Desk.

It is open from 9.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday during term time for help with searching the online databases, using and troubleshooting RefWorks and any other library-related queries.