Page 10 of 1391 to 100 of 126 Past Events
HERU Seminar - Helen Weatherly
-Room 3:052, Polwarth Building, Foresterhill, University of Aberdeen
IAHS Cross-disciplinary Workshop
-The workshop was presented by members of HERU’s Methods of Benefit Valuation team, as well as colleagues from across the IAHS. HERU are internationally known for their work on Discrete Choice Experiments (DCES), much of our applied and methodological work has been carried out in collaboration with IAHS colleagues. The workshop provided...
HERU Seminar - Dr Arne Risa Hole
-Room 3:052, Polwarth Building, Foresterhill, University of Aberdeen
4th Annual Research Symposium: Mobilising Evidence to Drive Improvement
-Co-hosted by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), Health Services Research Unit (HERU) and the Health Economics Research Unit (HSRU).
HERU Seminar - Dr Praveen Thokala
-The Sheffield Type 1 Diabetes Policy Model
HERU Seminar - Dr Manuel Gomes
-Developing appropriate methods for the analysis of missing data in health economic evaluation of RCTs
HERU Seminar - Professor Jan Abel Olsen
-Reducing inequalities in what? The Norwegian priority setting commissions' views on prospective shortfall versus lifetime shortfall.