In a landscape of growing research outputs and competition, how can researchers effectively set themselves apart from others? How can the connection between an individual and their scholarly work be preserved, in a working environment where changes in affiliation or contact information are common?
Researcher Profiles can be the answer to these questions. Systems such as Pure, ORCID, Scopus, Web Of Science and Google Scholar, collate your research outputs and activities bringing you many benefits:
- Highlight your work on a global scale.
- Manage your list of publications efficiently.
- Facilitate recognition by potential collaborators.
- Avoiding misidentification.
- Ensure proper attribution of your research outputs to you and UoA.
- Provide more accurate citation counts associated with your work.
Some profiles, such as Scopus and Web of Science, are automatically created for you while others, such as ORCID, will need to be created by you.
Top Tip: Link different systems to each other to make sure they update automatically and stay current. Check out our "How-to Guides" in the menu below.