Page 9 of 1381 to 90 of 126 Past Events
HERU Seminar - Dr Emmanouil Mentzakis
-The second December HERU external seminar will be given by Dr Emmanouil Mentzakis, Associate Professor in Economics within Social Sciences, University of Southampton. Title: 'Non-market resource allocation and the public's interpretation of need: an empirical investigation in the context of health care'. Abstract: The concept of need is central to the non-market allocation of...
HERU seminar - Dr Peter Eibich
-The first of two December HERU external seminars will be given by Dr Peter Eibich, Senior Researcher, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford. Title: The effect of retirement on (health) behaviour. The seminar will take place in HSB-115, Health Sciences Building, Foresterhill. Other HERU seminars are featured on the HERU...
Data Linkage Showcase 2016
-The Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research Scotland, Administrative Data Research Centre for Scotland and Urban Big Data Centre will host a 1day event on Tuesday 29th November 2016 to showcase Scotland's research strengths, support services and opportunities in cross-sectoral data linkage.
HENS Workshop on economic evidence for public health
-Health Economics Network for Scotland (HENS) Workshop Identifying, Appraising and Applying Health Economics Evidence for Public Health Speakers: Paul McNamee, Graham Scotland, Aileen Neilson, Stirling Bryan (HERU) and Cynthia Fraser (HSRU). SummaryThe course provides an introduction to the identification, appraisal and application of economic evidence in health care. Attendees included health care planners, finance directors...
Today's student, tomorrow's heavy drinker?
-Café Variété - meet world leading experts in an informal environment
HERU DCE Workshop
-Using Discrete Choice Experiments in Health Economics: Theoretical and Practical Issues The Methods of Benefit Valuation Theme 2016 Expert Discrete Choice Experiment Workshop on 'Using discrete choice experiments in health economics: theoretical and practical issues' will take place from 2nd - 4th November 2016 at Jury's Inn, Union Square, Aberdeen. Further details on the course...
HERU Seminar - Christoph Kronenberg
-Room 3:052, Polwarth Building, Foresterhill, University of Aberdeen
Economics / HERU Joint Seminar
-This is a joint seminar from the Economics Department at the University of Aberdeen and HERU. The speaker is Dr Climent Quintana-Domeque, Associate Professor in Economcis at University of Oxford. His research interests encompass economic development, health economics, family economics and labour economics. The title of the talk is 'The demand for season of...