Alistair Anderson ~ Noel Battle ~ Roísín Broderick ~ Murray Douglas ~ Will Pound ~ Mary MacNamara ~ Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich ~ John Spiers ~ Wendy Stewart ~ Ness Melodeon Band ~ Harry Scurfield
Concerts, Ceilidh, Workshops, 'Meet the Artist', Sessions, Study Day
A unique celebration of small free-reed instruments, including mouth organs, concertinas, melodeons, diatonic button accordions, and Jew's harps, the convention will be just the place to enjoy the appealing music of these wonderful instruments from some of the very best talents from across the British Isles. It will be a great opportunity to find out more about the instruments and their music. You can visit a beginners' session, join an elementary workshop, or, if suitably experienced, learn about style and repertoire at a workshop. There are also several opportunities for informal sessions in local music-friendly pubs.
In advance of the weekend the Elphinstone Institute will be hosting an academic study day, sponsored by the British Forum of Ethnomusicology on Friday 6 November, with keynote lecture from concertina maestro Alistair Anderson. The study day, entitled 'Mouth Blown and Bellows Blown: Free Reed Instruments in their Social Contexts' aims to bring to light some of the groundbreaking research taking place into free reed instruments. Please see the call for papers for more information. Deadline for abstracts is Friday 12th June.