Draft Rendition: Genesis, Ch. 1, v. 1 to Genesis Ch. 2, v. 3.

Draft Rendition: Genesis, Ch. 1, v. 1 to Genesis Ch. 2, v. 3.

Gardner, Dr Bruce K.

1. In the heidmaist o aathin, God creatit the hivvens an the airth.[1]

2. An the airth wis athoot form an teem, an daurk wis ower the face o the deep, an the Spirit o God flichtert ower the face o the watters.

3. An God said: Lat thair be licht, an thair wis licht.

4. An God saaw the licht, that it wis gweed. An God sounert the licht fae the daurk.

5. An God ca'd the licht Day, an the daurk He ca'd Nicht. An thair was evenan an thair wis mornan - the Furmaist Day.

6. An God said, Lat thair be a pairtan atween the watters, an lat it keep the watters fae the watters.

7. Sae God wrocht a pairtan, an keepit the watters unner the pairtan, fae the watters that wis abeen it, an it wis sae.

8. An God ca'd the pairtan Hivven. An thair wis evenan an thair wis mornan - the Seicont Day.

9. An God said, Lat the watters unner the hivvens be gaithert thegither intae ae steid, an lat the dry grun kythe.[2] An it wis sae.

10. An God ca'd the dry grun Airth an the gaitheran-thegither o the watters He ca'd seas. An God saaw that it wis gweed.

11. An God said, Lat the Airth fesh oot girss, the yerb beiran seed, an the fruit-tree on the Airth, makkan fruit efter his kynd, fas seed is in itsel, an it wis sae.

12. An the land brocht furth girss, an yerb beiran seed, an the tree makkan fruit, fas seed is in itsel, efter his kynd. An God saaw that it wis gweed.

13. An thair wis evenan an thair wis mornan - the Third Day.

14. An God said, Lat thair be lichts in the pairtan o the hivvens, tae souner the day fae the nicht, an lat thame staun for signs, an saisons an days an 'ears.

15. An lat thame be for lichts in the pairtan o the hivvens tae gie licht on the Airth.

16. An God makkit the twa muckle lichts: the bigger ane tae rule ower the day, an the smaa'er ane tae rule ower the nicht; an the stars.

17. An God set thame in the pairtan of the hivvens, tae gie licht on the Airth,
an tae rule ower the day an the nicht, an tae souner the licht fae the daurk; an God saaw that it wis gweed.

18. An thair wis evenan an thair wis mornan - the Fowerth Day.

19. An God said, Lat the watters bring furth sweeman craiturs galore that hae lyfe, an birds that flee abeen the Airth in the open pairtan o the hivvens.

20. An God creatit muckle, lang sea-craiturs, an aa lievan craiturs that crawl, that the watters hed brocht furth fowth o, efter thair kynd, an ilky wingit craitur efter hits kynd, an God saaw that it wis gweed.

21. An God blissit thame, sayan, Hae aa fowth, an growe in nummer, an fill the watters in the seas, an lat the birds growe in nummer upon the land.

22. An thair wis evenan an thair wis mornan - the Fifth Day. Syne God said, Lat the land bring furth the lievan craitur efter its kynd, kye an creepan thing, an the beast o the airth efter its kynd. An it wis sae.

23. An God makkit the beasts o the land efter thair kynd, an the nowt efter their kinds, an aathin that creeps alang the grun efter thair kinds, an God saaw that it wis gweed.

24. An God said, Lat's mak Fowk, in oor image, efter oor likeness, an lat thame hae the upper haun ower the fish o the sea, an ower aa the birds o the air, an ower aa the kye, an ower aa the land, an ower ilky creepan thing that creeps alang the grun.

25. Sae God creatit Fowk in His ain image. He creatit thame in the image o God: loon an quine He creatit thame.

26. An God blissit thame, an God said tae thame, Hae aa fowth, an increase, an fill the land, an keep it unner control, an hae the runnan o the fish o the sea an the birds o the air, an ilky lievan craitur that muives alang the grun.

27. An God said, Look, I hae gien ye ilky yerb beiran seed that is on the face o the hale land, an ilky tree fit hes fruit makkan seed. It'll be maet for ye.

28. An tae ilky beast o the land, an tae ilky bird o the air, an tae ilky lievan thing that creeps alang the grun belang ilky green yerb for maet. An it wis sae.

29. An God saaw aathin that He hed wrocht, an - behauld - it wis affa gweed. An thair wis evenan an thair wis mornan - the Sixth Day.

2:1 Sae the Hivvens and the Airth wis feenisht, and the hale company in-bye them.

2 An on the Sieventh Day, God endit aa His work that He hed deen; an He restit on the Sieventh Day fae aa His work that He hed deen.

3 An God blissit the Sieventh Day, an sained[3] it, because in it He restit fae aa His work that He hed creatit an wrocht.


[1] [i] Hebrew 'beginning' (reshith) is related to rosh (head). [ii] Hebrew bara means create, not just make (English) but Scots mak (cf. makar) has a creative connotation and is the commoner word [ii] It can be yird but airth is more usual.

[2] Borrowed from Scots. Cf. Chaucer: 'a gentle hearte kytheth gentilesse'; Sir Walter Scott: 'It kythes bright...because all is dark around it'.

[3] Sained = sanctified (= made [s.t.] holy).