Fit the Beasties Dae
New Deer Primary 4
Fit the Beasties Dae
Tune: Here we go round the Mulberry Bush
The bummer bizzes aroon the flooers
Aroon the flooers, aroon the flooers,
The bummer bizzes aroon the flooers
It is a hornygollach (repeated at end of each verse)
The forkietail hides in the neuks etc.
The snailie slivvers aroon the spoot etc.
The daddylanglegs tickles yer airm etc.
The wirm gaes shooglin ben the grun etc.
Leddylanners she flees awa etc.
The butterflee she flitters aboot etc
The flech it sooks awa yer bluid etc.
the wyver wyves a muckle wab etc.
The slater hides aneth a steen etc.