Tuesdays 7pm to 8.30pm (online) starting 31 January 2023 for 9 weeks. Cost £90.00.
These online evening classes will introduce you to Doric/North-East Scots – the language of this part of Scotland. Through conversation, writing, and reading, we’ll explore its structure, history, and vocabulary, using rich examples of spoken, written, and sung language to help you become a speaker, or to reinforce knowledge you have already. The course develops oral and written skills using contemporary examples of North-East Scots, explores North-East culture through a variety of mediums (both written and aural), and places Doric in the wider context of the Scots language and other related European languages. Each week, there will be a new video to watch on aspects of North East Scots, before we meet up online for the evening class where there will be lots of activities aimed at improving your knowledge. These online group classes will be a chance to practise your language skills and engage with other learners in a fun and relaxed environment.