Professor Patrice Forget

Professor Patrice Forget
Professor Patrice Forget
Professor Patrice Forget

M.D. Ph.D.

Clinical Chair in Anaesthesia

Accepting PhDs



Professor Patrice Forget, M.D. Ph.D., has worked as Clinical Professor in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine in Belgium, and as President of the Belgian Pain Society. In 2019, he has been appointed as Clinical Chair in Anaesthesia at the University of Aberdeen (UK), and Honorary Consultant at the NHS Grampian.

He is involved in clinical research, focused on mainly pain, perioperative epidemiology and clinical pharmacology. For the last fifteen years, as principal investigator and/or national coordinator, he published more than 200 articles, letters or editorials.

He is the Chair of the PANDOS (Pain AND Opioids after Surgery) ESAIC Research Group (European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care).

External Memberships

Board Member of the European Pain Federation EFIC (Honorary Treasurer, Chair of the Societal Impact of Pain partnership with the Pain Alliance Europe)

Active member of the European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC), deputy Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Acute and Chronic Pain Subcommittee member.

Past President of the Belgian Pain Society 


Research Overview

For the last fifteen years, as principal investigator and/or national coordinator, I have published more than 200 articles, letters or editorials, questioning current practices and opening new avenues in pain and perioperative medicine.

Research Areas

Accepting PhDs

I am currently accepting PhDs in Applied Health Sciences.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your research ideas further.

Email Me

Applied Health Sciences

Accepting PhDs

Current Research

My research programme, mostly focused on pain, combines perioperative epidemiology and clinical pharmacology approaches. 


Deputy Editor-in-Chief for the European Journal of Anaesthesiology

Associate Editor for the British Journal of Anaesthesia

Associate Editor for the British Journal of Pain

Associate Editor for Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine

Senior Editor for BMC Anesthesiology 

Editor for the Clinical Journal of Medicine (Section: Anesthesiology)

Board member of eCancer

Cochrane collaborator

Reviewer for more than 50 scientific journals.


Teaching Responsibilities

Professor of anaesthesia and pain medicine


Page 3 of 5 Results 101 to 150 of 245

  • Effect of pneumoperitoneum on dynamic variables of fluid responsiveness (Delta PP and PVI) during Trendelenburg position

    Ghoundiwal, D., Delaporte, A., Bidgoli, J., Forget, P., Fils, J. F., Van Der Linden, P.
    Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 323-328
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Intraoperative ventilator settings and their association with postoperative pulmonary complications in neurosurgical patients: post-hoc analysis of LAS VEGAS study

    Robba, C., Hemmes, S. N., Serpa Neto, A., Bluth, T., Canet, J., Hiesmayr, M., Hollmann, M. W., Mills, G. H., Vidal Melo, M. F., Putensen, C., Jaber, S., Schmid, W., Severgnini, P., Wrigge, H., Battaglini, D., Ball, L., Gama De Abreu, M., Schultz, M. J., Pelosi, P., Forget, P., LAS VEGAS study–investigators, PROtective VEntilation NETwork, Clinical Trial Network of the European Society of Anaesthesiology
    BMC Anesthesiology, vol. 20, 73
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • One-year Results of a Factorial Randomized Trial of Aspirin versus Placebo and Clonidine versus Placebo in Patients Having Noncardiac Surgery

    Sessler, D. I., Conen, D., Leslie, K., Yusuf, S., Popova, E., Graham, M., Kurz, A., Villar, J. C., Mrkobrada, M., Sigamani, A., Biccard, B. M., Meyhoff, C. S., Parlow, J. L., Guyatt, G., Xavier, D., Chan, M. T. V., Kumar, P. A., Forget, P., Malaga, G., Fleischmann, E., Amir, M., Torres, D., Paniagua, P., Berwanger, O., Srinathan, S., Landoni, G., Manach, Y. L., Whitlock, R., Lamy, A., Balasubramanian, K., Gilron, I., Turan, A., Pettit, S., Devereaux, P. J., Perioperative Ischemic Evaluation-2 Trial (POISE-2) Investigators
    Anesthesiology, vol. 132, no. 4, pp. 692-701
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Acceptance of mHealth among health professionals: a case study on anesthesia practitioners

    Carvalho, H., Verdonck, M., Forget, P., Poelaert, J.
    BMC Anesthesiology, vol. 20, 55
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Electrocardiographic effects of propofol versus etomidate in patients with brugada syndrome

    Flamée, P., Varnavas, V., Dewals, W., Carvalho, H., Cools, W., Bhutia, J. T., Beckers, S., Umbrain, V., Verborgh, C., Forget, P., Chierchia, G. B., Brugada, P., Poelaert, J., de Asmundis, C.
    Anesthesiology, vol. 132, no. 3, pp. 440-451
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Accelerated surgery versus standard care in hip fracture (HIP ATTACK): an international, randomised, controlled trial

    Borges, F. K., Bhandari, M., Guerra-Farfan, E., Patel, A., Sigamani, A., Umer, M., Tiboni, M. E., Villar-Casares, M. d. M., Tandon, V., Tomas-Hernandez, J., Teixidor-Serra, J., Avram, V. R., Winemaker, M., Ramokgopa, M. T., Szczeklik, W., Landoni, G., Wang, C. Y., Begum, D., Neary, J. D., Adili, A., Sancheti, P. K., Lawendy, A. R., Balaguer-Castro, M., Ślęczka, P., Jenkinson, R. J., Nur, A. N., Wood, G. C., Feibel, R. J., McMahon, S. J., Popova, E., Biccard, B. M., Moppett, I. K., Forget, P., Landais, P., McGillion, M. H., Vincent, J., Balasubramanian, K., Harvey, V., Garcia-Sanchez, Y., Pettit, S. M., Gauthier, L. P., Guyatt, G. H., Conen, D., Wilson, D. A., Smith, C. A., Duncan, A. W., Liu, Y., Sharma, V., Khan, M. K., Wright, J., HIP ATTACK Investigators
    The Lancet, vol. 395, no. 10225, pp. 698-708
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Identification of the cerebral effects of paracetamol in healthy subjects: an fMRI study

    Coster, O. D., Forget, P., Mey, J. D., Schuerbeek, P. V., Poelaert, J.
    British Journal of Pain, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 23-30
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Paravertebral block with propofol anaesthesia does not improve survival compared with sevoflurane anaesthesia for breast cancer surgery: independent discussion of a randomised controlled trial

    Cata, J. P., Forget, P.
    British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 124, no. 1, pp. 19-24
    Contributions to Journals: Editorials
  • Priorities for peri-operative research in Africa

    Biccard, B. M., Torborg, A. M., Madden, V. J., Plenge, U., du Toit, L., Flint, M., Forget, P., Hewitt-Smith, A., Mohamed, A., Omigbodun, A. O., Antwi-Kusi, A., Bedada, A. G., Ndonga, A. K., Morais, A., Mbwele, B., Narcisse, B., Ashebir, D. Z., Munlemvo, D. M., Polepole, D. M., Basenero, A., Smalle, I. O., Madzimbamuto, F. D., Ekwen, G., Kluyts, H. L., Tumukunde, J., Elfiky, M. A., Fawzy, M., Maimbo, M., Jalloh, M., Ulisubisya, M. M., Ouedragogo, N., Mawandza, P. D., Sama, H. D., Rakotoarison, S. R., Patel-Mujajati, U., Coulibaly, Y., Ngumi, Z. W., Zoumenou, E., The African Peri-operative Research Group (APORG) working group
    Anaesthesia, vol. 75, no. S1, pp. e28-e33
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Intraoperative ketorolac in high-risk breast cancer patients: A prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial

    Forget, P., Bouche, G., Duhoux, F. P., Coulie, P. G., Decloedt, J., Dekleermaker, A., Guillaume, J., Ledent, M., Machiels, J., Mustin, V., Swinnen, W., van Maanen, A., Vander Essen, L., Verougstraete, J., De Kock, M., Berliere, M.
    PloS ONE, vol. 14, no. 12, 0225748
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Transient neurological symptoms (TNS) following spinal anaesthesia with lidocaine versus other local anaesthetics in adult surgical patients: a network meta‐analysis

    Forget, P., Borovac, J. A., Thackeray, E. M., Pace, N. L.
    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, no. 12, CD003006
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Association between spinal cord stimulation and top-down nociceptive inhibition in people with failed back surgery syndrome: A cohort study

    Goudman, L., Brouns, R., De Groote, S., De Jaeger, M., Huysmans, E., Forget, P., Moens, M.
    Physical Therapy, vol. 99, no. 7, pp. 915-923
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • (Non) Pharmacological Modalities in Acute Procedural Pain

    Najafi, N., Forget, P., Poelaert, J.
    Clinical Journal of Pain, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 459
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • Rationale and design of the HIP fracture Accelerated surgical TreaTment And Care tracK (HIP ATTACK) Trial: a protocol for an international randomised controlled trial evaluating early surgery for hip fracture patients

    Borges, F. K., Bhandari, M., Patel, A., Avram, V., Guerra-Farfán, E., Sigamani, A., Umer, M., Tiboni, M., Adili, A., Neary, J., Tandon, V., Sancheti, P. K., Lawendy, A., Jenkinson, R., Ramokgopa, M., Biccard, B. M., Szczeklik, W., Wang, C. Y., Landoni, G., Forget, P., Popova, E., Wood, G., Nabi Nur, A., John, B., Ślęczka, P., Feibel, R. J., Balaguer-Castro, M., Deheshi, B., Winemaker, M., de Beer, J., Kolesar, R., Teixidor-Serra, J., Tomas-Hernandez, J., McGillion, M., Shanthanna, H., Moppett, I., Vincent, J., Pettit, S., Harvey, V., Gauthier, L., Alvarado, K., Devereaux, P. J.
    BMJ Open, vol. 9, no. 4, e028537
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • How Anesthetic, Analgesic and Other Non-Surgical Techniques During Cancer Surgery Might Affect Postoperative Oncologic Outcomes: A Summary of Current State of Evidence

    Forget, P., Aguirre, J. A., Bencic, I., Borgeat, A., Cama, A., Condron, C., Eintrei, C., Eroles, P., Gupta, A., Hales, T. G., Ionescu, D., Johnson, M., Kabata, P., Kirac, I., Ma, D., Mokini, Z., Orriach, J. L. G., Retsky, M., Sandrucci, S., Siekmann, W., Štefančić, L., Votta-Vellis, G., Connolly, C., Buggy, D.
    Cancers, vol. 11, no. 5, 592
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Maternal and neonatal outcomes after caesarean delivery in the African Surgical Outcomes Study: a 7-day prospective observational cohort study

    Bishop, D., Dyer, R. A., Maswime, S., Rodseth, R. N., van Dyk, D., Kluyts, H., Tumukunde, J. T., Madzimbamuto, F. D., Elkhogia, A. M., Ndonga, A. K. N., Ngumi, Z. W. W., Omigbodun, A. O., Amanor-Boadu, S. D., Zoumenou, E., Basenero, A., Munlemvo, D. M., Youssouf, C., Ndayisaba, G., Antwi-Kusi, A., Gobin, V., Forget, P., Mbwele, B., Ndasi, H., Rakotoarison, S. R., Samateh, A. L., Mehyaoui, R., Patel-Mujajati, U., Sani, C. M., Esterhuizen, T. M., Madiba, T. E., Pearse, R. M., Biccard, B. M., ASOS investigators
    Lancet Global Health, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. e513-e522
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Opioid-free anaesthesia. Why and how? A contextual analysis

    Forget, P.
    Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain Medicine, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 169-172
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Feasibility and Preliminary Effects of a Telerehabilitation Program for People Living With HIV: A Pilot Randomized Study

    Piraux, E., Reychler, G., Forget, P., Yombi, J., Caty, G.
    The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care : JANAC, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 176-185
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Association between night-time surgery and occurrence of intraoperative adverse events and postoperative pulmonary complications

    Cortegiani, A., Gregoretti, C., Neto, A., Hemmes, S., Ball, L., Canet, J., Hiesmayr, M., Hollmann, M., Mills, G., Melo, M., Putensen, C., Schmid, W., Severgnini, P., Wrigge, H., Gama de Abreu, M., Schultz, M., Pelosi, P., Kroell, W., Metzler, H., Struber, G., Wegscheider, T., Gombotz, H., Urbanek, B., Kahn, D., Momeni, M., Pospiech, A., Lois, F., Forget, P., Grosu, I., Poelaert, J., Mossevelde, V., van Malderen, M., Dylst, D., Melkebeek, J., Beran, M., Hert, S., Baerdemaeker, L., Heyse, B., Limmen, J., Wyffels, P., Jacobs, T., Roels, N., Bruyne, A., Velde, S., Marina, J., Dejana, D., Pernar, S., Zunic, J., Miskovic, P., Zilic, A., Kvolik, S., Ivic, D., Darija, A., Skiljic, S., Vinkovic, H., Oputric, I., Juricic, K., Frkovic, V., Kopic, J., Mirkovic, I., Saric, J., Erceg, G., Dvorscak, M., Branka, M., Pavicic, A., Goranovic, T., Maldini, B., Radocaj, T., Gavranovic, Z., Inga, M., Sehovic, M., Stourac, P., Harazim, H., Smekalova, O., Kosinova, M., Kolacek, T., Hudacek, K., Drab, M., Brujevic, J., Vitkova, K., Jirmanova, K., Volfova, I., Dzurnakova, P., Liskova, K., Dudas, R., Filipsky, R., Kafrawy, S., Abdelwahab, H., Metwally, T., Ahmed, A., Ahmed Mostafa, E., Hasan, W., Ahmed, A., Yassin, H., Magdy, M., Abdelhady, M., Mahran, M., Herodes, E., Kivik, P., Oganjan, J., Aun, A., Sormus, A., Sarapuu, K., Mall, M., Karjagin, J., Futier, E., Petit, A., Gerard, A., Marret, E., Solier, M., Jaber, S., Prades, A., Krassler, J., Merzky, S., Abreu, M., Uhlig, C., Kiss, T., Bundy, A., Bluth, T., Gueldner, A., Spieth, P., Scharffenberg, M., Thiem, D., Koch, T., Treschan, T., Schaefer, M., Bastin, B., Geib, J., Weiss, M., Kienbaum, P., Pannen, B., Gottschalk, A., Konrad, M., Westerheide, D., Schwerdtfeger, B., Simon, P., Reske, A., Nestler, C., Valsamidis, D., Stroumpoulis, K., Antholopoulos, G., Andreou, A., Karapanos, D., Theodorak, K., Gkiokas, G., Tasoulis, M., Sidiropoulou, T., Zafeiropoulou, F., Florou, P., Pandazi, A., Tsaousi, G., Nouris, C., Pourzitaki, C., Bystritski, D., Pizov, R., Eden, A., Pesce, C., Campanile, A., Marrella, A., Grasso, S., Michele, M., Bona, F., Giacoletto, G., Sardo, E., Sottosanti, L., Solca, M., Volta, C., Spadaro, S., Verri, M., Ragazzi, R., Zoppellari, R., Cinnella, G., Raimondo, P., Bella, D., Mirabella, L., D'antini, D., Molin, A., Brunetti, I., Gratarola, A., Pellerano, G., Sileo, R., Pezzatto, S., Montagnani, L., Pasin, L., Landoni, G., Zangrillo, A., Beretta, L., Parma, A., Tarzia, V., Dossi, R., Sassone, M., Sances, D., Tredici, S., Spano, G., Castellani, G., Delunas, L., Peradze, S., Venturino, M., Arpino, I., Sher, S., Tommasino, C., Rapido, F., Morelli, P., Vargas, M., Servillo, G., Raineri, S., Montalto, F., Russotto, V., Giarratano, A., Baciarello, M., Generali, M., Cerati, G., Leykin, Y., Bressan, F., Bartolini, V., Zamidei, L., Brazzi, L., Liperi, C., Sales, G., Pistidda, L., Brugnoni, E., Musella, G., Bacuzzi, A., Muhardri, D., Agreta, G., Sada, F., Bytyqi, A., Karbonskiene, A., Aukstakalniene, R., Teberaite, Z., Salciute, E., Tikuisis, R., Miliauskas, P., Jurate, S., Kontrimaviciute, E., Tomkute, G., Xuereb, J., Bezzina, M., Borg, F., Hemmes, S., Schultz, M., Hollmann, M., Wiersma, I., Binnekade, J., Bos, L., Boer, C., Duvekot, A., Veld, B., Werger, A., Dennesen, P., Severijns, C., Jong, J., Hering, J., Beek, R., Ivars, S., Jammer, I., Breidablik, A., Hodt, K., Fjellanger, F., Avalos, M., Jannicke, M., Andersson, E., Amir, S., Molina, R., Wutai, S., Morais, E., Tareco, G., Ferreira, D., Amaral, J., Castro, M., Cadilha, S., Appleton, S., Parente, S., Correia, M., Martins, D., Monteirosa, A., Ricardo, A., Rodrigues, S., Horhota, L., Grintescu, I., Mirea, L., Grintescu, I., Corneci, D., Negoita, S., Dutu, M., Popescu Garotescu, I., Filipescu, D., Prodan, A., Droc, G., Fota, R., Popescu, M., Tomescu, D., Petcu, A., Tudoroiu, M., Moise, A., Guran, C., Gherghina, I., Costea, D., Cindea, I., Copotoiu, S., Copotoiu, R., Barsan, V., Tolcser, Z., Riciu, M., Moldovan, S., Veres, M., Gritsan, A., Kapkan, T., Gritsan, G., Korolkov, O., Kulikov, A., Lubnin, A., Ovezov, A., Prokoshev, P., Lugovoy, A., Anipchenko, N., Babayants, A., Komissarova, I., Zalina, K., Likhvantsev, V., Fedorov, S., Lazukic, A., Pejakovic, J., Mihajlovic, D., Kusnierikova, Z., Zelinkova, M., Bruncakova, K., Polakovicova, L., Sobona, V., Barbka, N., Ana, P., Jovanov, M., Strazisar, B., Jasmina, M., Vesna, N., Voje, M., Grynyuk, A., Kostadinov, I., Alenka, S., Moral, V., Unzueta, M., Puigbo, C., Fava, J., Moret, E., Nunez, M., Sendra, M., Brunelli, A., Rodenas, F., Monedero, P., Martinez, F., Temino, M., Simon, A., Larriba, A., Lisi, A., Perez, G., Martinez, R., Granell, M., Vivo, J., Ruiz, C., Andrés Ibañez, J., Pastor, E., Soro, M., Ferrando, C., Defez, M., Cesar Aldecoa, A., Perez, R., Rico, J., Jawad, M., Saeed, Y., Gillberg, L., Bengisun, Z., Kazbek, B., Coskunfirat, N., Boztug, N., Sanli, S., Yilmaz, M., Hadimioglu, N., Senturk, N., Camci, E., Kucukgoncu, S., Sungur, Z., Sivrikoz, N., Ozgen, S., Toraman, F., Selvi, O., Senturk, O., Yildiz, M., Kuvaki, B., Gunenc, F., Kucukguclu, S., Ozbilgin, S., Maral, J., Canli, S., Arun, O., Saltali, A., Aydogan, E., Akgun, F., Sanlikarip, C., Karaman, F., Mazur, A., Vorotyntsev, S., Rousseau, G., Barrett, C., Stancombe, L., Shelley, B., Scholes, H., Limb, J., Rafi, A., Wayman, L., Deane, J., Rogerson, D., Williams, J., Yates, S., Rogers, E., Pulletz, M., Moreton, S., Jones, S., Venkatesh, S., Burton, M., Brown, L., Goodall, C., Rucklidge, M., Fuller, D., Nadolski, M., Kusre, S., Lundberg, M., Everett, L., Nutt, H., Zuleika, M., Carvalho, P., Clements, D., Ben, C., Watt, P., Raymode, P., Pearse, R., Mohr, O., Raj, A., Creary, T., Chishti, A., Bell, A., Higham, C., Cain, A., Gibb, S., Mowat, S., Franklin, D., West, C., Minto, G., Boyd, N., Mills, G., Calton, E., Walker, R., Mackenzie, F., Ellison, B., Roberts, H., Chikungwa, M., Jackson, C., Donovan, A., Foot, J., Homan, E., Montgomery, J., Portch, D., Mercer, P., Palmer, J., Paddle, J., Fouracres, A., Datson, A., Andrew, A., Welch, L., Rose, A., Varma, S., Simeson, K., Rambhatla, M., Susarla, J., Marri, S., Kodaganallur, K., Das, A., Algarsamy, S., Colley, J., Davies, S., Szewczyk, M., Smith, T., Ana, F., Luzier, E., Almagro, A., Melo, M., Fernando, L., Sulemanji, D., Sprung, J., Weingarten, T., Kor, D., Scavonetto, F., Tze, Y.
    British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 122, no. 3, pp. 361-369
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The African surgical outcomes-2 (Asos-2) pilot trial, a mixed-methods implementation study

    Dutoit, L., Kluyts, H. L., Gobin, V., Sani, C. M., Zoumenou, E., Omigbodun, A. O., Amanor-Boadu, S. D., Zimogo, S., Ndonga, A., Ngumi, Z., Munlemvo, D. M., Copley, C., van Straaten, D., Forget, P., Pearse, R. M., Biccard, B. M.
    Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 14-31
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Prospective observational cohort study on grading the severity of postoperative complications in global surgery research

    Abbott, T. E., Patel, A., Ahmed, T., Pearse, R. M., Greaves, K. E., Haddow, J., Futier, E., Biais, M., Slim, K., Beattie, S., Clavien, P. A., Demartines, N., Fleisher, L. A., Grocott, M., Hoeft, A., Holt, P., Moreno, R., Pritchard, N., Rhodes, A., Wijeysundera, D., Wilson, M., Everingham, K., Hewson, R., Januszewska, M., Phull, M. K., Halliwell, R., Cope, J., Shulman, M., Myles, P., Ferguson, M., MacMahon, M., Schmid, W., Hiesmayr, M., Wouters, P., de Hert, S., Lobo, S. M., Fang, X., Rasmussen, L., Venara, A., Sander, M., Koulenti, D., Arvaniti, K., Chan, M., Kulkarni, A., Chandra, S., Tantri, A., Geddoa, E., Abbas, M., della Rocca, G., Forget, P., International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS) group
    British Journal of Surgery, vol. 106, no. 2, pp. e73-e80
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Anaesthesia care team improves outcomes in surgical patients compared with solo anaesthesiologist: An observational study

    Dony, P., Seidel, L., Pirson, M., Forget, P.
    European journal of anaesthesiology, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 64-69
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • What can we learn from sarcopenia with curarisation in the context of cancer surgery? A review of the literature

    Samouri, G., Stouffs, A., Essen, L. V., Simonet, O., De Kock, M., Forget, P.
    Current Pharmaceutical Design, vol. 25, no. 28, pp. 3005-3010
    Contributions to Journals: Review articles
  • Breast Cancer Relapse, Post-Surgical Confusion, and Dementia in the Elderly: An Unexpected Connection but with the Same Proposed Solution

    Retsky, M. W., Forget, P.
    Medicina, vol. 54, no. 6, 101
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Prediction of postoperative mortality in elderly patient with hip fractures: a single-centre, retrospective cohort study

    Niessen, R., Bihin, B., Gourdin, M., Yombi, J. C., Cornu, O., Forget, P.
    Anesthesiology, vol. 18, no. 1, 183
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The ASOS Surgical Risk Calculator: development and validation of a tool for identifying African surgical patients at risk of severe postoperative complications

    Kluyts, H., Le Manach, Y., Munlemvo, D., Madzimbamuto, F., Basenero, A., Coulibaly, Y., Rakotoarison, R., Gobin, V., Samateh, A., Chaibou, M., Omigbodun, A., Amanor-Boadu, S., Tumukunde, J., Madiba, T., Pearse, R., Biccard, B., Abadagan, H., Abbas, N., Abdelatif, A., Abdoulaye, T., Abd-rouf, A., Abduljalil, A., Abdulrahman, A., Abdurazig, S., Abokris, A., Abozaid, W., Abugassa, S., Abuhdema, F., Abujanah, S., Abusamra, R., Abushnaf, A., Abusnina, S., Abuzalout, T., Ackermann, H., Adamu, Y., Addanfour, A., Adeleke, D., Adigun, T., Adisa, A., Adjignon, S., Adu-Aryee, N., Afolabi, B., Agaba, A., Agaba, P., Aghadi, K., Agilla, H., Ahmed, B., Ahmed, E., Ahmed, A., Ahmed, M., Ahossi, R., Aji, S., Akanyun, S., Akhideno, I., Akhter, M., Akinyemi, O., Akkari, M., Akodjenou, J., Samateh, A., al Shams, E., Alagbe-Briggs, O., Alakkari, E., Alalem, R., Alashhab, M., Alatise, O., Alatresh, A., Alayeb Alayeb, M., Albakosh, B., Albert, F., Alberts, A., Aldarrat, A., Alfari, A., Alfetore, A., Algbali, M., Algddar, A., Algedar, H., Alghafoud, I., Alghazali, A., Alhajj, M., Alhendery Alhendery, A., Alhoty, F., Ali, A., Ali, Y., Ali, A., Alioune, B., Alkassem, M., Alkchr, M., Alkesa, T., Alkilani, A., Alkobty Alkobty, F., Allaye, T., Alleesaib, S., Alli, A., Allopi, K., Allorto, N., Almajbery, A., Almesmary, R., Almisslati, S., Almoraid, F., Alobeidi, H., Alomami, M., Alphonsus, C., Alqawi, O., Alraheem, A., Alsabri, S., Alsayed, A., Alsellabi, B., Al-Serksi, M., Alshareef, M., Altagazi, A., Aluvale, J., Alwahedi, H., Alzahra, E., Alzarouk, M., Al-Zubaidy, K., Amadou, M., Amadou, M., Amanor-Boadu, S., Amer, A., Amisi, B., Amuthenu, M., Anabah, T., Anani, F., Anderson, P., Andriamampionona, A., Andrianina, L., Anele, A., Angelin, R., Anjar, N., Antùnez, O., Antwi-Kusi, A., Anyanwu, L., Aribi, A., Arowolo, O., Arrey, O., Ashebir, D., Assefa, S., Assoum, G., Athanse, V., Athombo, J., Atiku, M., Atito-Narh, E., Atomabe, A., Attia, A., Aungraheeta, M., Aurélia, D., Ayandipo, O., Ayebale, A., Azzaidey, H., Babajee, N., Badi, H., Badianga, E., Baghni, R., Bahta, M., Bai, M., Baitchu, Y., Baloyi, A., Bamuza, K., Bamuza, M., Bangure, L., Bankole, O., Barongo, M., Barow, M., Basenero, A., Bashiya, L., Basson, C., Bechan, S., Belhaj, S., Ben Mansour, M., Benali, D., Benamour, A., Berhe, A., Bertie, J., Bester, J., Bester, M., Bezuidenhout, J., Bhagwan, K., Bhagwandass, D., Bhat, K., Bhuiyan, M., Biccard, B., Bigirimana, F., Bikuelo, C., Bilby, B., Bingidimi, S., Bischof, K., Bishop, D., Bitta, C., Bittaye, M., Biyase, T., Blake, C., Blignaut, E., Blignaut, F., BN Tanjong, B., Bogoslovskiy, A., Boloko, P., Boodhun, S., Bori, I., Boufas, F., Brand, M., Brouckaert, N., Bruwer, J., Buccimazza, I., Bula Bula, I., Bulamba, F., Businge, B., Bwambale, Y., Cacala, S., Cadersa, M., Cairns, C., Carlos, F., Casey, M., Castro, A., Chabayanzara, N., Chaibou, M., Chaibva, T., Chakafa, N., Chalo, C., Changfoot, C., Chari, M., Chelbi, L., Chibanda, J., Chifamba, H., Chikh, N., Chikumba, E., Chimberengwa, P., Chirengwa, J., Chitungo, F., Chiwanga, M., Chokoe, M., Chokwe, T., Chrirangi, B., Christian, M., Church, B., Cisekedi, J., Clegg-Lamptey, J., Cloete, E., Coltman, M., Conradie, W., Constance, N., Coulibaly, Y., Cronje, L., Da Silva, M., Daddy, H., Dahim, L., Daliri, D., Dambaki, M., Dasrath, A., Davids, J., Davies, G., De Lange, J., de Wet, J., Dedekind, B., Degaulle, M., Dehal, V., Deka, P., Delinikaytis, S., Desalu, I., Dewanou, H., Deye, M., Dhege, C., Diale, B., Dibwe, D., Diedericks, B., Dippenaar, J., Dippenaar, L., Diyoyo, M., Djessouho, E., Dlamini, S., Dodiyi-Manuel, A., Dokolwana, B., Domoyyeri, D., Drummond, L., du Plessis, D., du Plessis, W., du Preez, L., Dube, K., Dube, N., Dullab, K., Duvenhage, R., Echem, R., Edaigbini, S., Egote, A., Ehouni, A., Ekwen, G., Ekwunife, N., El Hensheri, M., Elfaghi, I., Elfagieh, M., Elfallah, S., Elfiky, M., Elgelany, S., Elghallal, A., Elghandouri, M., Elghazal, Z., Elghobashy, A., Elharati, F., Elkhogia, A., Elkhwildi, R., Ellis, S., Elmadani, L., Elmadany, H., Elmehdawi, H., Elmgadmi, A., Eloi, H., Elrafifi, D., Elsaadi, G., Elsaity, R., Elshikhy, A., Eltaguri, M., Elwerfelli, A., Elyasir, I., Elzoway, A., Elzufri, A., Enendu, E., Enicker, B., Enwerem, E., Esayas, R., Eshtiwi, M., Eshwehdi, A., Esterhuizen, J., Esterhuizen, T., Etuk, E., Eurayet, O., Eyelade, O., Fanjandrainy, R., Fanou, L., Farina, Z., Fawzy, M., Feituri, A., Fernandes, N., Ford, L., Forget, P., François, T., Freeman, T., Freeman, Y., Gacii, V., Gadi, B., Gagara, M., Gakenia, A., Gallou, P., Gama, G., Gamal, M., Gandy, Y., Ganesh, A., Gangaly, D., Garcia, M., Gatheru, A., Gaya, S., Gbéhadé, O., Gerbel, G., Ghnain, A., Gigabhoy, R., Giles, D., Girmaye, G., Gitau, S., Githae, B., Gitta, S., Gobin, V., Goga, R., Gomati, A., Gonzalez, M., Gopall, J., Gordon, C., Gorelyk, O., Gova, M., Govender, K., Govender, P., Govender, S., Govindasamy, V., Green-Harris, J., Greenwood, M., Grey-Johnson, S., Grobbelaar, M., Groenewald, M., Grünewald, K., Guegni, A., Guenane, M., Gueye, S., Guezo, M., Gunguwo, T., Gweder, M., Gwila, M., Habimana, L., Hadecon, R., Hadia, E., Hamadi, L., Hammouda, M., Hampton, M., Hanta, R., Hardcastle, T., Hariniaina, J., Hariparsad, S., Harissou, A., Harrichandparsad, R., Hasan, S., Hashmi, H., Hayes, M., Hdud, A., Hebli, S., Heerah, H., Hersi, S., Hery, A., Hewitt-Smith, A., Hlako, T., Hodges, S., Hodgson, R., Hokoma, M., Holder, H., Holford, E., Horugavye, E., Houston, C., Hove, M., Hugo, D., Human, C., Hurri, H., Huwidi, O., Ibrahim, A., Ibrahim, T., Idowu, O., Igaga, I., Igenge, J., Ihezie, O., Ikandi, K., Ike, I., Ikuku, J., Ilbarasi, M., Ilunga, I., Ilunga, J., Imbangu, N., Imessaoudene, Z., Imposo, D., Iraya, A., Isaacs, M., Isiguzo, M., Issoufou, A., Izquirdo, P., Jaber, A., Jaganath, U., Jallow, C., Jamabo, S., Jamal, Z., Janneh, L., Jannetjies, M., Jasim, I., Jaworska, M., Jay Narain, S., Jermi, K., Jimoh, R., Jithoo, S., Johnson, M., Joomye, S., Judicael, R., Judicaël, M., Juwid, A., Jwambi, L., Kabango, R., Kabangu, J., Kabatoro, D., Kabongo, A., Kabongo, K., Kabongo, L., Kabongo, M., Kady, N., Kafu, S., Kaggya, M., Kaholongo, B., Kairuki, P., Kakololo, S., Kakudji, K., Kalisa, A., Kalisa, R., Kalufwelu, M., Kalume, S., Kamanda, R., Kangili, M., Kanoun, H., Kapesa, , Kapp, P., Karanja, J., Karar, M., Kariuki, K., Kaseke, K., Kashuupulwa, P., Kasongo, K., Kassa, S., Kateregga, G., Kathrada, M., Katompwa, P., Katsukunya, L., Kavuma, K., Khalfallah, , Khamajeet, A., Khetrish, S., Kibandwa, , Kibochi, W., Kilembe, A., Kintu, A., Kipng'etich, B., Kiprop, B., Kissoon, V., Kisten, T., Kiwanuka, J., Kluyts, H., Knox, M., Koledale, A., Koller, V., Kolotsi, M., Kongolo, M., Konwuoh, N., Koperski, W., Koraz, M., Kornilov, A., Koto, M., Kransingh, S., Krick, D., Kruger, S., Kruse, C., Kuhn, W., Kuhn, W., Kukembila, A., Kule, K., Kumar, M., Kusel, B., Kusweje, V., Kuteesa, K., Kutor, Y., Labib, M., Laksari, M., Lanos, F., Lawal, T., Le Manach, Y., Lee, C., Lekoloane, R., Lelo, S., Lerutla, B., Lerutla, M., Levin, A., Likongo, T., Limbajee, M., Linyama, D., Lionnet, C., Liwani, M., Loots, E., Lopez, A., Lubamba, C., Lumbala, K., Lumbamba, A., Lumona, J., Lushima, R., Luthuli, L., Luweesi, H., Lyimo, T., Maakamedi, H., Mabaso, B., Mabina, M., Maboya, M., Macharia, I., Macheka, A., Machowski, A., Madiba, T., Madsen, A., Madzimbamuto, F., Madzivhe, L., Mafafo, S., Maghrabi, M., Mahamane, D., Maharaj, A., Maharaj, A., Maharaj, A., Mahmud, M., Mahoko, M., Mahomedy, N., Mahomva, O., Mahureva, T., Maila, R., Maimane, D., Maimbo, M., Maina, S., Maiwald, D., Maiyalagan, M., Majola, N., Makgofa, N., Makhanya, V., Makhaye, W., Makhlouf, N., Makhoba, S., Makopa, E., Makori, O., Makupe, A., Makwela, M., Malefo, M., Malongwe, S., Maluleke, D., Maluleke, M., Mamadou, K., Mamaleka, M., Mampangula, Y., Mamy, R., Mananjara, M., Mandarry, M., Mangoo, D., Manirimbere, C., Manneh, A., Mansour, A., Mansour, I., Manvinder, M., Manyere, D., Manzini, V., Manzombi, J., Mapanda, P., Marais, L., Maranga, O., Maritz, J., Mariwa, F., Masela, R., Mashamba, M., Mashava, D., Mashile, M., Mashoko, E., Masia, O., Masipa, J., Masiyambiri, A., Matenchi, M., Mathangani, W., Mathe, R., Matola, C., Matondo, P., Matos-Puig, R., Matoug, F., Matubatuba, J., Mavesere, H., Mavhungu, R., Maweni, S., Mawire, C., Mawisa, T., Mayeza, S., Mbadi, R., Mbayabu, M., Mbewe, N., Mbombo, W., Mbuyi, T., Mbuyi, W., Mbuyisa, M., Mbwele, B., Mehyaoui, R., Menkiti, I., Mesarieki, L., Metali, A., Mewanou, S., Mgonja, L., Mgoqo, N., Mhatu, S., Mhlari, T., Miima, S., Milod, I., Minani, P., Mitema, F., Mlotshwa, A., Mmasi, J., Mniki, T., Mofikoya, B., Mogale, J., Mohamed, A., Mohamed, S., Mohamed, S., Mohamed, T., Mohamed, A., Mohamed, P., Mohammed, I., Mohammed, F., Mohammed, M., Mohammed, N., Mohlala, M., Mokretar, R., Molokoane, F., Mongwe, K., Montenegro, L., Montwedi, O., Moodie, Q., Moopanar, M., Morapedi, M., Morulana, T., Moses, V., Mossy, P., Mostafa, H., Motilall, S., Motloutsi, S., Moussa, K., Moutari, M., Moyo, O., Mphephu, P., Mrara, B., Msadabwe, C., Mtongwe, V., Mubeya, F., Muchiri, K., Mugambi, J., Muguti, G., Muhammad, A., Mukama, I., Mukenga, M., Mukinda, F., Mukuna, P., Mungherera, A., Munlemvo, D., Munyaradzi, T., Munyika, A., Muriithi, J., Muroonga, M., Murray, R., Mushangwe, V., Mushaninga, M., Musiba, V., Musowoya, J., Mutahi, S., Mutasiigwa, M., Mutizira, G., Muturi, A., Muzenda, T., Mvwala, K., Mvwama, N., Mwale, A., Mwaluka, C., Mwamba, J., Mwanga, H., Mwangi, C., Mwansa, S., Mwenda, V., Mwepu, I., Mwiti, T., Mzezewa, S., Nabela, L., Nabukenya, M., Nabulindo, S., Naicker, K., Naidoo, D., Naidoo, L., Naidoo, L., Naidoo, N., Naidoo, R., Naidoo, R., Naidoo, S., Naidoo, T., Naidu, T., Najat, N., Najm, Y., Nakandungile, F., Nakangombe, P., Namata, C., Namegabe, E., Nansook, A., Nansubuga, N., Nantulu, C., Nascimento, R., Naude, G., Nchimunya, H., Ndaie, M., Ndarukwa, P., Ndasi, H., Ndayisaba, G., Ndegwa, D., Ndikumana, R., Ndonga, A., Ndung'u, C., Neil, M., Nel, M., Neluheni, E., Nesengani, D., Nesengani, N., Netshimboni, L., Ngalala, A., Ngari, B., Ngari, N., Ngatia, E., Ngcobo, G., Ngcobo, T., Ngorora, D., Ngouane, D., Ngugi, K., Ngumi, Z., Nibe, Z., Ninise, E., Niyondiko, J., Njenga, P., Njenga, M., Njoroge, M., Njoroge, S., Njuguna, W., Njuki, P., Nkesha, T., Nkuebe, T., Nkuliyingoma, N., Nkunjana, M., Nkwabi, E., Nkwine, R., Nnaji, C., Notoane, I., Nsalamba, S., Ntlhe, L., Ntoto, C., Ntueba, B., Nyassi, M., Nyatela-Akinrinmade, Z., Nyawanda, H., Nyokabi, N., Nziene, V., Obadiah, S., Ochieng, O., Odia, P., Oduor, O., Ogboli-Nwasor, E., Ogendo, S., Ogunbode, O., Ogundiran, T., Ogutu, O., Ojewola, R., Ojujo, M., Ojuka, D., Okelo, O., Okiya, S., Okonu, N., Olang, P., Omigbodun, A., Omoding, S., Omoshoro-Jones, J., Onyango, R., Onyegbule, A., Orjiako, O., Osazuwa, M., Oscar, K., Osinaike, B., Osinowo, A., Othin, O., Otman, F., Otokwala, J., Ouanes, F., Oumar, O., Ousseini, A., Padayachee, S., Pahlana, S., Pansegrouw, J., Paruk, F., Patel, M., Patel, U., Patience, A., Pearse, R., Pembe, J., Pengemale, G., Perez, N., Aguilera Perez, M., Peter, A., Phaff, M., Pheeha, R., Pienaar, B., Pillay, V., Pilusa, K., Pochana, M., Polishchuk, O., Porrill, O., Post, E., Prosper, A., Pupyshev, M., Rabemazava, A., Rabiou, M., Rademan, L., Rademeyer, M., Raherison, R., Rajah, F., Rajcoomar, M., Rakhda, Z., Rakotoarijaona, A., Rakotoarisoa, A., Rakotoarison, R., Rakotoarison, R., Ramadan, L., Ramananasoa, M., Rambau, M., Ramchurn, T., Ramilson, H., Ramjee, R., Ramnarain, H., Ramos, R., Rampai, T., Ramphal, S., Ramsamy, T., Ramuntshi, R., Randolph, R., Randriambololona, D., Ras, W., Rasolondraibe, R., Rasolonjatovo, J., Rautenbach, R., Ray, S., Rayne, S., Razanakoto, F., Reddy, S., Reed, A., Rian, J., Rija, F., Rink, B., Robelie, A., Roberts, C., Rocher, A., Rocher, S., Rodseth, R., Rois, I., Rois, W., Rokhsi, S., Roos, J., Rorke, N., Roura, H., Rousseau, F., Rousseau, N., Royas, L., Roytowski, D., Rungan, D., Rwehumbiza, S., Ryabchiy, B., Ryndine, V., Saaiman, C., Sabwa, H., Sadat, S., Saed, S., Salaheddin, E., Salaou, H., Saleh, M., Salisu-Kabara, H., Doles Sama, H., Samateh, A., Sam-Awortwi, W., Samuel, N., Sanduku, D., Sani, C., Sanyang, L., Sarah, H., Sarkin-Pawa, A., Sathiram, R., Saurombe, T., Schutte, H., Sebei, M., Sedekounou, M., Segooa, M., Semenya, E., Semo, B., Sendagire, C., Senoga, S., Senusi, F., Serdyn, T., Seshibe, M., Shah, G., Shamamba, R., Shambare, C., Shangase, T., Shanin, S., Shefren, I., Sheshe, A., Shittu, O., Shkirban, A., Sholadoye, T., Shubba, A., Sigcu, N., Sihope, S., Sikazwe, D., Sikombe, B., Simaga Abdoul, K., Simo, W., Singata, K., Singh, A., Singh, S., Singh, U., Sinoamadi, V., Sipuka, N., Sithole, N., Sitima, S., Skinner, D., Skinner, G., Smith, O., Smits, C., Sofia, M., Sogoba, G., Sohoub, A., Sookun, S., Sosinska, O., Souhe, R., Souley, G., Souleymane, T., Spicer, J., Spijkerman, S., Steinhaus, H., Steyn, A., Steyn, G., Steyn, H., Stoltenkamp, H., Stroyer, S., Swaleh, A., Swayeb, E., Szpytko, A., Taiwo, N., Tarhuni, A., Tarloff, D., Tchaou, B., Tchegnonsi, C., Tchoupa, M., Teeka, M., Thakoor, B., Theunissen, M., Thomas, B., Thomas, M., Thotharam, A., Tobiko, O., Torborg, A., Tshisekedi, S., Tshisola, S., Tshitangano, R., Tshivhula, F., Tshuma, H., Tumukunde, J., Tun, M., Udo, I., Uhuebor, D., Umeh, K., Usenbo, A., Uwiteyimbabazi, J., Van der Merwe, D., van der Merwe, F., van der Walt, J., van Dyk, D., Van Dyk, J., van Niekerk, J., van Wyk, S., van Zyl, H., Veerasamy, B., Venter, P., Vermeulen, A., Villarreal, R., Visser, J., Visser, L., Voigt, M., von Rahden, R., Wafa, A., Wafula, A., Wambugu, P., Waryoba, P., Waweru, E., Weideman, M., Wise, R., Wynne, E., Yahya, A., Yahya, A., Yahya, R., Yakubu, Y., Yanga, J., Yangazov, Y., Yousef, O., Yousef, G., Youssouf, C., Yunus, A., Yusuf, A., Zeiton, A., Zentuti, H., Zepharine, H., Zerihun, A., Zhou, S., Zidan, A., Zimogo Zié, S., Zinyemba, C., Zo, A., Zomahoun, L., Zoobei, N., Zoumenou, E., Zubia, N.
    British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 121, no. 6, pp. 1357-1363
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Pain management in living related adult donor hepatectomy: feasibility of an evidence-based protocol in 100 consecutive donors

    Dewe, G., Steyaert, A., De Kock, M., Lois, F., Reding, R., Forget, P.
    BMC Research Notes, vol. 11, 834
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Epidural anesthesia and cancer outcomes in bladder cancer patients: is it the technique or the medication? A matched-cohort analysis from a tertiary referral center

    Chipollini, J., Alford, B., Boulware, D. C., Forget, P., Gilbert, S. M., Lockhart, J. L., Pow-Sang, J. M., Sexton, W. J., Spiess, P. E., Poch, M. A., Patel, S. Y.
    Anesthesiology, vol. 18, 157
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Advanced Procedures for Pain Management: A Step-by-Step Atlas: Book Review

    Forget, P.
    Anesthesia and Analgesia, vol. 127, no. 5, pp. e78
    Contributions to Journals: Reviews of Books, Films and Articles
  • Barriers to clinical research in Africa: a quantitative and qualitative survey of clinical researchers in 27 African countries

    Conradie, A., Duys, R., Forget, P., Biccard, B.
    British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 121, no. 4, pp. 813-821
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Potential benefit of intra-operative administration of ketorolac on breast cancer recurrence according to the patient's body mass index

    Desmedt, C., Demicheli, R., Fornili, M., Bachir, I., Duca, M., Viglietti, G., Berlière, M., Piccart, M., Sotiriou, C., Sosnowski, M., Forget, P., Biganzoli, E.
    Journal of the National Cancer Institute, vol. 110, no. 10, pp. 1115-1122
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Effect of clonidine on oncological outcomes after breast and lung cancer surgery

    Forget, P., Berlière, M., Poncelet, A., De Kock, M.
    British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 121, no. 1, pp. 103-104
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • Effects of inspiratory muscle training in COPD patients: A systematic review and meta‐analysis

    Beaumont, M., Forget, P., Couturaud, F., Reychler, G.
    European Clinical Respiratory Journal , vol. 12, no. 7, pp. 2178-2188
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Anaesthesia and risk of cancer recurrence after surgery: a plea for a multidisciplinary vision

    Forget, P., Lacombe, D.
    British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 121, no. 1, pp. 104-105
    Contributions to Journals: Letters
  • Dose area product values of fluoroscopically guided pain management procedures: Comparison of a Belgian teaching hospital with national diagnostic reference levels

    Hustinx, N., Steyaert, A., de Waroux, B. l. P., Forget, P.
    Radiation Protection Dosimetry, vol. 179, no. 3, pp. 271-274
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Proposition de modernisation de la tarification des actes d’anesthésiologie réalisés au bloc opératoire en Belgique: Proposal to modernise the pricing of anaesthesiological procedures catalogue in Belgium

    Leclercq, P., Lipszyc, M., Martins, D., Forget, P., Van Obbergh, L., Jaucot, J., Daper, A., Deflandre, E., Brichant, J., De Kock, M., Pirson, M.
    Anesthésie & Réanimation, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 241-246
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Perioperative patient outcomes in the African Surgical Outcomes Study: a 7-day prospective observational cohort study

    Biccard, B. M., Madiba, T. E., Kluyts, H. L., Munlemvo, D. M., Madzimbamuto, F. D., Basenero, A., Gordon, C. S., Youssouf, C., Rakotoarison, S. R., Gobin, V., Samateh, A. L., Sani, C. M., Omigbodun, A. O., Amanor-Boadu, S. D., Tumukunde, J. T., Esterhuizen, T. M., Manach, Y. L., Forget, P., Elkhogia, A. M., Mehyaoui, R. M., Zoumeno, E., Ndayisaba, G., Ndasi, H., Ndonga, A. K., Ngumi, Z. W., Patel, U. P., Ashebir, D. Z., Antwi-Kusi, A. A., Mbwele, B., Sama, H. D., Elfiky, M., Fawzy, M. A., Pearse, R. M., Abadagan, H., Abbas, N., Abdelatif, A. I., Abdoulaye, T., Abd-rouf, A., Abduljalil, A., Abdulrahman, A., Abdurazig, S., Abokris, A., Abozaid, W., Abugassa, S. O., Abuhdema, F., Abujanah, S. A., Abusamra, R., Abushnaf, A., Abusnina, S. A., Abuzalout, T. S., Ackermann, H. M., Adamu, Y. B., Addanfour, A., Adeleke, D. M., Adigun, T. A., Adisa, A. O., Adjignon, S. V., Adu-Aryee, N. A., Afolabi, B. B., Agaba, A. F., Agaba, P. K., Aghadi, K., Agilla, H., Ahmed, B., Ahmed, E. Z., Ahmed, A. J., Ahmed, M., Ahossi, R., Aji, S. A., Akanyun, S., Akhideno, I., Akhter, M., Akinyemi, O. A., Akkari, M., Akodjenou, J., AL Samateh, A. L., al Shams, E. S., Alagbe-Briggs, O. T., Alakkari, E. A., Alalem, R. B., Alashhab, M., Alatise, O. I., Alatresh, A., Alayeb Alayeb, M. S., Albakosh, B. A., Albert, F., Alberts, A. N., Aldarrat, A. D., Alfari, A., Alfetore, A., Algbali, M., Algddar, A., Algedar, H. A., Alghafoud, I. A., Alghazali, A., Alhajj, M., Alhendery Alhendery, A., Alhoty, F. F., Ali, A., Ali, Y. A., Alioune, B. S., Alkassem, M. A., Alkchr, M. A., Alkesa, T. S., Alkilani, A., Alkobty Alkobty, F., Allaye, T., Alleesaib, S. B., Alli, A., Allopi, K., Allorto, N. L., Almajbery, A., Almesmary, R., Almisslati, S. H., Almoraid, F., Alobeidi, H., Alomami, M. A., Alphonsus, C. S., Alqawi, O. A., Alraheem, A. A., Alsabri, S. A., Alsayed, A., Alsellabi, B., Al-Serksi, M., Alshareef, M. S., Altagazi, A. A., Aluvale, J. S., Alwahedi, H. W., Alzahra, E. A., Alzarouk, M. A., Al-Zubaidy, K., Amadou, M., Amer, A. A., Amisi, B. T., Amuthenu, M. A., Anabah, T. W., Anani, F., Anderson, P. G., Andriamampionona, A. G., Andrianina, L., Anele, A., Angelin, R., Anjar, N., Antùnez, O., Antwi-Kusi, A., Anyanwu, L. J., Aribi, A. A., Arowolo, O. A., Arrey, O., Assefa, S. B., Assoum, G., Athanse, V., Athombo, J. S., Atiku, M., Atito-Narh, E., Atomabe, A., Attia, A., Aungraheeta, M., Aurélia, D. M., Ayandipo, O. O., Ayebale, A. E., Azzaidey, H. M., Babajee, N. B., Badi, H. B., Badianga, E. K., Baghni, R. B., Bahta, M. T., Bai, M., Baitchu, Y., Baloyi, A. M., Bamuza, K. A., Bamuza, M. I., Bangure, L., Bankole, O. B., Barongo, M. L., Barow, M. M., Bashiya, L., Basson, C. H., Bechan, S., Belhaj, S., Ben Mansour, M. M., Benali, D., Benamour, A. S., Berhe, A., Bertie, J. D., Bester, J. J., Bester, M., Bezuidenhout, J. D., Bhagwan, K., Bhagwandass, D. R., Bhat, K. A., Bhuiyan, M. M., Bigirimana, F., Bikuelo, C. J., Bilby, B. E., Bingidimi, S. S., Bischof, K. E., Bishop, D. G., Bitta, C., Bittaye, M., Biyase, T., Blake, C. A., Blignaut, E., Blignaut, F., BN Tanjong, B. N., Bogoslovskiy, A., Boloko, P. M., Boodhun, S. K., Bori, I., Boufas, F., Brand, M., Brouckaert, N. T., Bruwer, J. D., Buccimazza, I., Bula Bula, I. M., Bulamba, F., Businge, B. C., Bwambale, Y. B., Cacala, S. R., Cadersa, M. A., Cairns, C., Carlos, F., Casey, M. E., Castro, A. C., Chabayanzara, N. D., Chaibou, M. S., Chaibva, T. N., Chakafa, N. K., Chalo, C., Changfoot, C., Chari, M. C., Chelbi, L., Chibanda, J. T., Chifamba, H. N., Chikh, N., Chikumba, E., Chimberengwa, P., Chirengwa, J., Chitungo, F. M., Chiwanga, M. C., Chokoe, M. M., Chokwe, T. M., Chrirangi, B., Christian, M., Church, B., Cisekedi, J. C., Clegg-Lamptey, J. N., Cloete, E., Coltman, M., Conradie, W., Constance, N., Coulibaly, Y., Cronje, L., Da Silva, M. A., Daddy, H., Dahim, L., Daliri, D., Dambaki, M. S., Dasrath, A., Davids, J. G., Davies, G. L., De Lange, J. T., de Wet, J. B., Dedekind, B., Degaulle, M. A., Dehal, V., Deka, P. D., Delinikaytis, S., Desalu, I. S., Dewanou, H., Deye, M. M., Dhege, C., Diale, B. S., Dibwe, D. F., Diedericks, B. J., Dippenaar, J. M., Dippenaar, L., Diyoyo, M. P., Djessouho, E., Dlamini, S. N., Dodiyi-Manuel, A., Dokolwana, B. A., Domoyyeri, D. P., Drummond, L. W., du Plessis, D. E., du Plessis, W. M., du Preez, L. J., Dube, K., Dube, N. Z., Dullab, K. D., Duvenhage, R., Echem, R. C., Edaigbini, S. A., Egote, A. K., Ehouni, A., Ekwen, G., Ekwunife, N. C., El Hensheri, M., Elfaghi, I. E., Elfagieh, M. A., Elfallah, S., Elgelany, S., Elghallal, A. M., Elghandouri, M. G., Elghazal, Z. S., Elghobashy, A. M., Elharati, F. T., Elkhwildi, R. M., Ellis, S., Elmadani, L., Elmadany, H. B., Elmehdawi, H., Elmgadmi, A., Eloi, H., Elrafifi, D., Elsaadi, G., Elsaity, R. B., Elshikhy, A., Eltaguri, M., Elwerfelli, A., Elyasir, I. E., Elzoway, A. Z., Elzufri, A. M., Enendu, E. O., Enicker, B. C., Enwerem, E. O., Esayas, R., Eshtiwi, M., Eshwehdi, A. A., Esterhuizen, J. L., Etuk, E. B., Eurayet, O., Eyelade, O. R., Fanjandrainy, R. F., Fanou, L., Farina, Z., Fawzy, M., Feituri, A., Fernandes, N. L., Ford, L. M., François, T., Freeman, T., Freeman, Y. B., Gacii, V. M., Gadi, B., Gagara, M., Gakenia, A., Gallou, P. D., Gama, G. G., Gamal, M. G., Gandy, Y. G., Ganesh, A., Gangaly, D., Garcia, M., Gatheru, A. P., Gaya, S. S., Gbéhadé, O., Gerbel, G., Ghnain, A., Gigabhoy, R., Giles, D. G., Girmaye, G. T., Gitau, S., Githae, B., Gitta, S., Goga, R., Gomati, A. A., Gonzalez, M. E., Gopall, J., Gorelyk, O., Gova, M., Govender, K., Govender, P., Govender, S., Govindasamy, V., Green-Harris, J. T., Greenwood, M. B., Grey-Johnson, S. V., Grobbelaar, M., Groenewald, M. A., Grünewald, K. K., Guegni, A., Guenane, M., Gueye, S., Guezo, M., Gunguwo, T., Gweder, M. G., Gwila, M., Habimana, L., Hadecon, R., Hadia, E., Hamadi, L., Hammouda, M., Hampton, M. I., Hanta, R., Hardcastle, T. C., Hariniaina, J. A., Hariparsad, S., Harissou, A. H., Harrichandparsad, R., Hasan, S. H., Hashmi, H. B., Hayes, M. P., Hdud, A., Hebli, S. H., Heerah, H. M., Hersi, S., Hery, A. H., Hewitt-Smith, A., Hlako, T. C., Hodges, S. C., Hodgson, R. E., Hokoma, M., Holder, H., Holford, E. B., Horugavye, E., Houston, C., Hove, M., Hugo, D., Human, C. M., Hurri, H., Huwidi, O., Ibrahim, A. I., Ibrahim, T., Idowu, O. K., Igaga, I. E., Igenge, J., Ihezie, O., Ikandi, K., Ike, I. A., Ikuku, J. J., Ilbarasi, M. N., Ilunga, I. B., Ilunga, J. P., Imbangu, N. A., Imessaoudene, Z., Imposo, D. H., Iraya, A. M., Isaacs, M., Isiguzo, M., Issoufou, A., Izquirdo, P., Jaber, A., Jaganath, U. V., Jallow, C. S., Jamabo, S., Jamal, Z. S., Janneh, L., Jannetjies, M. J., Jasim, I., Jaworska, M. A., Jay Narain, S., Jermi, K., Jimoh, R., Jithoo, S., Johnson, M., Joomye, S., Judicael, R. M., Judicaël, M., Juwid, A., Jwambi, L. P., Kabango, R., Kabangu, J. K., Kabatoro, D. K., Kabongo, A. N., Kabongo, K., Kabongo, L. T., Kabongo, M. D., Kady, N., Kafu, S., Kaggya, M., Kaholongo, B. N., Kairuki, P. C., Kakololo, S. I., Kakudji, K., Kalisa, A., Kalisa, R., Kalufwelu, M. R., Kalume, S., Kamanda, R. J., Kangili, M. K., Kanoun, H.
    The Lancet, vol. 391, no. 10130, pp. 1589-1598
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • A new minimally invasive technique for lead revision of perc-paddle leads

    De Coster, O., Forget, P., Moens, M., Matic, M., Choustoulakis, L., Poelaert, J.
    Acta Neurochirurgica, vol. 160, no. 4, pp. 831-833
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Death in Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Patients Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: A Retrospective Cohort Study

    Moreau, N., Wittebole, X., Fleury, Y., Forget, P., Laterre, P. F., Castanares-Zapatero, D.
    Shock, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 385-392
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • The surgical safety checklist and patient outcomes after surgery: a prospective observational cohort study, systematic review and meta-analysis

    Abbott, T. E. F., Ahmad, T., Phull, M. K., Fowler, A. J., Hewson, R., Biccard, B. M., Chew, M. S., Gillies, M., Pearse, R. M., International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS) group, Forget, P.
    British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 120, no. 1, pp. 146-155
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Functional magnetic resonance imaging: cerebral function alterations in subthreshold and suprathreshold spinal cord stimulation

    De Groote, S., De Jaeger, M., Van Schuerbeek, P., Sunaert, S., Peeters, R., Loeckx, D., Goudman, L., Forget, P., De Smedt, A., Moens, M.
    Journal of Pain Research, vol. 2018, no. 11, pp. 2517-2526
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Prise en charge des Témoins de Jéhovah lors des interventions chirurgicales à haut risque hémorragique

    Faucon, V., Momeni, M., Forget, P.
    Louvain Medical, vol. 136, no. 10, pp. 562-573
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Efficacité et tolérance des capsaïcinoïdes topiques dans le traitement de la douleur neuropathique: Une revue systématique et méta-analyse des essais cliniques randomisés

    Trillig, A., Deumens, R., Mouraux, A., Bauchy, F., Forget, P.
    Douleur et Analgesie, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 239–249
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Opioid-related side effects: Postoperative ileus, urinary retention, nausea and vomiting, and shivering. A review of the literature

    de Boer, H. D., Detriche, O., Forget, P.
    Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 499-504
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Stable anesthesia with alternative to opioids: Are ketamine and magnesium helpful in stabilizing hemodynamics during surgery? A systematic review and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials

    Forget, P., Cata, J.
    Best Practice & Research Clinical Anaesthesiology, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 523-531
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Global patient outcomes after elective surgery: prospective cohort study in 27 low-, middle- and high-income countries

    International Surgical Outcomes Study group, Forget, P.
    British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 117, no. 5, pp. 601-609
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Use of failure-to-rescue to identify international variation in postoperative care in low-, middle- and high-income countries: A 7-day cohort study of elective surgery

    Ahmad, T., Bouwman, R. A., Grigoras, I., Aldecoa, C., Hofer, C., Hoeft, A., Holt, P., Buhre, W., Pearse, R. M., Clavien, P. A., Demartines, N., Grocott, M., Haddow, J., Holt, P., Moreno, R., Pritchard, N., Rhodes, A., Wilson, M., Ahmed, T., Halliwell, R., Shulman, M., Myles, P., Schmid, W., Hiesmayr, M., Wouters, P., De Hert, S., Lobo, S., Beattie, S., Wijeysundera, D., Fang, X., Rasmussen, L., Futier, E., Biais, M., Venara, A., Slim, K., Sander, M., Koulenti, D., Arvaniti, K., Chan, M., Kulkarni, A., Chandra, S., Tantri, A., Geddoa, E., Abbas, M., Della Rocca, G., Sivasakthi, D., Mansor, M., Luna, P., Beavis, V., Forget, P., International Surgical Outcomes Study (ISOS) group
    British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 119, no. 2, pp. 258-266
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Epidemiology, practice of ventilation and outcome for patients at increased risk of postoperative pulmonary complications: LAS VEGAS - An observational study in 29 countries

    Schultz, M., Hemmes, S., Neto, A., Binnekade, J., Canet, J., Hedenstierna, G., Jaber, S., Hiesmayr, M., Hollmann, M., Mills, G., Vidal Melo, M., Pearse, R., Putensen, C., Schmid, W., Severgnini, P., Wrigge, H., De Abreu, M., Pelosi, P., Kroell, W., Metzler, H., Struber, G., Wegscheider, T., Gombotz, H., Urbanek, B., Leva, B., Damster, S., Plichon, B., Kahn, D., Momeni, M., Pospiech, A., Lois, F., Forget, P., Grosu, I., Poelaert, J., van Mossevelde, V., van Malderen, M., Dylst, D., van Melkebeek, J., Beran, M., de Hert, S., De Baerdemaeker, L., Heyse, B., van Limmen, J., Wyffels, P., Jacobs, T., Roels, N., De Bruyne, A., van de Velde, S., Juros-Zovko, M., Djonovic-Omanovic, D., Pernar, S., Zunic, J., Miskovic, P., Zilic, A., Kvolik, S., Ivic, D., Azenic-Venzera, D., Skiljic, S., Vinkovic, H., Oputric, I., Juricic, K., Frkovic, V., Kopic, J., Mirkovic, I., Karanovic, N., Carev, M., Dropulic, N., Pavicic-Ṧaric, J., Erceg, G., Bogdanovic Dvoršcak, M., Mazul-Sunko, B., Pavicic, A., Goranovic, T., Maldini, B., Radocaj, T., Gavranovic, Z., Mladic-Batinica, I., Sehovic, M., Stourac, P., Harazim, H., Smekalova, O., Kosinova, M., Kolacek, T., Hudacek, K., Drab, M., Brujevic, J., Vitkova, K., Jirmanova, K., Volfova, I., Dzurnakova, P., Liskova, K., Dudas, R., Filipsky, R., El Kafrawy, S., Hosny Abdelwahab, H., Metwally, T., Abdel-Razek, A., El-Shaarawy, A., Fathy Hasan, W., Gouda Ahmed, A., Yassin, H., Magdy, M., Abdelhady, M., Mahran, M., Herodes, E., Kivik, P., Oganjan, J., Aun, A., Sormus, A., Sarapuu, K., Mall, M., Karjagin, J., Futier, E., Petit, A., Gerard, A., Marret, E., Solier, M., Prades, A., Krassler, J., Merzky, S., Uhlig, C., Kiss, T., Bundy, A., Bluth, T., Güldner, A., Spieth, P., Scharffenberg, M., Tran Thiem, D., Koch, T., Treschan, T., Schaefer, M., Bastin, B., Geib, J., Weiss, M., Kienbaum, P., Pannen, B., Gottschalk, A., Konrad, M., Westerheide, D., Schwerdtfeger, B., Simon, P., Reske, A., Nestler, C., Valsamidis, D., Stroumpoulis, K., Antholopoulos, G., Andreou, A., Karapanos, D., Theodoraki, K., Gkiokas, G., Tasoulis, M., Sidiropoulou, T., Zafeiropoulou, F., Florou, P., Pandazi, A., Tsaousi, G., Nouris, C., Pourzitaki, C., Bystritski, D., Pizov, R., Eden, A., Pesce, C., Campanile, A., Marrella, A., Grasso, S., De Michele, M., Bona, F., Giacoletto, G., Sardo, E., Giancarlo, L., Sottosanti, V., Solca, M., Volta, C., Spadaro, S., Verri, M., Ragazzi, R., Zoppellari, R., Cinnella, G., Raimondo, P., La Bella, D., Mirabella, L., D'antini, D., Molin, A., Brunetti, I., Gratarola, A., Pellerano, G., Sileo, R., Pezzatto, S., Montagnani, L., Pasin, L., Landoni, G., Zangrillo, A., Beretta, L., Di Parma, A., Tarzia, V., Dossi, R., Sassone, M., Sances, D., Tredici, S., Spano, G., Castellani, G., Delunas, L., Peradze, S., Venturino, M., Arpino, I., Sher, S., Tommasino, C., Rapido, F., Morelli, P., Vargas, M., Servillo, G., Cortegiani, A., Raineri, S., Montalto, F., Russotto, V., Giarratano, A., Baciarello, M., Generali, M., Cerati, G., Leykin, Y., Bressan, F., Bartolini, V., Zamidei, L., Brazzi, L., Liperi, C., Sales, G., Pistidda, L., Brugnoni, E., Musella, G., Bacuzzi, A., Muhardri, D., Gecaj-Gashi, A., Sada, F., Bytyqi, A., Karbonskiene, A., Aukstakalniene, R., Teberaite, Z., Salciute, E., Tikuisis, R., Miliauskas, P., Jurate, S., Kontrimaviciute, E., Tomkute, G., Xuereb, J., Bezzina, M., Borg, F., Wiersma, I., Bos, L., Boer, C., Duvekot, A., In't Veld, B., Werger, A., Dennesen, P., Severijns, C., de Jong, J., Hering, J., van Beek, R., Ivars, S., Jammer, I., Breidablik, A., Skirstad Hodt, K., Fjellanger, F., VicoAvalos, M., Mellin-Olsen, J., Andersson, E., Shafi-Kabiri, A., Molina, R., Wutai, S., Morais, E., Tareco, G., Ferreira, D., Amaral, J., Gonçalves Castro, M., Cadilha, S., Appleton, S., Parente, S., Correia, M., Martins, D., Monteirosa, A., Ricardo, A., Rodrigues, S., Horhota, L., Grintescu, I., Mirea, L., Grintescu, I., Corneci, D., Negoita, S., Dutu, M., Popescu Garotescu, I., Filipescu, D., Prodan, A., Droc, G., Fota, R., Popescu, M., Tomescu, D., Petcu, A., Tudoroiu, M., Moise, A., Guran, C., Gherghina, I., Costea, D., Cindea, I., Copotoiu, S., Copotoiu, R., Barsan, V., Tolcser, Z., Riciu, M., Moldovan, G., Veres, M., Gritsan, A., Kapkan, T., Gritsan, G., Korolkov, O., Kulikov, A., Lubnin, A., Ovezov, A., Prokoshev, P., Lugovoy, A., Anipchenko, N., Babayants, A., Komissarova, I., Zalina, K., Likhvantsev, V., Fedorov, S., Lazukic, A., Pejakovic, J., Mihajlovic, D., Kusnierikova, Z., Zelinkova, M., Bruncakova, K., Polakovicova, L., Sobona, V., Novak-Supe, B., Pekle-Golez, A., Jovanov, M., Strazisar, B., Markovic-Bozic, J., Novak-Jankovic, V., Voje, M., Grynyuk, A., Kostadinov, I., Spindler-Vesel, A., Moral, V., Unzueta, C., Puigbo, C., Fava, J., Moret, E., Rodriguez Nunez, M., Sendra, M., Brunelli, A., Rodenas, F., Monedero, P., Hidalgo Martinez, F., Yepes Temino, M., Marti Nez Simon, A., de Abajo Larriba, A., Lisi, A., Perez, G., Martinez, R., Granell, M., Tatay Vivo, J., Saiz Ruiz, C., de Andre S Iban Ez, J., Pastor, E., Soro, M., Ferrando, C., Defez, M., Aldecoa Alvares-Santullano, C., Pere, R., Rico, J., Jawad, M., Saeed, Y., Gillberg, L., Kazak Bengisun, Z., Kansu Kazbek, B., Coskunfirat, N., Boztug, N., Sanli, S., Yilmaz, M., Hadimioglu, N., Senturk, N., Camci, E., Kucukgoncu, S., Sungur, Z., Sivrikoz, N., Ustalar Ozgen, S., Toraman, F., Selvi, O., Senturk, O., Yildiz, M., Kuvaki, B., Gunenc, F., Kucukguclu, S., Ozbilgin, S., Maral, J., Canli, S., Arun, O., Saltali, A., Aydogan, E., Akgün, F., Sanlikarip, C., Mine Karaman, F., Mazur, A., Vorotyntsev, S., Rousseau, G., Barrett, C., Stancombe, L., Shelley, B., Scholes, H., Limb, J., Rafi, A., Wayman, L., Deane, J., Rogerson, D., Williams, J., Yates, S., Rogers, E., Pulletz, M., Moreton, S., Jones, S., Venkatesh, S., Burton, M., Brown, L., Goodall, C., Rucklidge, M., Fuller, D., Nadolski, M., Kusre, S., Lundberg, M., Everett, L., Nutt, H., Zuleika, M., Carvalho, P., Clements, D., Creagh-Brown, B., Watt, P., Raymode, P., Mohr, O., Raj, A., Creary, T., Chishti, A., Bell, A., Higham, C., Cain, A., Gibb, S., Mowat, S., Franklin, D., West, C., Minto, G., Boyd, N., Calton, E., Walker, R., Mackenzie, F., Ellison, B., Roberts, H., Chikungwa, M., Jackson, C., Donovan, A., Foot, J., Homan, E., Montgomery, J., Portch, D., Mercer, P., Palmer, J., Paddle, J., Fouracres, A., Datson, A., Andrew, A., Welch, L., Rose, A., Varma, S., Simeson, K., Rambhatla, M., Susarla, J., Marri, S., Kodaganallur, K., Das, A., Algarsamy, S., Colley, J., Davies, S., Szewczyk, M., Smith, T., Fernandez-Bustamante, A., Luzier, E., Almagro, A., Fernando, L., Sulemanji, D., Sprung, J., Weingarten, T., Kor, D., Scavonetto, F., Tze, Y.
    European journal of anaesthesiology, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 492–507
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Bilateral tactile hypersensitivity and neuroimmune responses after spared nerve injury in mice lacking vasoactive intestinal peptide

    Gallo, A., Leerink, M., Michot, B., Ahmed, E., Forget, P., Mouraux, A., Hermans, E., Deumens, R.
    Experimental Neurology, vol. 293, pp. 62-73
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
  • Critical care admission following elective surgery was not associated with survival benefit: prospective analysis of data from 27 countries

    Kahan, B. C., Koulenti, D., Arvaniti, K., Beavis, V., Campbell, D., Chan, M., Moreno, R., Pearse, R. M., The International Surgical Outcomes Study group, Forget, P.
    Intensive Care Medicine, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 971-979
    Contributions to Journals: Articles
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