Page 12 of 13111 to 120 of 126 Past Events
3rd HIS Annual Symposium: Bringing Evidence Together
-Health Improvement Scotland (HIS), Health Services Research Unit (HSRU) and Health Economics Research Unit (HERU) announced the 3rd Annual Research Symposium: Bringing Evidence Together.
HERU / Business School Joint Seminar
-A joint seminar from HERU and the Business School, University of Aberdeen.
HERU Seminar - Dr Benedict Rumbold
-Public reasoning and health care priority setting: the case of NICE
HERU / University of Calgary DCE Workshop
-Discrete Choice Experiment Workshop - 'Using Discrete Choice Experiments in health economics: theoretical and practical issues'
HERU DCE Workshop
-Expert Discrete Choice Experiment Workshop: Using Discrete Choice Experiments in Health Economics: Theoretical and Practical Issues
HERU Expert DCE Workshop
-Discrete Choice Experiment Workshop
HERU Seminar - Dr Matteo Galizzi
-Title: On behavioural spillovers and financial incentives in health
Celebrating 40 Years of Health Economics at the University of Aberdeen : a Tribute to Professor Gavin Mooney
-Date: October 21st 2014
40 Years of Health Economics at Aberdeen University & tribute to Professor Gavin Mooney
-HERU conference celebrating 40 Years of Health Economics at Aberdeen University: a tribute to Professor Gavin Mooney.